Caleb heard some noises out in the living room. He could have sworn he heard the rocking chair going back and forth against the hardwood floor, and wondered what Mia was up to. Unable to resist, he walked out to check on her, and she was sitting in the rocking chair, sewing.

Caleb smiled. “Mia, you really should get to bed.” He leaned against the door facing, watching her sew. “It’s getting late.”

Mia looked up from her sewing. “You go ahead,” she said as she held up a doll’s head. “Dolly had a little ‘accident’ and I want to fix it before Hailey wakes up.”

He nodded as a smile spread across his face and he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Well, don’t stay up too late.” He walked back to the bedroom, touched by the gesture. He turned around and watched her, so intent on her sewing. “Goodnight, Mia.”

She glanced up and smiled. “Goodnight, Caleb.” Then, she went back to her sewing.

This time, when he walked back into the bedroom… he didn’t feel guilty at all.

Chapter 13


The next morning, Mia woke to the sound of bustling in the kitchen—pots and pans clanking—so she slipped on her robe and walked out. “What’s going on?” Mia rubbed her eyes and looked out the back window. “It’s not even light out yet.”

Caleb smiled. “It’s Sunday.”

Mia’s eyes opened wide. She must have lost track of the days, because she had no idea that it was Sunday. Her stomach flipped. There were lots of duties expected of the preacher’s wife… and that meant her. “I’ll be out in a minute.”

“Mia….” Caleb stopped her. “After you’re ready, would you mind getting the children dressed while I milk the cow and gather the eggs? We won’t be back for a while.”

Mia gave him a small smile. “I’d be glad to.”

“I already laid out their Sunday best.” Caleb smiled, and then headed outside.

There had been a change in him the night before, but Mia wondered if the change would continue into the light of day. She hurried to her room and slipped on a baby blue dress with small pink buds on the print, bustled in the back. It was a bit low cut for church, but the rest of it was fine. So, she added a cream modesty scarf around her neck and tucked it in to the neckline. Then, she added a matching one to her waist and tied it in the back, setting off the dress. She quickly washed her faceand pulled a brush through her hair, but it was hopeless. So, she pulled it up into curls at the crown and pinched her cheeks. Then, she added a matching pale blue hat, donned her beige shoes, threw her beige coat over her arm, and then walked out to the living room.

She looked toward the back window and the sun was just beginning to rise. So, she hurried into the bedroom where the children were still sleeping and knelt down by the boy. “Shane, honey.” She stroked his light blond hair away from his sleeping face. “Wake up. It’s time for church.”

“Okay, Ma,” he said in his sleep. “I’m getting up.”

She smiled as her heart leaped. She knew that he was just waking up and disoriented, but she hoped that, one day, he would call her Ma just as naturally.

His eyes suddenly opened wide, and then he looked over at Mia and smiled. “Good morning, Mia.”

She ruffled his hair. “Time to get up and get ready for church, sleepyhead.”

He sat up and rubbed his eyes as a huge yawn escaped his lips. “You look real pretty. I like the blue feather in your hat. It’s the same color as your dress.” His eyebrows suddenly pulled together. “But where did they ever find a bird with that color feather?”

She giggled as she ruffled his hair again, and then leaned in conspiratorially. “I think they dyed a white feather.”

“Oh!” he said, nodding thoughtfully.

She laughed. “Okay. Enough about feathers and my hat. Let’s get you dressed for church before your father gets both of our hind ends.”

He laughed, and she placed a kiss on the top of his head.

When she studied the children’s clothes that he had laid out, they weren’t the best. But she was sure that it was the best they had. She made a mental note to make the children new clothesbefore the following Sunday. She wanted the children to look their best, and to make their father proud.

After Shane was dressed, she gave Hailey’s shoulder a gentle shake. “Hailey, girl. Time to wake up and get ready for church.”

She turned over and gave Mia a smile. “I like your hat.” She reached up and brushed the feather, giggling.

A smile spread across Mia’s face. “Thank you, but don’t touch the feather. Okay?”

Hailey grinned as she nodded.