“We’ll go for a walk, then we’ll come check on you in a little while.”
“Would you like us to bring anything back for you?” his mom asked.
“I wouldn’t mind something sweet. A cookie?”
“We’ll see what we can find.”
After his parents left, the nurse came in and spoke with him for a few minutes, then left him to sleep.
He’d hoped that his exhaustion would keep his worrisome thoughts at bay, but he laid there far longer than he wanted to before he finally fell asleep.
His last thought was a prayer that he’d wake up with his memory restored.
Kelsey stood in the living room, looking around at the dismantled home she and Zane had shared for such a short time. All their things were now packed away in boxes, ready to load into the moving truck.
It hadn’t taken a lot of time to get everything packed. Neither of them had had much beyond the basics when they’d moved, figuring they’d pick up what they needed as time went on.
While Zane’s brothers tackled the kitchen and living room, Kelsey had taken care of packing away all their clothes and personal effects. It had been decided that most of their things would go into storage at first. So all the furniture they’d purchased—including their brand new bed—would sit unused until their life together could continue.
If it continued.
As she’d packed away their things, Kelsey had shed many tears, wondering if their lives would ever be closely entwined again. Would she ever be able to sleep in his arms again? Or slow dance in their living room? Or share all the little moments in a day that she’d never shared with anyone else?
Would their plans for a family ever become a reality?
Or was all of it lost to Zane’s amnesia?
It hurt to know that when he looked at her, he didn’t see the friend he’d made as they’d gotten to know each other at the restaurant. He didn’t see the woman he’d fallen in love with. And he definitely didn’t see the woman he’d vowed to love and cherish for the rest of their lives.
All he saw was a stranger. Someone he didn’t know. And maybe someone he didn’t want to know.
Someone who wasn’t Sarah.
Swallowing hard, Kelsey blinked away tears. She’d shed so many lately that there should be none left. And yet, here she was, wanting to cry yet again.
A knock on the door had her taking a deep breath, hoping to contain her emotions as she blinked rapidly to clear her eyes. She opened the door to find Gareth, Wilder, and Lee there.
After greeting them, Kelsey stepped back to let them into the apartment. She clenched a hand against her stomach, knowing their arrival signaled a huge change in the direction of her life.
She was leaving behind the first home she and Zane had shared. Would they have a second one together? Or would this apartment also be their last?
“Good morning. Friendly old man let us in,” Wilder told her as he walked through the door.
Glancing around, Lee asked, “Everything ready to go?”
“Yes. I think so.”
“While Gareth and Wilder load the truck, I’m going to run you and the others to the airport,” Lee said. “The van is parked downstairs.”
“Thank you for doing all of this, and for bringing my car to Serenity.”
“You’re welcome,” Gareth said with a smile. “We’ll see you in a few days.”
With one last look around the apartment they’d never return to, Kelsey walked out the door with Lee by her side, pulling the suitcases with her and Zane’s clothing and personal effects. Thistime around, Lee had rented a van since there was more luggage and people to transport.
Rori had returned with Lee, but she’d fly back with them in the private jet, while Lexi would go with the guys as another driver. There would be two drivers per vehicle, so hopefully they’d be able to drive long stretches to get through the forty-plus hour trip from Tampa to Serenity.