Once the bags were loaded in the back of the van, Kelsey climbed into the front passenger seat, though she’d give it up once they got to the hotel.
“Did you manage to get all the loose ends tied up here?” Lee asked as he guided the van out onto the road.
“Yes. The landlord was sympathetic and let us out of the lease. Even gave us back our deposit. Everyone has been very understanding as I’ve explained the situation.”
“How’s the insurance going for Zane’s car?”
“It was written off, so I think he’ll just get a check in the mail.”
“That’s a shame. He loved that car.”
“Hopefully he can get another one he likes as much.”
“And did the police give you an update?”
“They’ve arrested the drunk driver, but I don’t know anything beyond that.”
“That’s good news. I suppose there’s not much need for them to talk to Zane when he can’t remember anything.”
Kelsey shook her head. “No. But there were some witnesses, apparently, who’ve given statements.”
It had actually been easier than she’d thought it would be to close out their lives in Tampa. They’d had a few things still needing to be done to cement their lives in Florida—likeswitching their driver’s licenses—but now those things wouldn’t matter.
“This is the second serious car accident we’ve had in our family,” Lee said as he steered the van toward the hotel.
“Really? Another drunk driver?”
Lee shook his head. “Icy roads. Janessa and Will were in an accident when they were dating. Will had injuries similar to Zane’s, and it just about ended their relationship.”
“Did he have memory loss, too?”
“No, but Janessa had experienced a lot of loss in her life, and I think it scared her to think she might lose someone else she loved. Her dad died in a car accident, and her mom died of cancer.”
Zane hadn’t spoken much about the details of his siblings’ lives. Of course, she hadn’t talked much about her family either. He’d never met her parents because she just couldn’t even begin to imagine how that would have gone. Introducing Zane to her parents had been the last thing she wanted to do.
And it was still the last thing she wanted. She didn’t want questions about her family from his family, either. Hopefully, there were enough distractions going on at the moment that the subject wouldn’t come up.
In a family where the parents were loving, and the siblings genuinely cared for each other, parents and siblings like hers would be incomprehensible.
“Do you want to just wait here?” Lee asked as he pulled up in front of the hotel.
“Yes. I’ll keep an eye on the van.”
“Sounds good.”
She decided to wait in the front seat until they came back down, and then she’d climb into the back. Most likely with Rori.
When she’d realized that Rori was going to be traveling back with them on the plane, she’d felt a huge sense of relief. Hopefully, the other woman would be a buffer between Kelsey and the Halverson parents for the duration of the trip.
It wasn’t long before Lee reappeared with a cart holding some bags, Rori at his side. Kelsey slid out of her seat and went to greet the woman.
Once the bags were in the back of the van, Kelsey climbed into the third row of seats with Rori. Zane appeared on a pair of crutches, with his parents hovering close behind. He wore a pair of loose basketball shorts and a T-shirt. He hadn’t styled his hair like he usually did, and he had a bit of scruff on his face, which was also unusual.
She could see pain on his face, and it took everything within her to keep from going to him and offering her help. There would have been no hesitation if he remembered her, but Kelsey was fairly certain that her offer wouldn’t be well received in the current circumstances.
After a quick greeting, Cathy climbed into the middle row, then Dan helped Zane in next to her, handing off the crutches once he was seated. Dan and Lee took the seats in the front and soon they were off to the airport, where the private jet waited to whisk them to Serenity.
Kelsey was a mess of nerves as she thought of what was to come. Lee and Rori had a large home that had once been Charli and Janessa’s, and they had offered for Kelsey and Zane to stay with them. It was a good option for Kelsey, so she’d agreed right away. Zane had also wanted to stay there, but his mom had protested.