‘He must not have heard back from Luca Conte and come down here to investigate,’ Mitch says, a slightly panicked tone in his voice.

Mitch seems scared – I don’t blame him, he’s a civilian.

Shootouts and dead bodies are part of the day job for Rico and me, but I can appreciate that this must be pretty damn wild as far as Mitch is concerned.

My baby boy seems pretty chill with it all, but then again he’s a Mafia boy now – well, kind of.

‘Don’t worry, I’ve got this,’ I say, walking toward the bakery door with Rico by my side. ‘We’ll be back in five.’

‘Or maybe even two,’ Rico chuckles. ‘This will be light work.’

Vance Cold isn’t an impressive figure to look at. With his grey eyes and greasy skin clashing with his bright white new veneers, he comes over as sleazy and not the kind of man I want my boy and Mitch doing business with.

I shoot a look over to Rico.

I think we both know what the plan is here.

‘Vance Cold?’ I say, a look of menace in my eyes.

‘Might be,’ Vance replies, totally out of his depth but wanting to act like a tough guy.

‘Jesus. We know you’re Vance Cold,’ Rico says, a strong hint of impatience in his voice. ‘What we also know is that you’re a shitty landlord.’

‘And on top of that, we’ve been told that you went back on your promise to offer Mitch first refusal on the building,’ I say, allowing a slight growl to come into my voice. ‘Mitch ain’t a liar. Don’tyoulie to me, Vance.’

I see Vance flinch.

It’s not a big flinch, but it’s big enough for me to pick up on.

Any sign of weakness, and I know that I can break a man down in less than sixty seconds flat.

I put my hand in my jacket pocket and rest my fingers on my gun, ensuring that my jacket is open just about enough to let Vance see the metal.

‘Um… what’s… going in… I mean…onhere?’ Vance says, the stutter and stumbling over his words showing me just how easily his house of cards will fall.

‘You’re going to sell the building to Mitch for the grand total of one dollar,’ I say. ‘You screwed him over, and you deserve to taste that medicine yourself. I take it you have no problem with this arrangement?’

‘N-n-n-n-no, sir,’ Vance says, a look of complete resignation on his sullen face. ‘I’m sorry for any confusion with Mitch. I just-’

‘Save it,’ I say. ‘We don’t need your apologies. Just be grateful we took care of Conte for you. You think he was going to pay you and let you live? Consider this a lucky escape.’

I can see from the look on Vance Cold’s face that he knows I’m telling the truth.

The battle has been won.

Conte’s gone and now Vance Cold is following him – although fortunately for Vance, he’s still breathing.

As far as I’m concerned, it’s time to head back inside East Side Sugar and help with the clean up – and maybe then get my hands on some of the sweetest, creamiest cakes in the whole of New York City.

And, yeah, by sweet cakes I do mean Eddie’s butt!

Chapter 15


Even after my Daddy and Rico dealt with Vance Cold, I could see that Mitch was still super-stressed.

But fortunately, it seemed like Rico had taken a shine to Mitch and decided to take him out for a nice ice-cold fruit drink over at the juice truck a few blocks over.