In the next second, she found herself flipped onto her back, staring up at a man who looked wide awake. And hungry. For her.
Now her breath got caught in her throat and her hips rose to meet his, grinding her mound against his cock.
His eyes narrowed, his gaze intense, he slowly let his body weight pin her to the bed. She didn’t know if he was watching to see if she panicked or if he simply wanted to drive her crazy. She only knew she couldn’t do more than wriggle beneath him.
Which he apparently liked. So she shifted beneath him, rubbing against him as her hands began to push his boxers out of her way.
“Is that how you want it? Hard and fast?”
Swallowing, she nodded.
“How about a little dirty, too?”
Her eyes widened before she could stop her reaction, but he couldn’t mistake her almost-frantic nod. She wasn’t good with talking, especially not in this context, but she’d try if she had to.
Luckily for her, Ben seemed to understand.
“Good. Because I definitely don’t have the patience for slow and nice right now. Roll over.”
Her brain didn’t comprehend his last statement. She was still stuck on the rough growl in his voice that made goosebumps appear all over her body. But then he leaned down until his lips almost touched hers.
“Roll. Over.”
His hands came down on either side of her head, his knees on the outside of her thighs, and he lifted his body just enough for her to be able to move. And she did, quickly rolling onto her stomach.
“Hands up.”
God, she could barely breathe. But she did what he asked, stretching her arms up until her fingertips hit the headboard.
“Now lie still, honey.”
She didn’t know if she’d be able to, but she’d give it a damn good try. Until he literally ripped her panties away. Her tiny bikini panties stood no chance. He tore one side apart and she shuddered. When he did the other, she pressed her face into the mattress, trying to suppress her moan.
But when he smacked her ass, the sound she made would’ve been embarrassing if she’d actually had a functioning brain cell left. Now, it just made her hot enough to combust.
“You like that, don’t you? Good to know.”
He smacked the other cheek, not enough to hurt, just enough to sting. And she did like it. A lot. She hadn’t known she would. Had always wanted to know if she would but had never had the courage to ask.
“Such a gorgeous ass, sweetheart. But we don’t have time for that this morning. We’re going hard and fast.”
She had enough breath for one word and smiled when she heard him chuckle.
“I think I need you to keep quiet or this will be over way too soon. And I don’t want you to be left hanging. So let’s get on that, shall we?” He tapped her on the ass, not even enough to sting this time. “On your knees, face on the mattress.”
She immediately did what he wanted, sticking her ass in the air, not caring a bit about how exposed she must be, what she must look like.
She only wanted him to get her off. Her body trembled and burned, her pussy and her clit ached so badly she wanted use her fingers to get herself off, but he hadn’t told her to move.
Suddenly, the mattress tilted to the side and she had the sudden fear he was leaving. But before she could say anything, she heard a drawer open and close and the sound of foil tearing.
She hadn’t thought she could get any hornier. She was wrong.
Slipping his cock between her tight thighs, he thrust forward, barely brushing against her clit. She tried to spread her legs, tilt her hips, do something to get him where she needed him. But Ben had his own agenda.