Page 91 of Wandering Closer

“It’s time,” River says, looking at his phone. “They’re ready for us.”

We all walk back to the courthouse, but Michele and I veer off to use the restroom before we go in. I’m alone at the sink when I hear the door open, and Angela walks in. She heads straight for me, and I freeze, transported back to the bathroom with her at the work party.

“I put up with his blatant cheating and having to share with a little skank like yourself. His money is mine, and you don’t deserve a damn cent of it. I deserve the life I have been living in the house I have been in. How dare you try to take it from me,” she seethes.

All of my sympathy and empathy fly out the window for this woman. “You deserve the miserable life you’ve been living with a cheating husband,” I tell her as I turn and dry my hands. Michele is now at the sink next to me, calmly washing her hands. We don’t give her another ounce of attention, which seems to really piss her off. She harrumphs and turns to stalk off, but Michele kicks her foot out lightning fast, breaking the heel of her stiletto.

She flies forward at the unbalance, bashing her face on the wall in front of her, crying out. Michele looks down at her, blood dripping from under her nose where she cradles it, down to her broken shoe.

Continuing in a calm manner, Michele grabs some paper towels and tosses them on her. “You really should be careful in heels like that. They break so easily.”

She takes my hand, leading me out of the bathroom and tells a security member standing further down the hall that a woman broke her heel and fell in the bathroom and might need help. Ifollow her in stunned silence as she leads us into the courtroom. My mouth opens and closes a few times, unsure of what to say, before I pull her into a tight hug. “I love you.”

“You better. I wanted to smash her face in, but orange really isn’t my color. I know you weren’t going to dole out the punishment she deserves. It’s not assault if I didn’t touch her,” she winks, then takes her place next to Jake while I take mine next to Kinsley.

Thoren leans up, “Are you okay?”

I think it through, and no matter the outcome here, I am. Maybe extra okay when I see Tyler and his wife walk back in to take their respective seats, her limping on her broken heel with gauze held under her nose. “Yeah, baby. I’m okay.”

We all stand as the judge and jury make their way back into the room. My fingers play with the bracelet around my wrist as I smile over my shoulder at Thoren. My constant. My steady. My everything.

I keep my eyes on him as the judge reads out the deliberation, as both our smiles grow. Tyler will go to prison for four years, with the possibility of parole after three. He will also pay me the entire half a million dollars. It’s an absolute win, but suddenly I don’t even care.

All I want is to go back home, and have mundane days with Thoren and Shadow in our home as we follow our dreams and build our family. I got justice, but more than that, I got everything I ever wanted in the people seated behind me.



Three Weeks Later

“I’m putting the extra drinks outside,” River hollers as he carries the beer and wine to the back door.


“Fridge is full, and the snow will keep them cold. Why didn’t you pick up another cooler?”

I shot a glare at him. “I thought the small one and the fridge would be fine. I just wanted a nice celebration for Lily.”

Today is the official release day for Lily’s book and after all of her hard work, I want her to be celebrated. It’s a huge accomplishment, and I can’t wait to top my celebrations with each new book release.

Michele and Amber picked up Lily earlier to get massages and have their nails done. I told them I would need at least three hours to set up, and they were on it. River and Vanessa drove over as a surprise as well, and are helping me decorate the house. It’s a little tacky, but I don’t care.

I bought balloons, flowers, alcohol, and a slew of snacks. Jake is smoking a pork butt, and Vanessa is helping to decorate.I’m still not sure how I feel about her, but she’s been kind and helpful, so maybe there’s hope for her after all.

I made a display of all of Lily’s books on the table and had Andrea send me enough copies of her newest one for everyone to take one home. I tried to get her out here as well for the party, but she couldn’t make it. I only met her for a moment at the trial, but her genuine love for Lily made a lasting impression on me. We have all of her closest friends coming, a few of my coworkers, and my family. It’s going to be a full house, definitely the most people I have had here at one time, and it’s everything I envisioned for this home.

My phone pings in my pocket with a text from Michele alerting me they should be here in ten minutes. I take a moment to look around the house, my parents setting up snacks in the kitchen, River and Vanessa sitting on the couch, co-workers and friends mingling around, even Lily’s nurse came.

Jake steps in from the deck, tray of meat in his hands. “Do you want this out now?”

“Yeah, she will be here in a minute. Thank you for helping. I still have a lot to make up for.”

He shakes his head, chuckling, “That you do. Could have lost her, though, so you’re doing okay.” He puts the tray down, giving my mom a squeeze on his way past. “I’m not drinking in case anyone needs a ride home. I’m not sure how bad the snow will get tonight, so I’ll have my truck ready in case.”

“She’s here,” River yells from the living room. I know all the cars outside kind of give away the surprise, but we all stand anyway.

Shadow is the first to jump excitedly on her when the door opens, unsure of the occasion but knowing something is happening. Lily’s smile is wide as she pets our girl. “Hi everyone, what’s going on?” I step up to her, winking at her rosy cheeks.