A pivot, feint, and a single shot is all it takes – Luca Conte is stone cold dead with a solitary bullet lodged inside his brain.

‘Fuck, I think I need a drink,’ I say, squatting on my haunches.

‘How about one of my specialty cakes?’ Eddie says, running over toward me with a big, utterly relived grin on his face. ‘Or, maybe later with the cakes?’

I nod and then burst out in laughter.

It’s a real belly laugh too.

‘What’s so funny, Daddy?’ Eddie says as he wraps his arms around me and squeezes.

‘I’ve never done a hit on someone with my baby boy in the same room, that’s what!’ I say.

All four of us burst into more laughter.

As far as the threat of Luca Conte goes, it looks like the matter has been well and truly dealt with from both the Mafia perspective and also the East Side Sugar situation.

‘This is great news, isn’t it?’ Eddie says, looking across to Mitch who is pouring Rico a drink of whiskey from his secret supply.

‘It certainly is,’ Mitch says. ‘But that doesn’t change the fact that Vance Cold is still a total douche of a landlord.’

‘Hey, don’t worry,’ Rico says, toasting the room. ‘If we can take Luca Conte out, I don’t think we’ll have much trouble with Vance Cold.’

‘Hooray!’ Eddie squeals, wrapping his arms around me again and squeezing like his life depended on it.

This is a wonderful moment.

But I can’t escape the fact that it could have turned out a whole heap differently.

Had I been one second out with my timing, it could have been me lying dead on the floor rather than that sonofabitch Luca Conte.

‘Perspective,’ I say, not realizing that I’m talking out loud.

‘What do you mean, Daddy?’ Eddie says, a quizzical look on his sweet face.

‘Baby boy, we need to keep our perspective,’ I reply, thoughts rapidly forming in my mind. ‘This was a dangerous situation. Anything could have happened. I’m one hell of a shot, but I’m not invincible.’

‘I know, but-’

‘But nothing, boy,’ I reply. ‘Here’s the thing. I love you more than anything in the world. I want to be with you forever. And I meanforever. But do you understand the risk that comes with that?’

‘I do, Daddy,’ Eddie says. ‘You’re everything I’ve ever wanted or needed. I know the risks. I understand what your life is like. But I want to be your Little. I want you to be my Forever Daddy more than every single quadruple-glazed donut in the whole wide world.’

The boy knows how to talk, that’s for sure.

Hell, I might even train him to be a Mafia negotiator!

‘I love you, baby boy,’ I say, turning my lips to face Eddie’s and planting the most perfect kiss imaginable on him.

‘I love you too, Daddy,’ Eddie replies, his words somehow crystal clear to me despite the fact that we’re kissing passionately.

I have found my Forever Love.

Even though we met on avery specialdating website, it feels like it was written in the stars.

I’m going to look after Eddie forever – and first thing on my agenda is going to be paying this so-called landlord a visit and ensuring that East Side Sugar will continue long into the future…

‘Daddy, I don’t think you’re going to need to go far to speak to Vance Cold,’ Eddie says, touching my shoulder and pointing outside the bakery.