Caleb reached over the back and gave Mia’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Will you be all right?”

Mia smiled, touched by the gesture. “Yes, of course. Besides, Ella and I haven’t had a chance to get caught up on our gossip yet.”

Caleb laughed. “Well, in that case, I’m out of here.” Then he turned to Colton. “You take the lead and I’ll follow closely behind.”

Colton nodded. “Much obliged. We’ll see you in Whiskey River.”

“If you need anything, just pull over.” With that, Caleb turned to Shane. “Let’s go, son.”

Shane puffed up his chest and climbed up into the buckboard on the bench seat beside his father.

When everyone was settled, they started the slow journey home. On the way, Mia wondered what she would be going home to.

“So, how’s everything going?” Ella asked, bringing her from her reverie when they were alone and could talk without anyone listening.


“Between you and Caleb,” Ella replied as if Mia should have known what she was talking about. “How’s it going?”

“So far, so good.” Mia chuckled. “Although I owe Colton.”

A crease formed between Ella’s eyes. “Uh-oh! What did he do?”

“Colton gave Shane a man-to-man talk this morning about how to treat women.” She chuckled at the memory. “It was priceless.”

Ella gasped. “He didn’t!”

Mia laughed. “Yes, he did.”

“Colton needs to learn how to keep his nose out of other people’s business.”

Colton looked over his shoulder. “What was that?”

“Nothing,” Mia interjected. “Nothing at all.” Then she turned her attention back to Ella. “No, he did just the right kind of interfering. Shane was running away from me when Colton stopped him. In fact, he might have run right out into the street if Colton hadn’t intervened. Then he gave him a talk about the fine points of how a gentleman treats a lady.” Mia chuckled. “I loved it. I just wish Caleb had been the one to tell him.”

Ella nodded, turning her attention back to the baby boy in her arms.

“So, you’re a mother now.” Mia smiled. “Do you have enough baby clothes?”

Ella shrugged. “I have plenty. My friend Madison, Wyatt’s new wife, has been helping me make baby clothes, along with the other ladies of the church. But she’s been quite busy between teaching school and settling into married life.”

Guilt filled Mia’s chest. “I’m so sorry. I should have been helping you to prepare. I’m afraid that I haven’t been the best friend in the world lately.”

“Oh, hush.” A crease formed between Ella’s eyes. “You’ve had your hands full trying to make ends meet after I left. I’m so sorry I left you high and dry.”

“Well, I think you’ve had enough to think about without having to worry about me.” She looked down at the baby in her arms as she spoke to Mia. “But let’s make a deal. Let’s not feel guilty about the past. After all, life just took us in different directions.”

“But you’re here now.” Ella smiled as a devilish look appeared in her eyes.

Mia could just imagine what was going through Ella’s mind as she remembered the times they shared in the tenement in New York. “Yes, I am. And that means that if you need anything, let me know. I’m here to help.”

Ella smiled. “As much as I like hearing that, I’m afraid you’ll have enough to think about with settling into your new life besides worrying about me.”

Mia sighed. “I just hope that Caleb comes to accept me into his family.”

Ella’s eyebrows pulled together as one corner of her lips curled into a smile. “What do you mean? He married you, didn’t he? If that isn’t acceptance, then I don’t know what is.”

Mia shrugged. “I hope you’re right.”