Page 86 of Missing

Chapter 44


What the fuck just happened? Beth hadn’t been acting like herself, but I’d chalked it up to stress. Never in a million years did I expect her to break up with me.

And to make matters worse, Chase overheard me lose my cool and raise my voice at Beth.Not my finest moment.Shame washed over me and settled like a rock in my gut. Chase had been through so much in the last week, seeing me yell at his mom, making her cry, was the last thing he needed.

Fuck. “I needed to make this better.”

If she’d only listened to me, we could have avoided this. But she wouldn’t let me finish a single sentence.

This is my fault. I should have told her sooner.

I ran my hand through my hair.How do I fix this?

I had half a mind to send her a text: I’m sterile. Can we talk?

But that wasn’t the right way to deal with this. I had to find a way to talk to her, to get her to listen. And it had to be in person.

Deep in thought, I drove home on autopilot and parked in front of my apartment. I sat behind the wheel, my mind locked in problem solving mode.

I could steal a move from Jack’s playbook and send flowers with a note asking her to talk. Or maybe bring the flowers to Grannie’s myself.No, I can’t put her on the spot at work. Plus, I wasn’t the kind of guy to make grand gestures or bold declarations in public.

It has to be in person, and in private.

I could keep calling and asking her to see me so we could talk.

A couple caught my attention when they walked by my window, interrupting my train of thought. When I instinctively turned my head toward the movement, they waved. I waved back.No need to be rude because you’re having a shitty day.

Not wanting to look like a stalker, I waited until they were inside before I got out of my truck and went home for the night.

I poured a finger of whiskey, then doubled it, before collapsing on the couch. The throw pillows, the ones I bought so my apartment was more appealing to Beth, taunted me.

Twice I pulled up the website for the local florist, and twice I browsed without buying.

I thought about calling Jack and asking for some advice, but pride wouldn’t let me.

Calling my parents was out of the question. I needed help, not judgment.I could call Meg. She’d have good advice.It’s probably too late.At least that was the reason I gave myself,until I looked at the clock. It wasn’t even nine yet. She’d be up, but it was probably best not to involve her.

When I got up and refilled my glass, I only poured one finger. I couldn’t risk being hung over at work.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Chase.How was he doing? What did Beth tell him after I left?

Does he hate me because I scared him? Because I made his mom cry?

The thought made my eyes sting.

I’ll figure this out. I had to, because now that I’d let them in, I couldn’t imagine my life without Beth and Chase.

Chapter 45


Ichickened out and lied. It wasn’t my finest moment, but given the circumstances I didn’t berate myself too much for it. Seeing tears in Chase’s eyes when he asked why I was crying was too much for me to bear.

I hugged him and told him I was sad, but there was nothing for him to worry about.

“Is Mr. Doug mad at me?”