“I’m not sure about that. The conversation we just had was plenty awkward, and we weren’t discussing anything so touchy as my previous relationship and the current state of things between us.”
“You’ve got time. Once we’re in Serenity, you’ll have the chance to talk more with her.”
“Where am I going to be staying?”
Gareth let out a bark of laughter. “You have to ask that?”
“Okay. Yeah. I’m sure I’m staying with Mom and Dad.”
“Yep. Mom wouldn’t even consider any other plan.”
“And Kelsey?”
“We’re going to present her with some options to see what she’s most comfortable with.”
There was a large part of Zane that wished she’d just stay in Tampa. It would be one less thing he’d have to deal with while he was trying to recover. Hopefully, his memory would come back and then they could pick up where they’d left off before his accident.
“Any chance she might want to stay here?”
“Zane, she’s yourwife,” Gareth said with a frown.
“She’s astranger. I have no memory whatsoever of her. None. All I remember is my relationship with Sarah. So forgive me if I’m a little stressed at the idea of having to deal with my marriage to a woman I don’t know, on top of everything else.”
Gareth let out a heavy sigh. “I honestly don’t know what to say. What I do know is that if Aria had lost her memory of me, I’d still want to be with her. To help her, however I could. You can’t just shut love off.” He paused, his brow furrowing. “I guess it applies to both you and Kelsey in this particular situation. Since you have feelings for Sarah. Still, I think you need to accept Kelsey’s role in your life and not try to leave her behind.”
Zane knew he was right, but it was just so hard.
“I’m pretty sure your vows said in sickness and in health,” Gareth continued. “I was going to say that you should be honest with Kelsey about how you feel. However, considering your feelings for Sarah, I think I’ve changed my mind. Hearing that you’d rather her just disappear would be excruciating for Kelsey.”
“I just don’t want people forcing something on me. What if I never remember her? Am I just supposed to stay married to a woman I don’t love?”
“Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it,” Gareth suggested. “It’s possible that the same things about her that you fell in lovewith the first time around will be what makes you fall in love with her again.”
Zane supposed it might happen that way, but it was impossible to imagine when he still felt the way he did about Sarah.
“Just keep an open mind about things with Kelsey, and remember that she’s also going through a difficult time.”
“I will.”
It wasn’t like him to be so selfish and… unsympathetic. Gareth was right to remind him that he wasn’t alone in the tragedy of the situation.
“Remember that you can talk to me about anything, and it will just be between you and me.”
“Thanks.” Lee had always been his confidante when it came to his siblings, but he knew there might be instances where Gareth was the better choice.
“Wilder and I are going to try to organize the move,” Gareth said as he got to his feet. “Are you okay with Mom and Dad coming back in?”
He watched his brother leave, then leaned back against his pillows, tipping his head to stare up at the ceiling. Maybe he should have told Gareth he was going to take a nap, because suddenly, he felt exhausted.
“How are you doing, darling?” his mom asked as she came to his bedside, resting her hand on his arm.
“I’m okay. Tired, though.”
“If you’d like to take a nap, go ahead,” his dad said. “We can entertain ourselves.”
“I think I will.”