“Come on.” Mia scooped her up into her arms. “Let’s get you dressed.”

A few minutes later, the little girl was wearing her best dress, but it looked a bit too shabby for Mia. She remembered her mental note to make the children new clothes as she scooped her in to her arms and carried her out to the living room. “I have a surprise for you,” Mia told her as she sat down in the rocking chair with Hailey on her lap.

Hailey’s eyes widened.

Mia pulled out the repaired ragdoll and handed it to her.

“Dolly!” Hailey yelled, hugging it tightly to her chest.

Mia smiled, enjoying her reaction. “I stayed up late last night and fixed her. She’s as good as new.”

Hailey looked at Mia with puppy dog eyes. “Did it hurt?”

Mia’s eyebrows pulled together in concern. “Did what hurt?”

“Did it hurt Dolly… when you fixed her?”

Mia lifted her eyebrows. “Oh, no! Not at all! I made sure she didn’t feel anything. And she was very brave. She never whimpered once.”

A broad smile spread across the little girl’s face. “Yeah!” Then, she threw her arms around Mia’s neck, catching her by surprise. She pulled back with her hands still wrapped around her neck. “Does this mean that you’re my ma now?”

A lump formed in Mia’s throat as tears filled her eyes. “I guess so, baby girl. Is that okay?”

Hailey nodded, and then laid her head on Mia’s chest. “Thank you, Ma.”

A tear rolled down Mia’s face. “You’re welcome, baby.” Mia stroked her hair as she rocked her, then she thought of something. “Hey! I have an idea. Would you like to wear a scarf? I have one that would look nice with your dress.”

“Yes!” Hailey jumped off her lap, headed toward Mia’s bedroom, and climbed onto the bed, her feet wiggling in front of her.

Mia looked through her chest of drawers and found a dark blue scarf that complimented her dark brown dress and matched the tiny medium blue flowers in the print. “Here we go!”

“Pretty!” Hailey said as she ran her hand over the silk.

“You like it?”

Hailey nodded vigorously.

Mia smiled. “Here. Turn around.” She stood her on her feet, wrapped the scarf around her waist, and then tied it in a bow in the back. It really brightened up the dress. “Now! You look beautiful! Want to see?”

Hailey nodded, and Mia stood her in front of the full-length mirror.

Mia gazed at her new daughter’s reflection in the mirror. “You look beautiful.”

Quicker than Mia would have thought possible, Hailey turned around and pulled her in for a hug. “Thank you, Ma.”

Mia nodded, a lump forming in her throat. “Now, let’s do your hair.”

Mia sat her on a stool in front of the vanity, and then brushed her dark blonde hair up into a style similar to her own, pulled up high on the crown of her head. But instead of pinningit in place, she wrapped it in a high ponytail, and twisted her waves into ringlets that hung down her back.

“Oh, Hailey! You look lovely!” Mia stood her in front of the mirror once more.

Hailey gasped. “Thank you!” She threw her arms around her and gave her a huge hug.

Mia slipped on her shoes, and then they walked out to the living room.

“Shane! Let’s put your shoes on!” Mia called for him, and he slid into the living room across the wooden floor in his socks. “We need to put your shoes on. Go get them and I’ll help you.”

Shane turned around, saw Hailey, and stopped in his tracks. “You look pretty!”