Hailey twisted back and forth, looking down at her dress. “Thank you. Ma did it for me.”

Shane froze, and then walked slowly back into his room. He came out a moment later with his shoes in his hands, threw them on the floor, and folded his arms across his chest, glaring at Mia.

Mia picked up the shoes, and then knelt on the floor in front of him. “Shane, I know I’m not your real mother. But Hailey asked if I was her ma now. I know she knows that I’m not your real mother, but knowing that I can stand in for her… well… I think it makes Hailey feel better.” She placed her hands on his shoulders as tears formed in his eyes. “Is that okay?”

He nodded, tears running down his cheeks.

“Oh, Shane. Come here.” She pulled him to her chest and let him cry on her shoulder.

“Okay. I think we’re about….” Caleb walked in through the back door and took in the scene. “Is everything all right?”

Mia gave him a small smile. “I think so.” Then, she turned her attention back to Shane. “But you don’t ever have to call me Ma if you don’t want to.”

Shane nodded, and then gave her a hug.

As they were talking, Caleb’s lips formed a straight line as he headed into the kitchen.

When he walked back in, Mia and the children were dressed and ready to go.

“My, my!” Caleb reached out for his children and stood them before him. “You both look beautiful.”

Shane laughed, smiling. “I’m not beautiful! I’m a boy!”

Hailey covered her mouth as she giggled.

Caleb laughed. “Okay then,” he said as he held him at arms-length. “You look very handsome.” Then, he stood and took in Mia. “Mia, you look gorgeous.”

She blushed at the compliment. “Thank you.”

Caleb reached for her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, giving her a small smile. “Okay! Let’s get going or we’ll be late.” He looked down at the children. “Put your coats on, everyone!”

The family rushed to put on their coats, and Mia slipped into her long beige coat that hooked just under her breasts and fell over her dress to the floor, becoming the perfect accessory. Caleb helped Hailey into her coat and lifted her into his arms. “You look beautiful, princess.” She giggled as he nuzzled her neck.

“Thank you,” Hailey replied. “Ma did it.” Then she pointed at Mia.

Shane hung his head as he waited for his father’s reaction.

Caleb’s mouth flew open, but he quickly recovered himself. “Well, she did a wonderful job.”

Shane held his head up and smiled.

“Now, let’s go.” Caleb carried Hailey to the door. “If we’re too late, the parishioners will be waiting for us at the door.”

They all piled into the buckboard. Caleb gave them all quilts to cover themselves so they would stay warm as they headed toward the church.

“I’m sorry about the comment,” Mia said over Hailey’s head, her voice low. “But she asked if she could call me that.”

Caleb gave her a weak smile. “It’s okay.” Then he looked into her eyes. “I would have it no other way.”

Mia nodded thoughtfully. She knew it was hard on him, but he was trying. And if he was trying to make it work, then so would she.

They arrived at the church within minutes. They were the first ones there.As the preacher should be, Mia thought. Caleb helped them out, and Shane jumped down of his own accord.

“Shane, don’t get yourself dirty before church!” Mia called after him as he scampered off to play.

Caleb offered her his arm. “Shall we?”

She took his arm and let him escort her into the church and to the front pew to the right. Evidently, that must have been the place reserved for the preacher’s wife and family. He took her hands in his and looked into her eyes. “Will you be okay here?”