My dad laughed, “I was sixteen once too. I didn’t know your mother at that age, but I’m just saying I’m here if you want to talk.” I sat down, “She wants to have sex tonight.” My dad shrugged, “If that’s what you both want there’s nothing wrongwith that. We had that talk last year. You love her, and she loves you. You respect her and you’re mates.”

I replied, “Of course I want to. I mean she’s everything. I just want to be sure it’s what she wants. Shifting wasn’t bad for me the first time, but I don't remember it.” My dad acknowledged, “It’s not fun. It hurts, but from what we’ve seen when your mate is present it’s not as bad. Just communicate with Elise. She’s what’s important.”

I changed the subject, “Did you know Alexander was going out alone on a Hackura mission?” My dad snorted, “Did you know on your mother’s first mission all your uncle’s went? I very seriously doubt Alexander will be alone. In fact, I know he won’t. Your Uncle Bjourn would not let that happen.” I nodded, “Ok. I’ll pop to him if I feel anything off.” My dad nodded, “Be safe tonight yourself, son. Link if you need anything.” I nodded and jumped up.

I passed Alexander on the way to my room. I hugged him, “Be careful.” He said, “Have fun, big brother.” I rolled my eyes. He opened a portal and stepped into it. I stared at it a second after it closed. It was an odd feeling knowing he was going out there without me. I didn’t care for it one bit.

I grabbed my bag and popped to Elise’s house. She hugged me the second I was there. I could practically feel her nerves. I kissed her, “How’s my girl?” She tapped my wrist, wanting me to do my space unheard. I quickly said it.

She pulled back firing off questions, “What if I don’t have a wolf? What if nothing happens at midnight? What if it hurts a lot to shift?” I kissed her, “You have a wolf. You’re an Alpha. Even if you didn’t, that wouldn’t matter to me. You’re mine. I’ll be here for you every step of the way.” She let out her breath and kissed me. She broke it to hug me.

She whispered, “I’m so glad you’re here.” I patted her back, “There is nowhere else I’d rather be than by your side, EliseKyle.” I spoke to reverse my space unheard chant. Peter cleared his throat, “Let’s get out to our spot.” Elise nodded.

The McAlister’s joined us minus one. Tristan told me, “We thought we’d shift together.” Elise nodded. We walked to our spot that we always hung out in. The scent of strawberries caught my nose. No fucking way. Melanie McAlister jumped out and yelled, “SURPRISE!” I was going to kill something. Elise squealed and ran to Melanie and spun her around. Tristan grabbed her too.

Elise asked, “What are you doing here?” Melanie laughed, “I decided to give someone else a chance to win a competition. I wanted to be here for your shift and T’s!” It was official, I was going to kill something.

Brutus grumbled, “It is a giant conspiracy. Alexander’s not the only one who’s moody. Oden is too.” My brother's wolf was usually more stoic. He and Brutus got along well. I asked, “Has he told you what’s going on?” Brutus replied, “Not unlike his human half, he’s tight lipped and moody about the whole damn thing.” I sighed, “Great.”

Melanie smiled at me, and I smiled back. She looked around then frowned. She said, “I thought Cassie might come. I mean… because she’s close with Elise… and stuff….” Brutus snorted, “Both her and Alexander are like this. Just say you mean people! She wants to know where he is.”

I cut her off, “Cass is with Uncle Aiden and Alexander is on a mission for Uncle Bjourn.” Elise turned around in surprise. I shrugged, “I just found out about it.” Elise’s brothers joined us. They all yelled, “How cool!”

Melanie looked worried. She sat down and drew her knees in. Dalton and Dakota eyed her. Dalton said, “Don’t worry Ladybug, Elise and T will be fine.” Melanie nodded. Elise smirked at me, while Tristan inhaled deeply. All of us seemed to know that’s not what she was worried about.

The second the clock struck midnight Elise and Tristan went to the ground screaming in pain. Elise’s cries were like a punch to my gut. I ran and put my arms around her, blocking out everything. I called my Fairy side forward instinctually. My earth side should calm her. Her screams faded to whimpers. It wasn’t as bad, but it still tore at my head.

I heard her bones breaking and felt tears running down my cheeks. Brutus linked, “It’s just this time, EJ.” After twenty minutes Brutus linked, “We need to shift.” I shifted immediately. Elise howled and shifted too. She was a stunning midnight black. We matched. Brutus nuzzled her wolf’s neck and she returned the gesture.

Tristan howled and I glanced back. He was brown, just like his dad’s wolf. Peter urged us, “Go on and take your first run. I’ll be going with Tristan and Drake. We’ll have our first run tomorrow, Elise.” She yipped and took off.

Melanie called, “You’re so pretty Elise!” I heard a chuff. She cooed, “You are too, T, I mean… handsome… well… you are pretty too… Well… just…. yeah…” Her voice faded as Elise howled and kept running. I was on her heels and could’ve caught her, but she was having so much fun.

Brutus was in heaven chasing his mate around the forest. I asked, “What’s her wolf’s name?” He replied, “She’s being coy, but she knows we are mates. She’s sassy. I like it.” Of course he did. We let our wolves play together.

Eventually Brutus pinned her wolf playfully. He gave me control back slamming me forward. I shifted. She took a minute but shifted back too. My breath caught as I took in her naked body. I concentrated on not losing myself in her scent.

Elise laughed, “Someone’s happy to see me.” I told her, “I’m always happy to see you. All of me, always. What’s your wolf’s name?” Elise answered, “Reah.” Brutus purred her name in my head. She giggled, “You're purring, EJ.”

I nuzzled her neck feeling her nipples on my chest. I kissed her marking spot which had her shivering. She whispered, “You need to conjure that treehouse.” I pulled back asking, “Are you sure about this?” She nodded, “I’m sure. I want you, EJ.” I got up and held out my hands. I put all the protections my mom taught me on this treehouse. Only Elise and I could find it.

Once I finished, I popped us inside. She gaped, “Wow. EJ, this is amazing.” I was studying her. We were both still naked from shifting. She turned back around and caught my gaze, walking over to me slowly. She put her arms around my neck and her lips met mine.

We made out until I began to walk us back towards the bedroom. I grazed my hands lightly up her sides, laid her down on the bed, and I kissed down her body. I paid special attention to her nipples. She started panting.

She pleaded, “EJ, please.” I settled between her legs. I started using my tongue on her. When she came, I slowly pushed my finger inside her and worked her over the edge until she came again. I repeated the process with a second finger. She was thrashing around now, shaking from her orgasms. I’d seen this done countless times in the Hackura realm so in theory I knew how to do it.

Brutus pointed out, “We had the sex talk with dad. Thor told me in more details. We’ve got this.” I knew that. I crawled up her body. I looked into her eyes, “Elise, I love you.” She whispered, “I love you too. Claim me EJ, please.”

I looked in her eyes for any sign of hesitation, but I found none. I lined us up and slowly pushed in. I groaned knowing I was barely in, and it felt so good. I paused several times letting her adjust. I felt her barrier and tried to ease past it.

When she winced, I wished I could heal like Alexander could. I put my forehead on hers, “I’m sorry.” She shook her head, “It’s fine, just a little pinch for a second. Keep going.” I nodded andslid all the way in. FUCK this felt so good. I clenched my jaw hard.

My entire body wanted me to move, but I wanted to make sure she was ok. I told her, “Let me know when I can move.” She nodded, “Just give me a minute.” I nodded. Eventually the tension eased in her face. She whispered, “You can move.”

I slowly slid out and back in as her walls gripped me tightly. I hissed, “Fuck babe, you are so tight.” She gasped, “That felt, oh god. EJ.” I repeated the motion. I started thinking unsexy thoughts to hold off my own orgasm. I couldn't last much longer though. Brutus linked, “Use your hands then.” He had the best ideas.

I moved my hand between her legs to rub her clit. Her breathing sped up. I whispered, “Come on babe, come with me.” She screamed my name and clamped down so hard I came. I yelled, “ELISE!” Holy shit. My breathing finally caught up.