Wesley stood, “It’s sad people don’t know what?” I laughed. Dylan sighed, “Ahh little Wesley, start cultivating sources so that you know things too.” Wesley rolled his eyes and walked off.Buttercup sighed, “Dad, why did you do that?” She ran off after Wesley.
Once they were out of hearing range I said, “I’m sorry about your parents.” Dylan snorted, “Why? Travis and I aren’t. They stalked our daughters like creepers. I’ve been on pins and needles looking out for their insanity. They were meeting with a Witch again when they died. A different one than the one before.” Oh no.
“Danver was watching them. They didn't even know they were being followed. Four rogues attacked their group. The Witch is in our hospital, but it’s doubtful she’ll make it. Your mom offered to heal her even though I know it was hard for her to do so. She’s such a giving, perfect soul. I feel it had something to do with Buttercup. The Witch lives or she doesn’t, but I won’t have her healed.” Interesting.
He continued, “Betty and Davis got an easy death. They should’ve left my pup and my nieces alone. They got what was coming to them and I want to throw a parade. Lucas is being a no fun fuddy duddy. I’ll get Julianna on my side, then he will let me throw it.” I laughed, “You’re throwing it anyway.” He winked, “But once she’s on my side he’ll agree.” It was true that Lucas was wrapped around Julianna’s little finger.
Julianna popped in. She announced, “Daddy sent me to get you and Buttercup.” Dylan rolled his eyes, “Saint God Alpha Prick strikes again. He’s just no fun, Julianna. He doesn’t like it when people try to spice up his life.” Julianna laughed, “Cousin Eric can be fun when all my cousins are around.”
Dylan kissed her forehead, “He even has you fooled. Let’s pop to Buttercup so Wesley can say ‘as you wish’ before we leave.” I rolled my eyes. Dylan had Wesley quoting the movie without knowing he was. Neither of them had seen it yet.
I called, “Hey, where is Jade?” Julianna looked up, “Uhh what?” I asked, “Jade, you know, your sister. I saw Jacob,Jayden, and you today but not her.” She replied, “Weird. Gotta collect my group.” She popped away. Brutus said, “That was weird.” It was. I rubbed my head.
I let it go and walked upstairs and knocked on Alexander’s door. I walked in and found Phil sitting on the couch. Alexander was laying on the bed throwing a ball. I said, “So, you kind of lost it.” Alexander replied defensively, “On a pack we were taking over. Who cares?” I snorted, “Umm me.”
Alexander shrugged, “Why? I proved why when we take over, I’m your Enforcer.” I pointed out, “You’ll have a pack you lead too. You’ll be an Alpha.” Alexander nodded, “I’m still your Enforcer. You’ll be the head, just like dad. I proved my place at your side today.” I frowned, “I don’t need you to prove your place. I’ve always known where you will stand. Do you think I don’t know that?”
Alexander frowned, “I know you do.” I sighed, “Are you going to tell me what that was really about?” Alexander locked his jaw. Phil told me, “He won’t say anything.” I tried a new tactic, “You know I love you, brother. There is nothing you can say to me that will ever change that.” His emotions flickered so fast in the bond I couldn’t pin them down.
Alexander muttered, “We were taking over. I didn’t do anything wrong.” I rolled my eyes, “I didn’t say you did.” Alexander said, “I still want space.” I pointed out, “It’s been two years of space. I find I’m running out of it.” I turned around to leave.
He called, “Didn’t you find their anniversary party strange?” I asked over my shoulder, “Whose?” Alexander answered, “Drake and Sam’s two years ago. They had all those family photos yet their whole family wasn’t in them.” I agreed, “Yes, it was weird that Melanie wasn’t in the pictures.”
Phil snorted, “Imaginary Melanie.” I replied, “I’ve met her multiple times. She’s real.” Phil looked surprised but Alexanderdidn’t. Phil questioned, “You’ve met Melanie McAlister?!” I nodded, “She taught me how to ballroom dance two years ago. I saw her again today when she fought those Warriors. She’s good. Possibly Alexander good without his powers.”
Phil said, “We should arrange a fight.” Alexander cut in, “I won’t fight her.” We both raised an eyebrow. Phil smirked, “Are you scared she’d beat you?” Alexander answered, “No.” I sighed realizing he wasn’t going to say more than that.
Alexander said, “The stuffed wolf she has was in the pictures at the party. There was clearly a spot for her in those pictures. It’s like they are hiding her from other packs. Why would they do that?” I frowned, “I don’t….” Alexander interrupted, “You’d even tried to meet her before you did. She’s just never around. They are hiding her from us.”
I argued, “I don’t think they are.” Alexander shrugged, “Maybe it’s just some of us then.” I stared at him as the bond told me he thought they didn’t want him to meet her. Phil offered, “Hey, I haven’t met her either. EJ tracked her down because he has inside knowledge. You could do that too.”
Alexander snorted, “No, I can’t. I promised I wouldn’t pop to her or their house. If I found out where she was, I’d be popping to her.” I tried, “I don’t think it works that way. I went with the intent to meet her. I just didn’t pop to her directly.” Alexander looked away and the bond told me something I hadn’t caught onto.
I asked him, “Did you try that already?” Alexander nodded, “It didn’t work. I was thrown back here. It’s like the promise I made wouldn’t let me break it.” I sighed, “We’ll get it figured out. You’ll meet her.” He had to. I think, without meaning to, when Alexander tried he’d wanted to pop to her and that’s why he couldn’t. Alexander shrugged.
Phil pressed, “And you want to meet her because?” I leaned forward waiting for him to confess. Alexander replied, “I justdo.” I groaned and left the room. I just wanted him to admit it. He had a crush. He had to think she was his mate.
The week moved by slowly at a crawl. I was just as moody as Alexander waiting for Elise’s birthday. The pack gave us both a wide berth. We were in the gym training every day. My mom was worried about us. The only thing that would stop us was when Angela popped to us. We had a weak spot for her.
Alexander finally asked, “What’s up with you?” I raised an eyebrow, “Well, unlike you I’ll actually explain it.” He rolled his eyes. I confided, “Elise wants to have sex tonight, after she shifts.” Alexander frowned, “And you don’t? No, I know that’s not true. I see the way you look at her.”
I hit him in the shoulder, “Of course I do. I just don’t want her to feel pressured or feel like she has to. At the same time, I’m also ready to claim her. Brutus is beyond excited to meet her wolf. You could come.”
Alexander shook his head, “I would but I can’t. I took a mission for Uncle Bjourn.” I paused, “Your first one you’re doing alone?” We usually went together on missions for the Hackura. He nodded, “Yes. I would’ve asked you to come but I knew you were busy.” I realized he signed up because he knew Melanie wasn’t going to be there. Elise had been here the other day. She was said Melanie wasn’t going to be there for her birthday or Tristan’s.
I hit his shoulder again, “You better be safe. If I don’t like the feelings I’m getting from you, I’ll be there and if you interrupt my claiming moment, I can’t say I’ll be in a good mood.” Alexander laughed, “I’ll be fine, big brother.” I snorted, “You’d better be.”
Alexander said, “We both need to get moving. You’ve got sexy plans. Virginities to take and lose.” I snorted, “Are you ever even going to kiss anyone?” Alexander shrugged. I laughed, “Youare aware you break hearts by not showing interest in either gender.”
Alexander said, “I have interests. I tried.” he trailed off “It doesn't feel right. I don’t know. I guess I’m like mom that way.” I nodded, “You are a Healer like she is and more in tune with your feelings.” Alexander snorted, “You probably would’ve been more like dad if you didn’t know Elise.” I shrugged. It wasn’t really something I thought about.
I teased, “Charline still thinks you two will get together.” Alexander rolled his eyes. I added, “I heard that Melanie McAlister gets in trouble not infrequently for fighting with Charline.” Alexander shrugged, “Good for her. Charline is annoying.”
I rolled my eyes, “Dense, little brother. You are dense. I’m going to go.” Before he could ask, I popped away. I couldn’t outright tell him, but he could at least be curious. If he asked why they fought Elise could tell him. Hell, Dylan could for that matter. Apparently, he knew. How everyone didn’t know the crush these two had on each other at this point was beyond me.
I put it out of my mind and got dressed. I went downstairs and kissed my mom. She smiled, “Tell Elise happy birthday. I doubt you’ll see Tristan but him too.” I agreed, “Will do. Where’s dad?” My mom answered, “He’s waiting for you in his office.” I popped to my dad.
He greeted, “Hi, EJ.” I told him, “I really want to get going.” My dad nodded, “From what we’ve seen, having your mate there does make your shift easier. I know you guys are going on your first run together after. Just be respectful, son. Like we raised you.” My groaned, “Dad!”