Page 98 of Wilderness Daddy

I smirk.

“And what was wrong? Did they figure it out? Was it an infected wound?”

He shrugs. “I don’t know. No one’s talking and there was an officer posted outside her door. Before I walked in I overheard her talking to Parker and another guy, a Mountie maybe. She kept insisting her injuries weren’t from Gillie and Red. And she was adamant it wasn’t over and that she and Anders weren’t safe. She’s clearly traumatized.”

I furrow my brow. “But why would they save her only to leave her for dead later when they found us then?”

He doesn’t speak for a moment but I know what he’s thinking. They had a replacement. Me.

“She could’ve been delirious with fever and be confused,” he says noncommittally but there are still lines of concern on his forehead. “They can’t hurt anyone anymore though. Gillie’s spinal injury means he’ll never walk again and Red will be locked away for a good long while.”

“What about Billy?”

“I’m not sure, but whatever they decide, I’m sure it’ll be fair.”

I hate the frown of concern marring his face, so I add, “Just like you’ll be fair with my punishment too, right?”

“Always.” His mouth hitches up on one side in a smirk. I have the perfect punishment in mind for a little girl that teases her daddy.”

“I love you,” I say on a sigh.

He shakes his head. “Love isn’t a strong enough word for how I feel about you, baby. Not even close.”