Chase's jaw dropped. I personally wanted to smack myself for not thinking of it sooner. To be fair I had a lot going on, and Noah was wrong. I wouldn’t have run there, but maybe we could spring a trap there now. Maybe we could finally get Hanson and end this.
No Time to Plan
Chase followed Matt up the stairs to his family. He linked me, “I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me they were born.” I snorted, “I wasn’t going to argue with Lexi. The labor was hard on her, and after birthing my pups the woman gets what she wants.” Matt retorted, “You’re whipped.” I agreed, “And darn proud of it.”
Matt told me, “Ted was distraught he didn’t have the information about them. It actually physically pained him. He did NOT believe the rumors we heard at first. Then he said it sounded just like Lexi. That she would not tell us because it was our wedding day. He was fit to be tied.”
I teased, “Well, as his new husband I do hope you obliged him and tied him up.” Matt rolled his eyes, “I obliged him just fine thank you very much.” I winked, “I’m sure you did.” Then I asked, “Who told you?” Matt answered, “Well, we might have emerged for breakfast then we might have got caught up and had a romp in the forest. I overheard the rumor right before we made it to the pack house.”
I was shocked, “It’s pretty early for you to be up for breakfast, and for anyone else to be up.” Matt replied, “I haven’t been to sleep yet, and Ted needed fuel to continue. Then we heard this cockblocking rumor about your pups being born. After that, both of us needed to know if it was true or not. Your dad refused to say anything while he ate his breakfast. He even had some made for us. It confirmed all I needed to know.” I said, “Well, now you know.”
We walked into the room and Matt walked right over to Emma. Lexi had Emmett. She had some sort of wrap around them as she fed him. I warned him about holding Emma, and he smarted back to me. I muttered, “Not my little girl you haven’t. Give me a break man.” Matt linked me, “She’s beautiful. She’s got your eyes but this one’s all Lexi other than that.” I agreed, “I know. Emmett looks just like my baby pictures.”
Matt sighed, “Just like that. I have to give her up because she’s hungry. It’s not fair I just got little Emma.” I replied, “She’ll be around for quite some time. Do notice she’s my little girl and I haven’t gotten to hold her at all this morning.”
Lexi missed the bite in Ted’s tone about a birth announcement completely. Matt said, “You’re going to have to make up for the fact that he overheard gossip about Lexi and your pups from someone else to him.” I questioned, “Why is that my fault?” Matt said, “As you pointed out earlier, who can be mad at Lexi? She gave birth to twins. She’s exempt from any kind of anger.”
Bolt linked, “Have him make the announcement. His nickname is TeleTed after all.” Brillant. His face lit up like it was Christmas day. Matt linked, “And just like that you’re out of the doghouse.” I admitted, “They don’t call me Alpha for nothing, but it was Bolt’s idea.” Lexi tensed the moment Ted flashed out of the room with Emmett.
I was about to ask if she was ok when I heard Ted yell, “People of Yellow Hills pack! I give you the future Alpha! Rumors of their birth were running rampant. Well, TeleTed is here to tell you it’s not a rumor! Alpha Emmett and Luna Emma were in fact born! Don’t you forget who told you first. TeleTed! When in doubt ask TeleTed he will guide you to the truth.”
When he came back, I linked him, “Good announcement.” He replied, “You wolves with your super hearing.” Lexi handed Emma to Ted and snatched Emmett out of his arms. She stood there cradling him taking several deep breaths. Matt asked me, “Ummm is she ok?” I replied, “I don’t know.” Was she that upset that Ted left for Emmett for three minutes? It might have only been two minutes.
Lexi became defensive. Ted linked me, “It’s best to change the subject. She’ll talk when she’s ready.” The began to talk about more pups coming. Matt linked me, “I love that our mates already knew each other and were best friends. It makes life so much easier.” I agreed, “It really does.” It was rare that an Alpha and Beta’s mates didn’t get along, but it happened on occasion. I can’t imagine what their lives were like. Poor bastards.
Matt linked me, “What is my mate talking about, us not needing a surrogate?” I answered, “There was a glowing box, blood, then there was a baby. Apparently, Aiden and Haley can do that now.” Matt gaped at me completely taken aback.
Matt linked me, “You don’t say? A sight to see. Damn you don’t have a knack for explaining things, Chase. My mom might shit her pants.” I laughed at the thought. My dad linked, “I hear voices. I know everyone is decent and I’m coming in to steal my grandpups.” I replied, “Ok, dad.” He came in seconds later taking Emma from Ted who frowned at him.
My dad was going to use Susie as an excuse. I linked him, “Like you wouldn’t have come in here if Susie HAD met them already.” My dad retorted, “But she hasn’t, and I’m going to use that. Thank you very much. Grandpa out.”
My dad offered for Lexi to take a shower. He linked me, “Nadine forgot to shower some days. Honestly, sometimes there just wasn’t time. She said showering was a luxury.” I smiled. I took Emmett from Matt and walked downstairs with my dad. Nadine was waiting with Susie.
Nadine linked me, “Where’s Lexi?” I answered, “Showering.” Nadine gave me a look I couldn’t decipher. Susie distracted me squealing, “Can I hold him?” I answered, “Of course you can. Let’s go sit down.” She ran to the couch, and I showed her how to hold Emmett.
I explained, “You have to support his head. Just like that.” Susie smiled and looked at my dad, “See? I’d be a good big sister.” I couldn’t stop my laugh. My dad bumped Nadine with his hip and wiggled his eyebrows. She rolled her eyes. “We’ll think about it, little miss I have my dad wrapped around my finger.” Susie giggled and whispered to me, “I’m getting a little sibling.”
Nadine laughed, “She’s got your number, Frank Daniels.” My dad said, “She does. Hold this little beauty and tell me you don’t want another one.” Nadine cooed as she took Emma. I smiled. Ted asked, “So, what happened when I left the room? Why did Lexi snatch Emmett back from me as if I was gone with him for a week?” Nadine whipped her head up to look at us.
I admitted, “I don’t know. I know she’s anxious about them being out of our sight until Hanson is caught.” Nadine sighed, “Guys, she just gave birth. She’s dealing with a lot of hormones on top of having someone out to get her pups. You’re going to have to be gracious here. Did she ASK to get a shower in?” My dad explained, “I offered. You always said it was nice when someone offered to let you have fifteen minutes.”
Nadine swatted him on the arm. “The poor thing! You don’t understand. It’s all hard enough. It hasn’t even been twelve hours since she had them! Don’t push her.” My dad frowned, “I was trying to help.” Nadine said, “We aren’t at the point where you try to help. She gave birth last night for god's sake. I’m not saying it didn’t come from a good place. I know it did. I’m just saying, it’s hard as a new mom to vocalize when you need help. It’s also hard not to take help when it’s offered.” Now I was confused.
She continued, “You feel like people think you can’t do it on your own. Then when you’re on your own you think you’re a bad mom because you need help. It’s a horrible push and pull and you’re not getting much sleep. Then you see these other moms who look like super moms because society pressures everyone to feel that way. When EVERY mom knows the first few weeks, maybe even months, hell YEARS are HARD. Your body changed and you’re healing. You’re adjusting to life with a pup, and you’re feeding them. It’s all hard.”
My dad looked at me. I knew Nadine had to seek treatment for postpartum after she had Susie. Thank god Reagan had noticed the signs. We thought Nadine was cranky from not getting enough sleep. We tried to help as much as we could. None of us had any idea that postpartum could mean that quickly getting angry for seemingly no reason meant something was wrong. We just thought it meant she was tired. We misinterpreted so many signs that finally Reagan stepped in.
Once Nadine got help, she was back to herself. We all felt bad we hadn’t noticed before. We all looked into it and there was so much more to postpartum depression than wanting to cause harm to yourself or your pup. We honestly had no idea there were so many other symptoms and signs that had nothing to do with harm.
Lexi linked me. Her tone sounded detached. I said, “I’ll be right back.” Everyone nodded to me. They were all focused on the twins except Nadine. She linked me, “If you need me, I’ll be there for her.” I nodded and ran up the stairs.
I could hear Uther talking to Lexi telling her to breathe. What the actual fuck? I stormed into our bathroom growling. The sight that greeted me pulled me up short. She was standing in our shower soaking wet in her clothes. She was shivering but didn’t seem to realize. Lexi was panicked. I closed my eyes. Nadine was right. It was too much too soon, and I should’ve known.
I linked Matt, “Did you know there were additional Hackura here for the twins?” Matt replied, “Let me check the office.” After several moments he replied, “We have a message about it. King Titus isn’t fucking around here.” I said, “So it seems.” Lexi was sobbing a mix of hysterical and happy tears. I walked into the shower and held her.
Lexi was just embarrassed, and she didn’t need to be. My heart broke watching her fall to pieces. She was worried about Hanson coming. I realized she didn’t know the news of Haley’s wings and her brothers spread like wildfire. Eric was inundated with requests for packs to become his allies. No one wanted to be on the wrong end of his wife’s wrath.
Lexi pointed out some things about the ring, and she had a point. Hanson wasn’t going to slip through any cracks though. He was in a box with no way out, he just didn’t know it yet. Hanson was good, clearly. He’d killed her family and separated them for his own purposes. He just wasn’t good enough to escape me and my allies. He couldn’t know the twins had Hackura guards. I didn’t even know. He wouldn’t get around them.