Caleb knocked and a moment later, it swung open.
“Welcome!” Doctor Allaway said, another cigar between his teeth. “Come on in! I suppose you’re here to see your friends.”
“Yes, please.” Caleb stepped back and let Mia walk in first. “So, how’s your patient doing?”
The doctor chuckled. “You mean patients. Mother and babies are all doing just fine.” The doctor closed the door behind them and then walked back into his makeshift hospital, expecting them to follow.
“Mia!” Ella was sitting on the edge of the bed, fully dressed and holding one of the babies. She motioned for her to come to her and then pulled her in for a hug. Colton was standing off to the side, holding the other baby.
“How are you feeling?” Mia’s eyebrows lifted in concern.
“Sore, but good.” Ella held the baby up to her. “Would you mind taking Hannah for me for a minute?”
“I’d be glad to.” Mia smiled as she carefully took the baby.
“Caleb, would you take Blake for me?” Colton’s eyebrows pulled together in concern.
“Yes, of course.” Caleb took the baby boy and Colton rushed to Ella’s side to help her up.
“Can you walk, or would you like me to carry you?” Colton asked.
Ella smiled. “Don’t be silly. Just give me your arm.” He helped her up and she walked slowly.
“Oh, the hell with this.” Colton carefully swept her up into his arms.
Ella cringed a bit but wrapped her arms around her husband’s neck. “Colton! Your language! The preacher!”
Everyone laughed, standing back to clear the way for Colton as he carried her purposefully out the door. “Oh, I’m sure it’s not anything Caleb hasn’t heard before.”
“Colton!” Ella chuckled.
“Oh, it’s all right.” Caleb laughed as he and Mia carried the babies, following them out. “He’s right. It’s nothing I haven’t heard before.”
Outside, Colton had placed some blankets in the back of his buckboard so she and the babies could ride in comfort, with the promise of returning them back to the doctor. He placed Ella in the back and then climbed up to help her get comfortable. She didn’t lay down, but sat up, leaning against the back of the front bench seat. Then he took the baby from Caleb, swaddled him, and handed him to Ella.
“Mia, would you mind riding in the back with Ella?” Colton asked, taking the baby from her.
Mia smiled. “I’d be glad to.” Then she turned to Caleb. “Would you mind? Hailey can ride in the back with us.”
“No, not at all.” Then Caleb turned to his son. “Shane, would you like to ride with the women or with me?”
Shane scrunched up his nose. “No, I’ll ride with you.” He squared his shoulders. “I’m a man now.” He looked over at Colton and smiled.
Colton gave him a wink.
Caleb laughed. “I have a feeling that I’m missing something.”
Mia chuckled. “I’ll tell you about it when we get home.” She was about to give him a hug, but it felt too awkward.
Caleb gave her a small smile as he helped her into the back with Ella. “I’m looking forward to it.” Then he handed Hailey up to her.
Once she was settled, Colton handed her the other baby. Mia looked into the baby girl’s eyes, and she was just as beautiful as her mother. It was obvious that both babies had inherited their parent’s good looks.
“She’s beautiful.” Mia’s eyes were filled with wonder. “You did good, Ella.”
“She’s just as beautiful as her mother,” Colton proudly interjected.
“Well, it’s obvious that both babies have inherited their parents’ good looks,” Mia agreed.