Page 30 of Warped

Of course, there are other ways of achieving my release. That’s what Binx is for. But a man can’t live on pussy alone. And a woman can’t live on…

Well, you get the idea.

Today, I’ve decided to make eggs Benedict for breakfast. It’s one of my favorite things to cook, and over the past few cycles I’ve really perfected my recipe. I use lobster instead of ham, and a special Cajun-style hollandaise sauce that has just the right amount of kick to it.

I wouldn’t say it’s better than sex, but it’s pretty damn close. And like sex, you gotta take your time with it.

The lobster’s already cooked, leftovers from last night, so I’m just letting it warm up in the oven while I prepare the sauce. Pan of water. Rolling boil. Glass bowl on top. Egg yolks. Whisk. If you let the stuff come into direct contact with the heat, you’ll end up with scrambled eggs instead of hollandaise. Once the yolks start to get nice and creamy, I drizzle in some melted butter, nice and slow. Then I sprinkle in some of my homemade Cajun seasoning.

Fuck, that smellsgood.

Once the mixture is nice and thick, I turn down the heat and leave the sauce over the steam bath to keep it good and warm. Then I pop the English muffins into the toaster. I’m just getting started on poaching the eggs, when Binx comes storming down the stairs.

She looks pissed.

And sexy.

She’s dressed in a robe. Not the silk one she had on yesterday. This one’s made from white terry cloth, and it’s cut nice and short, giving me a wonderful view of her plump thighs. Her skin is still pink from the shower, and her dark hair is still damp. Her eyes are blazing like a pair of blue flames.

I was already rocking a half-chub—pretty standard here in the Warp—but the sight of Binx jouncing down the stairs sends me into full-on Diamond Mode. It’s all I can do to keep from whipping my cock out and jacking it right there in front of her.

Or better yet, shoving her up against the wall and fucking that bitchy expression off her face.

What the hell’s she so upset about anyway?

I have a feeling I’m about to find out. She marches right up next to where I’m working, sets her tiny fists atop her not-so-tiny hips, and glares up at me with a feminine fury that makes my cock throb with desire. I know it’s a cliche to say it, but she really is pretty when she’s angry.

No, not pretty…

She’s fuckinggorgeous.

Her skin smells fresh and clean from her recent shower, but underneath the aroma of soap and shampoo, my Warp-sensitive nose can pick up all of her natural odors. Sweat and pheromones and that bittersweet arousal leaking between her legs.

She might be angry, but she’s also horny, and so am I. She wants that dick, and if she’s not careful, she’s gonna get it, along with a great big load of hot cum. It’s beenhourssince I last spilled my seed inside her, and my poor balls feel like they’re about to fucking explode.

“What’s up?” I ask.

I’m half expecting her to make a comment about the big boner I’m sporting. The only thing I’m wearing at the moment is a pair of gray sweatpants, and the front is tented with my very obvious arousal. But somehow, she hasn’t noticed that yet. Her angry eyes are still locked on my face.

“Were you watching me take a shower?” she asks.

“You could say that…” I nod toward a screen on the kitchen wall, which is still displaying a live image of the now-empty bathroom. “Oryou could say I was watching you masturbate in the shower. That would probably be more accurate.”

Her face turns as red as a lobster.

Which reminds me.

I open the oven to check on the food. It looks like it’s ready. I pop a piece into my mouth to test it. It’s the perfect temperature, and so tender it practically melts in my mouth. I slide the tray out and set it on a pad on the counter.

Meanwhile, Binx is still staring at me, red-faced and wide-eyed.

“I can’t believe you would do that,” she says. “What makes you think it’s okay to watch someone while they’re…” She pauses, and I can hear her inhaling through her sexy little nose. “Wait, is thatlobster?”

“Yes it is.” I turn around to face her fully. “And to answer your first question, it’smydamn ship, so I can do whatever the hell I want.”

Her eyes shift from the lobster to the tent at the front of my pants. She gets flustered, and it takes her a few seconds to remember that she’s supposed to be angry at me. She opens her mouth to say something, but I cut her off.

“For your information, I’ve watched lots of women touch themselves in that shower. It never bothered anyone else. Are you sure you’rereallyan experienced Warp companion?”