Mitch hasn’t been happy with the Daddy he was dating apparently and called the whole thing off, so maybe -just maybe- there might be something in this with Rico.
I didn’t mind being left to do some tidying… I had my Daddy with me after all!
‘Daddy, you were so brave,’ I say, my body still tingling with excitement from what I had witnessed this morning.
‘I did what I needed to do,’ Nico replies, smiling but looking serious too. ‘It’s no joke. I would never take another life if it wasn’t necessary.’
I nod.
I can see that Nico means every word.
Even as Nico and Rico were moving the dead bodies of Luca Conte and his thugs into the back of the Mafia ‘removals’ van that arrived, I could see that it was a somber moment.
Luca Conte and his thugs may have been bad men, but it was clear that Nico and Rico were respectful of their lives at least on a basic level. This was good to see, and it answered a lot of questions I guess I had been mulling over in my head.
All in all, I’m in no doubt that my Daddy is a good man.
Yes, he might do what some would see as bad things – but that doesn’t define him.
There’sso muchmore to Nico than the crimes he has to commit for the Mob.
Anyway, right now it’s just me and my Daddy in the bakery and we’re on clean up duty…
‘I don’t know how you get any work done here,’ Nico says, taking a moment to survey the total disaster next to what was the chocolate cake display before a six-foot four thug crashed into it with several bullets in his chest.
‘Um, it’s not usually this messy?’ I reply, a little sass in my voice.
‘Grrrrr,’ Nico replies, struggling to hide his smile. ‘No, boy, that’s not what I mean. I’m referring to the fact that you’re surrounded by so much flavor and color. If it was me, I’d struggle to go five minutes without grabbing a cake and taking a big, chunky bite.’
‘Hehe,’ I giggle. ‘You’re so silly, Daddy!’
‘How so?’ Nico replies, arching his eyebrow.
‘Idoeat a ton of the cakes when I’m here!’ I laugh. ‘Why do you think I love it so much? And how do you think we make such renowned delights? We taste test the heck out of everything!’
The pair of us laugh.
It feels good to at least return to some kind of normality after what’s been an intense morning.
We may be surrounded by bullet-busted displays and even some Mafioso blood on the floor, but right now the back-and-forth banter between me and my Daddy is keeping everything as wholesome as it could possibly be.
But when Nico removes his shirt to put it in the special disposal bag – an evidence thing to cover his tracks – I can’t help cast my eyes over his taught, strong upper-body.
‘Those tattoos.Drool!’ I blurt out, my cheeks blushing as the sight of my half-naked Daddy suddenly makes me feel all giddy. ‘Will you get a new one? You know, after what happened today.’
Nico stares back at me with his deeply soulful eyes.
‘That’s not quite how it works,’ Nico replies, smiling but with a look of wicked desire on his face. ‘Not for me, at least. But I will be getting some new ink soon, that’s for sure.’
I gasp as Nico steps toward me and puts both of his hand on my apron and swiftly unbuttons it and allows it to drop to the floor.
Another swift maneuver sees Nico remove my East Side Sugar t-shirt to leave me standing topless too.
‘Daddy, we’re matching!’ I giggle, my nervous energy kicking in as I realize that my Daddy is suddenly in a very different kind of mood.
‘We may be surrounded by cakes, but what I really want is to eat you,’ Nico says, leaning in and planting a perfect kiss on my lips.
Immediately, the electricity sparks up between us.