Page 90 of An Indecent Longing

Chapter Eight

Dorrie woke, not in her bed but safe.

The strong arm around her middle held her tight, and the warmth of the body at her back made her feel like she never wanted to leave.

She knew it was Ben and not Ian who held her. Funny how she could already tell them apart just by the way they held her.

Ben’s grip was looser than Ian’s and Ben actually felt relaxed. She didn’t think Ian ever relaxed. They had that in common, apparently. Maybe it was why she’d been drawn to Ian in the first place. But Ben’s laid-back attitude made her feel like she could breathe when he was around.

Amazingly, those conflicting feelings made her want whatever the hell they were doing to work.

So you think you’re going to live happily ever after?

No one lived happily ever after. Some people got to live happily for a little while and she’d be okay with that.

But she was enough of a realist to know nothing lasted forever so you had to take what you could get when you could get it and not worry about what other people thought. Or at least try not to make yourself sick worrying about what other people thought.

Her mom did that. She worried, almost all the time. Of course, her mom had good reason to worry. Her child was the illegitimate daughter of a Russian crime boss.

Probably not a good time to think about that.

With a yawn, she began to ease away from Ben, not wanting to wake him. It was still pretty early, but she needed to eat something before her game and she needed some time to wake up.

But as soon as she got a few inches away, he pulled her back against him.

She couldn’t tell if he was awake but when he nestled his stiff erection between the cheeks of her ass, she suddenly decided she didn’t really have to get up just yet.

Longing hit her like a punch to the gut. Her stomach clenched and so did her thighs. And her lungs decided they didn’t know how to work anymore.

How the hell did he manage to have this effect on her? As a doctor, she knew there were physiological responses at work here, but that didn’t account for the way her heart pounded like she’d just finished fifteen minutes of wind sprints. Or the way she wanted to turn and wrap her hand around that hard cock and stroke him until he couldn’t take it anymore and he pushed her onto her back and pounded into her like he was so hungry for her he couldn’t stand not having her.

With Ian, it was all about breaking his control. With Ben, she wanted him to help her lose her control.

Was there something wrong with her that she had this reaction to these two men?

Did it matter?

Not at the moment.

It was still early enough that the sunlight barely made it past the cracks between the shades and the windowsills so she still had time. And she definitely wanted to spend it being pounded into the mattress by Ben.

What about Ian?

Her body demanded she think about that problem later. Right now, she needed sex.

Rolling over until she faced Ben, she realized his eyes were still closed. Whether or not he was still asleep was the question.

Reaching between them, she wrapped her fingers around his cock through his briefs. When his lips curved, she knew he hadn’t been asleep. And he wasn’t going to say no.

Leaning forward, she licked his collarbone as she molded her hand around him and squeezed. He sucked in a breath and his cock jerked beneath her palm. But he continued to simply lie there, though both hands were now on her hips.

Aching and horny, she tried to show him what she wanted with her hands, tugging and pulling. But the damn man refused to take a hint.

So she bit him. Right in the curve of his neck. With a groan, he jerked against her.

Now we’re getting somewhere.

Tightening one hand around him, she used the other to tweak his nipples, pet his washboard stomach, and curl around his hip to slip her fingers beneath the waistband of his underwear to tease the crack between his cheeks.