Page 99 of Wilderness Daddy

Chapter Twenty-One

“It’s over now?” Kariasks, sitting on a large log by the fire pit. “Did we do okay?”

I run a hand over her hair and nod. “Yes, and you were exceptional, baby girl.” We’re not at the same camp now. That old one holds too many nightmarish memories for us. In fact, we’re on a different mountain altogether.

“So we’ll be alone soon?” Her eyes widen and she bites her rosy bottom lip. It makes my heart flip like a little fucking girl.

“Mmm, yes,” I say on a small moan, giving her a half smile. “A few nights alone up here before we go home for the grand opening. I can’t wait,” I add with a wiggling of my brows.

Her face lights up. “Me either.”

We’ve just wrapped up the last day of filming. We needed an ending to the series, to show the world what happened after the rescue. But it was Kari who came up with the idea to launch our new business in the epilogue episode. Actually the business itself was her idea.

We’ve announced Wilderness Man Adventures Co., a guiding company we’ll be running together. We’ll start taking people out, teaching them how to camp in the wilderness or how to survive with little to no equipment. We’ll do day hikes, month-long excursions, or anything in between. Fishing, hunting, adventure, whatever the customer wants. And it’ll all be filmed for the network.

It seemed the perfect way to end the miniseries and begin our own full series. And it helps my father and Grant with Steed Wilderness Outpost since we only get our supplies from there. But really, it’s a distraction from how I actually want to end the show.

I glance at the camera man, who seems busy packing up. I nod when he glances at me.

“What’s taking him so long?” Kari asks, leaning into me as I sit next to her on the log and poke at the fire. “I want to be ravaged by my Wilderness Man Daddy.” She whispers that sentence into my ear. The heat of the words, along with the meaning, sends shivers of want through me. My cock lengthens, but I distract myself thinking of nonsexual things for the moment. We’ll be alone soon enough.

“I’ll be back for this last camera in a bit. I gotta take this load to basecamp first.” The guy waves at us and heads into the bush. The basecamp for the series is several miles down the mountain.

“How long will he be gone?” Again, her question is in a whisper. I glance at her and wink.

“Long enough. How about a trip to the lake? A little swim?”

She nods. “Naked?” Her brows rise in question.

“Is there any other way in the mountains?”

She peeks in the direction the cameraman went and stands, taking my hand.

“Uh.” I tsk. “Who’s in charge?” I release her hand.

“You, Daddy.”