A condom wasn’t the only thing he’d grabbed from the drawer. She heard the sound of liquid being squeezed from a bottle then felt him spread her ass with one hand.
She immediately tensed, which got her another tap.
“Easy, hon. We’ll take this part slow.”
Then his lubricated thumb pressed against the puckered entrance to her ass. The sensation in a sexual context was like nothing she’d ever experienced before.
Burning pressure. An uncomfortable fullness that slowly became another kind of ache. She froze as he worked his thumb inside her, practically panting when he stopped. That burn spread through her lower body until she wanted to squirm away. And yet she didn’t want to get away. She wanted him to make her take even more.
“I’m going to take your ass. Ian’s going to fuck your pussy and I’m going to have your ass and you’re going to scream because it’s going to feel so damn good.”
Every word he spoke pushed her that much closer to an orgasm she wanted so desperately.
Biting her lip against the need to beg, she pushed back, just enough to let him know she liked what he was promising her.
When he pulled his thumb out, she moaned.
“But not today. Today…”
Gripping her ass, he spread her thighs as wide as he could with her legs trapped between his and this time he sank his cock into her pussy with one push.
She sighed in relief that was fleeting when he began to ride her hard and fast, just like he’d promised. His thighs slapped against her ass, his grip on her hips almost punishing. The bed shook with each thrust. She braced her hands against the headboard and tried to steady herself.
The only thing keeping her upright were Ben’s hands on her hips. But it felt like the world was shifting around her. Her sex tightened around his cock, gripping him tighter and tighter until she knew something had to give.
When he slid his hand around to her front to squeeze her clit, she came with a sharp cry only seconds before Ben groaned and thrust once more until he was as deep as he could get. Then he held himself there and she felt the pulse of his release.
Long seconds later, he slipped out and let her collapse onto the bed, where he wound up next to her seconds later.
When she finally caught her breath and opened her eyes, she found him smiling at her. She couldn’t help but return the smile.
“Good morning to you, too.”
Now she laughed. Okay, more like giggled, which didn’t sound at all like her.
“I’m not sure I’m going to be able to run now. I think you wore me out.”
“Good. Then we’ll stay in bed all morning.” He yawned. “I could use a few more hours of sleep anyway.”
She actually gave it some thought but knew she wouldn’t leave her team hanging. “Can’t. I need to be there. And I need to be there in about an hour so…”
Ben’s lopsided grin made her want to kiss him, but even after what they’d just done, she still had doubts about how to act with him. Which was stupid and something she needed to deal with.
She needed to talk to her sister. Was dying to talk to Risa about last night and this morning. Actual girl-talk where they giggled like teenagers and talked about things she’d never talk about with anyone else. She wanted a sisters’ sleepover where they could eat ice cream until they were sick and watch romantic comedies, even stupid ones she didn’t understand, where women went out of their way to attract guys who didn’t seem worthy of them.
Not men like Ben and Ian. She knew if she asked them for anything right now, they’d give it to her.
Unless they find out exactly who you are.
Ben’s gaze narrowed. “Hey, what put that look on your face?”
Shit. She needed to work on her poker face. Risa never gave anything away that she didn’t want you to see.
“I don’t want to leave.” She shrugged. “I feel guilty.”
His immediate smile made her feel slightly better because she’d told him the truth. She really didn’t want to leave him. She wanted Ian to join them. And she did feel guilty.
And that was why she needed to get out of bed now and get moving.