There’s only three items left on the list of things that would make my heart happy, and one of those things is getting taken care of this week. When we started packing for the trip to Phoenix for the trial, I wasn’t surprised when Thoren said he would book the hotel. I was surprised when I heard him book four rooms. River, Jake, and Michele all refused to stay home in case I needed extra support. I still don’t know what I did to deserve these people in my life.
Across the plane aisle, Jake and Michele are bickering over who gets to use the armrest. Life is more fun with them in it, and their antics keep my anxiety from spiraling. Thoren brushes his thumb over my knuckles absentmindedly as he reads my first ever written novel.
“How are you feeling?” he asks, putting the book down.
“Good, all things considered. Having you all with me means more than words can express.” Win or lose, justice served or not, I have my family behind me. The family that I chose, or more accurately, the family that chose me. At the end of this, that’s what matters. I can hope that justice is served on all accounts, but in three days, I will be back on this plane heading home with the love and support of these people. A life I fall more in love with every day.
“We’ve got you. Always.” His lips drop to my forehead, lingering a moment. Picking the book back up, he continues to read.
The flight passes quickly, as does our drive to the hotel. My mind isn’t focused on my surroundings as much as seeing Tyler again tomorrow. We get checked in, waiting on River, who flies in later this evening. The decision is made to go out to dinner and explore the city before the first trial tomorrow.
I slip on some black skinny jeans with a hunter green sweater, layered with knee-high boots, keeping it casual but stylish. Thoren steps out of the bathroom, and my mouthinstantly waters. He’s wearing dark jeans and a cream-colored henley underneath a navy jacket with brown boots. His trimmed stubble is neat, his hair mussed on top, and his signature smirk pointed right at me. He looks like my every fantasy wrapped into one, and I suddenly have no desire to leave the hotel.
“Come on,” Thoren chuckles, handing me my purse and opening the door. “I know that look, and if we don’t leave now, then we never will.”
“Room service sounds amazing,” I pout as I walk past him to find our trio already in the hall, all giving me a knowing look.
My cheeks heat, but River doesn’t let my embarrassment stop him. He scoops me in a hug, swinging me around. “I missed you! The guys have been asking about you.”
“Stop it!” I slap his chest as he puts me down to the disapproving growl of the man behind me. “Don’t poke the bear.”
“But it’s so fun,” he whines, pulling Thoren for a hug, too. I link arms with Michele, leading the way to the elevator. She looks stunning in black leggings, a tight scoop neck sweater, and a long jacket overtop.
Behind us is a pensive Jake in his typical black boots, dark jeans, black tee, and, surprisingly, a brown jacket. “You can walk with us, since the wonder twins are in their own land,” I offer, Thoren and River walking behind him, lost in an animated conversation.
“They even dressed alike.” Jake rolls his eyes, looming over Michele and I. I look back again to see River also donning a henley and brown boots.
“They’re so cute,” Michele chuckles as we step into the elevator. “So, where are we heading?”
“Hear me out,” I start, because this will be hit or miss. “I’m a comfort food girl. There’s a grilled cheese place not far fromhere. It’s the second most amazing thing I’ve ever put in my mouth.”
“What’s the first?”
“Hell yes.”
“I’m in,” River, Thoren, and Jake all answer simultaneously.
I stand smiling, as River groans. “Gross. I’m in for the grilled cheese. Can I invite Kinsley?”
Two hours later, we are all a little wine drunk at Cheddar Charm, our stomachs and hearts full. Our round table is filled with empty plates and loud laughter. My anxiety over tomorrow is all but forgotten with Kinsley’s insistence that she and her team feel confident, and my friends constantly veering the topic to lighter things. Jake and River have been trying to convince us all to get matching tattoos, but I’m not sold.
“How about a picture of us all instead?” Thoren suggests, stopping a waiter to grab one for us.
As he sends the photo to us all, my mind wanders to how different my life has turned out from six months ago. I used to come here for dinner, but I was always alone. I would sit at a small table for two, often in the corner and out of sight, eating my grilled cheese in silence as chatter and laughter rang out around me. I felt isolated, a part of me wondering if that’s what life would always be like.
I thought city life fostered this community of being alone. That despite everyone living so close together, no one talked to each other, always rushing from one thing to the next. Every friendship and interaction seemed superficial, and that was just the reality of life as an adult. Looking at my friends around the table, I see how wrong I was. You can have real and genuine friends anywhere. You just need to find your people.
I found mine.
River picks up the tab, then we all head back toward the hotel as Kinsley heads to hers. Thoren lifts our joined hands, trailing kisses over my knuckles. “Ready for tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I am.”
“Good. We will be right behind you the whole time. I also got you something to wear, so if at any point you need to remember you’re not alone, you can look down at this.” He pulls a long thin box from his pocket and hands it to me.
I take the box and pop it open, my feet stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. Inside is a beautiful bracelet with a dainty chain, and in the center is a purple amethyst gem with an emerald on either side.
“It’s our birthstones,” he says, taking it from the box and fastening it around my wrist. “I will always protect you and keep you safe, and I will always be by your side.”