The fist in my hair clenched tighter.
“Don’t backtalk me, woman, or else I’ll spank your sexy little butt so hard you won’t be able to sit down for the rest of the trip.You’rethe one who made this mess by being so damn beautiful and coming so well. Now it’s your job to clean it up like a good girl. Are you ready to do that?”
I bit my lip and nodded.
Only I didn’tfeellike a good girl. Oh no. I felt like a bad girl, a dirty girl, a wild animal hungry for sex and thirsty for hot warper cum. I bowed my face to Traven’s chest and started to lick him clean.
It took a long time for me to get it all, partly because there was so much of it, and partly because I wanted to take my time and enjoy every drop. Rek had already given me a mouthful of seed on the bed, but I desperately needed more. It didn’t taste like ordinary human cum. There was a sweetness to it that remindedme of salted caramel, and I moaned with enjoyment as I slowly licked Traven clean.
I started with his broad chest and worked my way down to his abdomen. His cum had settled into the grooves between his muscles, and I traced those deep lines with the tip of my tongue, gathering every drop of his delicious essence. Then I moved lower, to those long, slanting lines that angled downward to the center of his groin. I’d heard people refer to those lines as “cum-gutters” before. At that moment, it was a particularly apt description.
After that, I went lower still, to the smooth, heavy sacs hanging down between his open thighs. I took each of his big balls inside my mouth, sucking and licking them at the same time until they were spotlessly clean. The smell of him was strongest down there between his legs. It was the smell of a man, dirty and dominant. It filled my senses, fanning the flames of my desire, and that was good, because there was still one more part of him that needed cleaning.
I had saved the best for last.
His cock was still hard, and it showed no signs of softening any time soon. The long, thick shaft was glazed with cum from the tip down to the base, and I licked it all, until every hard inch was glistening with my saliva. When I was finished, I looked Traven in the eye and ran the tip of my tongue around my lips to wipe away the last remaining flecks of his seed.
“Well done,” he said.
Those words of approval, coming from such a dangerous and demanding male, made my pussy flutter with arousal.
“Did you like that?” he asked.
“I want more.”
His mouth curled into a wicked sneer.
“If you want more, woman, you’re gonna have to earn it…”
So I did. I earned it all night long. I earned it with my lips, I earned it with my tongue, and most of all I earned it with my pussy. I was insatiable, but the warpers had no problem keeping up. It seemed as if they would never run out of cum for me.
And now, as I stand here in the shower, the memories of last night’s debauchery wash over my mind just as the warm water washes over my skin.
My nipples are stiff with arousal. My pussy throbs with need.
I unhook the detachable showerhead and place it down between my legs, letting the water pulse against my aching clit. It’s a poor substitute for what Rek and Traven did to me last night, but it serves its purpose well enough. Soon I am shaking and moaning with pleasure as my climax courses through me. A second orgasm follows close on the heels of the first. Then a third. And a fourth. I slowly slide down the shower wall until I’m sitting on the floor with my legs spread and the warm water blasting my needful center.
I come seven or eight more times before the shower head finally drops from my trembling hand.
Dear God. How am I going to survive two more days ofthis?
Suddenly, a voice booms throughout the bathroom, startling a gasp from my open mouth. It is Traven’s voice, deep and dark and dominant.
“When you’re done playing with yourself,” he says, “come downstairs. I’m making breakfast.”
I look at the door, but Traven isn’t there.
He was speaking to me over the intercom, the same way Rek did yesterday when I was in the closet. But how did he know I was…?
My eyes dart around the room. It only takes me a second to find what I’m looking for. A small camera nestled in the corner of the ceiling, its lens aimed directly at the shower.
Traven’s been watching me.
He’s been watching me this entire time.
There are a lot of warpers out there who expect their companions to prepare their meals. Not me. I like to cook things myself. Rek says it’s because I’m a control freak, but that isn’t the case. Not entirely, at least. The truth is, I find it soothing. It’s a way to release the tension I inevitably experience when traveling through the Warp.