“Here you go.” The waiter placed their plates on the table before them. “Can I get you anything else? More coffee, perhaps?”

Caleb nodded. “Yes, please.”

“Right away, sir.” The waiter hurried away, checking on the pretty woman sitting alone a few tables down from theirs.

“So, tell me about Whiskey River,” Mia coaxed in an effort to lighten the moment as she cut up Shane’s pancakes and then Hailey’s. “How are the people?”

Caleb’s face brightened. “Well, Wyatt Nash is the new saloon owner, and his wife is Madison….” He continued talking between bites as he dug into his pancakes.

After the children were squared away, Mia listened as he went on about the townsfolk of Whiskey River, telling her all about them, sparing no detail. From the way he was talking about them, it was clear that he loved the town and the people in it.

“And then there’s the princess….”

Mia nearly spit out her coffee. She dabbed at her lips. “A princess? I thought that Ella was just kidding.”

“Nope!” Shane bounced in his seat. “Her name is Gabriella, and she really is a princess!”

Caleb smiled. “That’s Mrs. Price to you.”

“Is this true?” Mia arched an eyebrow.

Caleb chuckled. “Every word.”

“So, how did she come to be in Whiskey River?” Mia was intrigued, catching herself leaning in a bit closer to listen.

Caleb told her the story of how Gabriella was kidnapped and literally fell onto Dirk Price’s doorstep. When he finished the exciting tale, Mia was so intrigued that she almost forgot to eat as she fed Hailey.

Caleb dabbed at his lips with his napkin. “Well, I think we’d better go before it starts snowing again.”

When Mia looked out the window, the sun was shining outside. It was clear that it had stopped snowing for the moment. “Do you think it’s safe?” Mia finished her meal and the last of her coffee. Then sat back, fully sated. It was the first meal she was able to enjoy since stepping off the train.

Caleb finished the last bite of his pancakes and swallowed. “The snow stuck last night, but not enough to keep us from going home. So, we have to git while the gittin’s good.” He smiled as he finished the last of his coffee and stood. “I’ll be right back.” He walked over to the front register to settle their bill.

Mia wished she could contribute, but she had brought little money with her. She only had a few dollars to her name—the last of what Trent Jericho had given her. She reconciled herself to taking in sewing to make money when they get to Whiskey River, if they need it. But for the moment, she would have enough to do stepping into her new life caring for the children and the household. Of course, making their clothes herself would save them a lot of money, too.

“Come here, little girl.” Mia picked up a cloth napkin and wiped the syrup off Hailey’s sticky hands and face. “There you go. Much better.” Then she turned to her new son. “Shane?”

But he quickly picked up a napkin and sloppily wiped his face and his hands. “I can do it myself.”

“So you can.” Mia smiled as she took Hailey’s hand and pushed in her chair. Shane was about to run off toward his father, but Mia stopped him. “Push in your chair first and stay with me.”

Shane narrowed his eyes at her but did as she said. When she reached for his hand, he pulled away. But one thing to his credit was that he walked by her side instead of running away this time.

After paying the bill, Caleb slid his wallet into his back pocket and turned to Mia. “Ready?”

She nodded and he took Hailey from her, holding her with one arm. “Ready, baby girl?”

Caleb held the door open for Mia. Much to her surprise, Shane waited for them instead of running ahead and jumping into the back of the buckboard. She guessed that he had taken Colton’s little talk to heart. Even though she wished it had been Caleb to give him the talk instead, Mia knew she had to be patient with him.

Outside, snow covered the ground in a soft white blanket, but the sun shone brightly overhead. As Caleb had said, they didn’t appear to be in danger of getting caught in another snowstorm on the way home. Home. She hadn’t even laid eyes on it yet, but she was already coming to think of Whiskey River as her home.

Caleb offered her his hand and helped her into his buckboard and then handed Hailey up to her. The little girl went to her with ease and sat on the bench seat between them, but Mia kept her arm around her to keep her from falling.

Shane climbed up into the back of the buckboard and sat with his back against the bench seat, while Caleb climbed in the front beside Mia. Within minutes, they pulled in front of the little white house that served as the doctor’s office and makeshift hospital at the edge of town.

“Whoa!” Caleb pulled the team to a stop, pulled the brake, and then stepped down and walked around to Mia. “Shall we?” He reached for Hailey and then took Mia’s hand. Just his simple words caused her face to flush. As she stepped down from the buckboard, she knew she was going to have to get her emotions under control before she made a fool of herself.

If he saw her reaction, he didn’t acknowledge it, but he offered her his arm and she took it, letting him help her through the snow and up the wooden steps leading to the doctor’s office.