Page 31 of Warped

She doesn’t answer.

I take a step toward her, and I can see the goosebumps that suddenly appear on her skin.

“You wanna know the real reason I was watching you? It wasn’t because I wanted to see you touching your tight little pussy. It’s because I don’t trust you, Binx—if that even is your real name. You used fake pictures on your profile, and I’m fairly certain you’ve never been a Warp companion before. You’re up to something, and until I find out what it is, I’m not letting your sexy little ass out of my sight.”

That’s only half true. I don’t trust her, but that ain’t the only reason I’m not letting her out of my sight.

For a long moment we just stand there, staring each other down, the tension thick between us.

The toaster pops.

“As long as you’re here,” I tell her, “you might as well make yourself useful. Plate up those English muffins for me. There are dishes in the cupboard there.”

Then, as I turn to check on the eggs, I get an unexpected twinge of protectiveness.

“And be careful,” I add. “They’re hot.”

“Calm down, Dad,” Binx says sarcastically. “I’m not a little girl, you know?”

She certainly isn’t. As she stands on her tiptoes to reach the dishes, the edge of her robe rides up, revealing her bare rump. I’m tempted to say to hell with the eggs and feast on that perfect ass instead, but somehow I manage to stay focused on the task at hand.

Once the eggs are finished poaching, it’s time to assemble all the ingredients. Binx has the English muffins prepped—two perfectly toasted halves on each plate. I top that with the lobster, then the eggs, and finally a generous drizzle of spicy hollandaise. As a finishing touch, I sprinkle on a few bits of chopped chives. I’m not one to brag, but it looks pretty damn good, and it smells even better.

Almost as good as Binx.Almost…

We carry our plates over to the kitchen island to eat. Binx sits down on a high stool. I stand across from her, my hard cock pressing against the side of the counter to keep it pinned down.

“What about Rek?” she asks, looking around. “Isn’t he going to join us for breakfast?”

“Rek’s shopping,” I tell her. “He said he was gonna grab a quick bite while he was out, so it’s just you and me for now.”


Her quizzical expression confirms that this is her first time riding the Warp. If she’d done it before, she would already know what I’m talking about.

“Yeah, shopping. There are way stations positioned all throughout the Warp. We’ve stopped at one of them, and Rek has gone aboard to pick up a few items.”

Binx’s eyes get really wide when she hears that.

“We’re stopped?” she almost shouts. “But we have to get to Caldera!”

“Calm down, woman. We’ve been making good time, so we’re slightly ahead of schedule. We’ll arrive at Caldera on time. Why are you in such a hurry to get there, anyway?”

“I… I just don’t want you to miss your delivery, that’s all.”

Yeah right.

This woman is many things, but a skillful liar is not one of them. I need to investigate further. Get to the bottom of what she’s really doing on my ship.

“Coffee?” I ask.

“Oh, yes please.”

I walk over to the coffee maker and pour out two cups of rich, dark brew. Then I carry them back over to the island where we’rehaving breakfast. Instead of sliding Binx’s cup across the island to her, I walk around beside her and set it next to her plate.

Not too close, though. I don’t want it to get knocked over.

Binx is just starting to dig into her breakfast. I watch as she uses her fork to break open the poached egg. The creamy yolk oozes out, mixing with the hollandaise as it drips down over the lobster and muffin. She lifts a forkful into her mouth and moans in ecstasy. My cock leaps at the sound.