I turned the water on warm in the shower to get Lexi’s body temperature back to normal. Her skin was ice cold. She seemed like she was on autopilot. I linked Nadine, “I think you need to talk to Lexi.” Nadine replied, “That’s not a problem. I’m all over it.” I desperately wanted to help her, but I didn’t think I was the right person. I didn’t want to make anything worse.
When we made it back downstairs the twins were sleeping in their swings. Nadine took Lexi aside and she’d had our monitor set up with a video screen, so that Lexi could see them. I kissed Lexi before they went off together to her office. My dad asked, “Is she ok?” I explained, “She’s worried about Hanson. She’s not ok, but she’s talking about it. But we need to be patient and work at her pace.”
My dad said, “That’s good. Talking about it is a good step. Hanson will not get his grimy hands on my grandpups. That’s not happening.” I said, “I’d like to meet their guards.” My dad told me, “Well, Kincade put two men on them. Alpha Eric sent ten warriors, good ones, to keep watch until Hanson is caught.”
Matt chimed in, “Alpha Lucas and Alpha Kyle are sending men as well. Alpha Theo also asked if we needed anything. Sophia wants to help as well. The McDermont’s are waiting to hear back from us on what’s needed. All our allies are rallying around us, Chase.” I was stunned.
My dad said, “Allies are there for a reason and you have good ones. Alpha Eric knows what it is to be worried about your mate and pups. That your mate is good friends with his helps us as well. He’s a good man.” I replied, “I know. He took a bullet for me.”
My dad hit me upside the head. I said, “Ow!” My dad questioned, “Did I not teach you to be aware of your surroundings? I know I taught you to duck and cover when bullets start flying.” I sighed, “Yeah I know, but Susie….” My dad yelled, “Duck! You don’t have magic healing hands. You watch your back.” I assured him, “I’m fine, dad.”
My dad retorted, “Because Alpha Eric knocked you down.” I argued, “Haley would’ve healed me too.” My dad replied, “She wouldn’t have felt it.” I winced, “Lexi would’ve. Haley would’ve come for that reason alone.” My dad hit me again, “Lexi would’ve been a wreck. You can’t do that to her. Not to mention your brother and me.” I sighed, “I’m still fine.” My dad grumbled, “I’m going to remind you to duck somehow.”
Nadine came back out. I asked, “Is she ok?” Nadine answered, “She’s a new mom, guys. She just needs some time. No pushing. She’ll calling her brother as we speak.” I nodded, “Well, Heath will be here soon then.” No sooner had I said that then Heath flashed through the house to Lexi.
A few moments later Emma began to cry. Lexi flashed out and grabbed her and went back to talk to Heath. I said, “Anyway, earlier I meant I wanted to meet the twins Hackura guards. Though I need to meet their other wolf guards as well.” My dad asked, “The what now?”
Two men faded in and stepped forward. One reached out his hand to shake mine. He introduced, “I am Chester and this is Ithios. I am Emmett’s guard. Ithios is here for Emma.” My dad said, “Shut up.” Derrick came in and stared. Ted greeted, “Oh hey guys! Chester, it’s been a long time! Damn King Titus isn’t fucking around sending these guys. No one worry about Emmett or Emma. Ithois is Bjourn’s oldest son’s head guard. So, the future King's guard is here for Emma. DAMN! Wait, I’m not supposed to know that. I spied on people to know that. My bad. Don’t tell.” Matt snorted.
I was stunned. “What?” Ithios said, “Prince Bjourn will become King next. Eventually, his oldest son, Prince Hastein, will become King after that. I am the head of his guard. He is not slated to leave his realm or have need of me for some time. Should that change, I might swap out with someone as Emma’s guard. For now, she is my concern. This Hanson character will not take her. The King has declared it so.”
My dad said, “Well then. Declared? King Titus DECLARED my granddaughter will not be taken?” Chester answered, “Either of the children. We will defend the little ones of Lexi Scott with everything we have. Nothing will happen to them.” I was shocked, but grateful, “Damn.”
Ithios cleared his throat, “If I may speak freely…” I agreed, “Go ahead.” Ithois said, “The King is still reeling from the Princess being kidnapped. The whole family tried to open a portal, but somehow were blocked. It was as if the Fae were able to use their magic on the enclosure they had to treat Damon’s land as if were Faerie itself. The King was not himself while she was gone. It is known the Princess is friends with Lexi. He will not let anything happen to the Princess again or Lexi at all. Which is why….”
A chuckle came from behind them, and another man came forward finishing, “Which is why I am here as well.” I asked, “And you are?” Matt cleared his throat, “I assume you are Youngers.” The man smiled, “I am.” I questioned, “And you guard who?” He smirked, “You.” I argued, “I don’t need a guard. I’m an Alpha.” Youngers plainly stated, “I don’t take orders from you, Alpha Chase.”
I growled, “You have GOT to be kidding me. Shouldn’t you be guarding Eric? He’s a Prince of yours and he actually got shot.” My dad coughed, “He took a bullet for you.” I glared at him. Youngers said, “Prince Alpha Eric’s guards were being treated as the other Prince’s guards. They were only around if there was an active threat against him.”
Matt smiled asking, “Were?” Ithios answered, “Were.” I bit my lip, “So, I have someone to commiserate with. Which means his guard wasn’t here when he got shot.” Chester said, “He wouldn’t have gotten shot if they were here.” My dad pressed, “Are they here now?” Matt chuckled, “I think they are.” Emmett began to cry.
I was about to pick him up when Lexi flashed out with Emma. She put her in her swing and took off with Emmett back to her office. I grabbed Emma. I said, “It’s my turn with you, Princess.” She looked up at me, and I knew I’d give this little girl anything she wanted. I stared into her eyes until she closed them, falling asleep.
Matt said, “She’s the cutest thing.” I looked up again. I asked, “There’s nothing I can do to stop you from protecting me. Is there, Youngers?” Youngers answered, “No, there is not. As I said, I took this order directly from the King. No one can circumvent my orders on this one. I’m here to stay until Hanson is dealt with. I am also not alone.”
I groaned, “OH COME ON! How many guards do I need?” Youngers smiled, “From my end, just me.” I snarked back, “Then how are you not alone?” Youngers smiled, “Think about it Alpha wolf. I’m sure it will come to you.” He backed up and faded into the background along with Chester and Ithios.
I asked Matt, “Do you have any idea what the fuck that meant?” Matt answered, “Not yet, but I’m running on fumes. I need coffee.” Sally flashed over to him with a thermos. Matt looked at Derrick, “You don’t deserve her, she’s a national treasure. Never mess this up with her. I’ll never forgive you and I’ll take her side.”
Derrick smirked and kissed Sally. He told Matt, “I know I don’t deserve her, but she’s mine and I’m keeping her.” Sally laughed and tapped his nose with her finger. Ted said, “Sally, you know we are about to have a whirlwind of activity with Lex’s wedding.” Sally laughed, “I know. Luckily for us all she has that secret binder.”
Ted snorted, “It’s not a secret if you and I know about it.” Sally winked, “Susanna knows too.” Ted said, “Worst kept secret ever.” Sally said, “Not so much. Just three of us knew.” Ted coughed, “Haley knows.” Sally shrugged, “So four people.” My dad said, “Chase finding his mate reigns supreme on the worst kept secret.” I shot back, “It took you a while to figure that out so I don’t think you can cast that stone.” He rolled his eyes.
I asked Ted, “What secret binder?” Ted said, “I hope you didn’t want to plan a damn thing about your wedding Alpha man. Lex has had hers planned for YEARS.” I laughed, “She can have whatever she wants. I don’t care as long as we get married at the end of the ceremony. We also have to do the blood sharing piece you both did.” Ted acknowledged, “That’s good. We can get that in there.” Sally clapped excitedly, “I bet the wedding is April seventh.” Ted answered, “That’s a given.”
I waved one arm, “Whoa you two! How do you know that?” Ted answered, “It’s their parents' wedding anniversary date. Anywho I did just get married, and Matt made promises. Promises I intend to make him keep.” Ted winked at Sally and flashed out of the room. Matt growled and chased after him.
I smiled and set Emma down in her swing. Sally and Derrick left shortly after Matt and Ted. When Lexi came out, I promised her the twins and any future pups we have would not be harmed.
We got back to work in the follow days. When Sally went into labor the next week, an Omega burst into the room to tell Derrick. He shot from the room faster than I could comprehend what the Omega was saying.
Matt and I wrapped up what we were doing, grabbed Lexi, Ted, and the twins then waited outside. Derrick came out to tell us he’d had a healthy baby boy. Things started to fall into place after that. Lexi was seeing the pack therapist and it seemed to be going really well.
Lexi was busy planning for the wedding. Everything was great except one thing. Lexi and I hadn’t had sex since the twins were born. My dad tried to say he’d watch them while we went out, but Lexi didn’t want to do that. She couldn’t be too far away from them. With them being in our room things just couldn’t get going. Every time we tried one of them would cry and Lexi would jump to go help them. She said it was a conspiracy. I just knew things would get back to normal eventually.
At some point she would want to get out of the house. I walked into my office, “Someone tell me we’ve found Hanson. Or I may kill someone. I’d prefer it be him, but I’m no longer picky.” Matt commented, “You need to get laid.” I retorted, “I’d love to. When you find a way to let that happen you let me know.” Matt said, “I’ve offered to watch them….”
Derrick interrupted, “It’s hard. Even for me. It’s harder for Sally to let other people watch our pup. Sally is worried herself that Hanson might want to hurt Zach out of revenge. It’s just hard for them right now, but it will get better.” I conceded, “I know that and it’s fine.”