Everyone grabbed hands and we popped them to the border. We went in quickly. Alpha Johnson was meeting with his pack. He told them, “Our boys failed today, but we’ll get them back. We’ll get the girl and she’ll be mine.” Alexander went into a rage like I’d never felt. I couldn’t stop myself from shifting as his fury filled the bond.

I moved to attack with him since he’d already broke from the group. He took most of them down with his pushing power. There were twenty-five men down screaming. I linked my dad, “I didn’t know he could do that many without me helping him.” My dad admitted, “Neither did I.”

Their pack didn’t really fight after Alexander had neutralized those who had agreed with their Alpha by making their heads explode. Alexander shifted back into his human form and attacked the Alpha. Peter shifted back and raised an eyebrow at me. I linked Alexander, “Alexander, he’s down.” Brutus linked, “He’s beyond down.” Alexander had beat him unconscious.

When he didn’t answer me, I shifted back and touched my brother’s arm, popping us to a spot where our cousins liked to play in Blue Moon territory. Alexander snarled so loud I bet the pack was worried. Julianna called, “Alexander, are you ok?” Alexander cooled in a second.

He turned, “Yeah, we were taking over a pack.” Julianna frowned and gave him a hug. He hugged her back, “I’m ok. I just got really mad.” Julianna asked, “Why?” I smirked, “Yeah Alexander, why?” Julianna shot me a look and I winked at her

Alexander glared at me. He pulled back from Julianna, “We need to get back. Your parents are there too. So are Jacob and Jayden.” She chuckled, “That’s where they popped off too. Dylan is going to be so upset. He’s in your territory.”

Alexander laughed, “You should pop over and tell him where we all are.” He winked at her. She grinned broadly, “I’ll do just that.” That was going to be his chosen distraction, clearly. Brutus asked, “Are we letting him get away with that?” I replied, “He will tell us eventually.”

I popped Alexander and I back to Two Peaks. Christopher smiled at us, “Well Alexander you set it up and I knocked it out of the park. The Alpha is dead. Not that he was hard to kill after you got through with him. You’ve got moves kid.” Alexander smiled, “Thanks. I train with my dad and Uncle Bjourn.” Christopher snorted, “That would do it.”

A pop sounded and I already knew who it was. Julianna giggled. Dylan had his hands on his hips. He glared at my dad, “SAINT GOD ALPHA PRICK, I JUST KNOW IT WAS YOURFAULT I WAS NOT BROUGHT TO THE ACTION.” Jason snorted, “There was not much action really. The Conners boys exploded people’s brains.” I bit my lip knowing that was not the right thing to say.

Dylan huffed, “I missed them exploding people’s brains?! MAN! I missed the Mini pricks in action! I haven’t seen them explode people’s brains in FAR too long. You rob me of such things, Saint God Alpha Prick. It’s just rude, today of all days. Julianna, be the lovely partial Fairy you are and pop me back to Saint God Alpha Prick’s territory. Where I SHALL cause chaos.” I raised an eyebrow.

I hadn’t asked why he was in our territory, but I shrugged that off. The rest of us that stayed behind handled everything left. Everyone watched Alexander with a lot of respect if not curiosity. The fact that everyone didn’t know about his crush now was just sad. Brutus pointed out, “They think we helped him push at people.” That’s true.

Dylan would’ve announced it to everyone had he been here. The only McAlister who seemed to catch on was Tristan. He didn’t say anything though. He and Alexander just had a staring contest. Our allies were already consolidating the pack.

Cassie popped in and was able to sort out who should stay and who needed to be killed since mom was locked in a dispute. Her concern was wafting in the bond though. I could tell she wanted to end it, but someone must have sent her feelings to stay there. It was fine we had this under control anyway.

There were a few more pack members obsessed with Melanie. Alexander’s anger came back with a fury. It was tinged with a worry I didn’t understand. He had to know she was safe. I kissed Elise goodbye when it was time for us to go. Her cheeks flushed reminding me of her earlier confession. She was ready to have sex. I was going to claim her as mine. Brutus was excited. Heknew we couldn’t mark her yet, but we were going to claim her as ours.

Our group popped home. We easily found Dylan with Wesley and Buttercup. I asked, “Why weren’t you with your pack today?” Dylan snorted, “I was sent away for being too gleeful.” Buttercups sighed, “Dad, you were giddy that two pack members died in a rogue attack.”

Dylan scoffed, “Giddy? No my darling girl, I was elated. The wicked Witch of Blue Moon and her evil sidekick are dead. It’s a good thing.” I asked, “Who died?” Dylan answered, “Betty and Davis.” My eyes widened because I knew those were his parents.

Buttercup shrugged, “They were just really sad, dad. They were always hovering around our family. I think they were lonely.” Dylan and Wesley growled. Buttercup sighed, “Wes…” Wesley interrupted, “I have been itching to kill them. I don’t like how they look at you. The only reason I didn’t kill them was because our packs are allies.”

Dylan loudly whispered, “Who could’ve cultivated such a strong instinct in this adorable Conners pup?” He put a hand over his head and pointed to himself. I shook my head. Wesley added, “I’m not sad they died. They were weird about you for some reason, and I didn’t like it.”

Wesley didn't know they were her grandparents because Dylan and Travis had a massive falling out with their parents before he was born. Not even Buttercup, Finn, or Hank knew they were their grandparents. Well, to my knowledge. They were Beta pups though, so they could’ve figured it out.

Dylan clapped, “And this is why THIS Mini Alpha Prick is meant to be in my family. He gets me. No one is sad they are gone.” Buttercup argued, “Dale and Debbie seemed sad.” Dylan amended, “Ok two people are sad, and it’s not the type of sad you think it is. All I did was suggest throwing a party and got sent toSaint God Alpha Prick. Where all party ideas go to die because he has no fun.”

My dad snorted, “If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to call Lucas and ask what the hell I did to him and when.” Dylan yelled, “UMM HELLO, THE SUMMIT! ALPHA PRATER! DO YOU NEED A REMINDER? MY EYES ARE STILL BLEEDING FROM THE PAPERWORK!”

My dad snorted, “Lucas didn’t have any complaints.” Dylan flipped the bird to my dad’s back and called, “YOU TELL HIM THAT I WILL STILL HAVE MY PARTY! It’s already planned and I will spring it on him now, like my creepy ninja friends appear out of thin air. I HAVE BEEN WAITING to use the skill they taught me and I’ll use them for party. MUAHAHAHAHA!” My dad shook his head but never turned back around.

Dylan looked around asking, “Where is the moody triplet?” I asked, “Huh?” I looked around realizing Alexander had disappeared. Dylan raised an eyebrow, “You know why he’s moody, right? Or are you another one of those Alpha’s that needs their hand held by their Beta? Which is basically your moody triplet. You sir are screwed. He’s also an Alpha/Beta/Enforcer. YEESH no wonder he’s moody.”

I rolled my eyes, “Toby Kruthers will be my Beta.” Toby was Nick and Emily Kruthers’ son. Phil Kruthers, Cousin Miley and Jim Kruthers’ son would be Alexander’s. Dylan asked, “Do we need to get Toby in here to tell you why your moody triplet is moody? He’s getting dangerously close to a nickname addition. I think he’ll soon be Mini Moody Alpha Prick.”

I rolled my eyes, “He’s sensitive, not moody.” Dylan clapped, “YOU DO KNOW! OH MY GOD! THE HEAVENS HAVE OPENED! OH NO! There’s two of them now running around knowing things and being annoying. BLACK MOUNTAIN, BEWARE! You really are your father’s mini prick who just knows things.” I rolled my eyes.

Wesley frowned, “What’s wrong with Alexander?” I answered, “Nothing is wrong with him.” Dylan snorted, “Ask a better question, little Wesley.” Wesley rephrased, “Why is he moody?” Dylan held up his hand for a high five and Wesley slapped his hand.

I told him, “Ask Alexander.” Wesley grumbled, “He doesn’t answer or says he needs space.” Dylan snorted. I rolled my eyes as Phil walked inside. Dylan said, “Ahhh, the unlucky future Beta of the Mini Moody Alpha Prick arrives. The chosen son of Miley and Jim. Run along and help because your future Alpha is moody. I know that you know why that is.” Phil asked, “Huh?” He played dumb knowing full well exactly what happened. I shot him a smirk.

Dylan continued, “See, I found myself a voicemail while not sniffing around Saint God Alpha Prick’s office. That is definitely something I did not do in my boredom when I was sent away for being the source of fun and delight in everyone’s lives. It seems a certain someone from Red Run was attacked today.” Phil groaned and went upstairs in search of Alexander.

I narrowed my eyes asking Dylan, “How do you know?” Dylan snorted, “Don’t insult me. I eat popcorn and I know things, little mini know it all prick.” I sighed. Dylan added, “Plus, anyone paying attention knows. It’s sad that everyone doesn’t know. Well, except your mom because she thinks things are pranks.” Things being Melanie.

Dylan continued, “In my humble opinion, I have sources who say it’s double sided. Part of that is just from my power of sight from the strange arrangement of pictures from the McAlister’s anniversary party. A certain stuffed wolf I have memos about got Dylan thinking.”