Dune and Tidal laughed.
Until lunch, they sailed, and then sailed some more. Jack changed the course and barked orders. Times were clocked, and then beaten. Sail was soaked, cold, and happy. Each time hewent out, his time got getter. When everything went well, he glided like he was a bird in the sky. And when something went wrong, he made a note of it, fixed it on shore, and went back out.
After he showeredand picked out errant pieces of seaweed from his hair, he dressed and made his way to the diner. He’d promised Galvin he would come in after breakfast, but it was well past lunch now. During one of his shore visits, he texted her to let her know he’d be later than planned. It took her awhile to text back, which sort of made him happy. He took it to mean she was busy and probably didn’t miss him.
Although he missed her.
“You look ragged,” Penny said when he walked into the diner.
“Thanks.” He chose the stool in the middle. For some reason, it’s the one he always gravitated toward.
“How’s it going out there?” Penny set a Coke in front of him.
“Productive. I think dad is having fun.”
“That’s what Auntie said when I saw her this morning.”
“Was Galvin working when she came in?”
Penny’s eyes widened and she pointed her finger at her cousin. “You are dating! I knew it. Andy owes me twenty.”
Sail couldn’t hide his smile if he tried, but then it faltered when the last part of her statement registered with him. “You bet on my dating life?”
She nodded. “As soon as I knew you were back in town.”
“Because I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist her. She’s freaking adorable and smart, and nothing like the girls here that chase after you and your brothers.”
“Does she know?”
Penny laughed. “Hell no. And don’t tell her. I’ll deny it and so will Andy.”
“Is Galvin here?”
Penny nodded. “She took some stuff to the back. We’re down a dishwasher so she offered to help the guys out a bit.”
Sail frowned. If anything, Penny should be the one washing dishes. She was the manager and made a shit ton more than any of the staff. Not to mention, the whole point of Galvin working was to bank and much money as she could to offset her loans for law school. Washing dishes wasn’t going to earn her any tips.
“What?” Penny asked.
“You should be the one back there,” he stated, knowing full well he was overstepping. He didn’t care. His parents could be as pissed as they wanted at him, but Jack knew as well that Galvin needed the tips.
“Okay, just because you’re dating?—”
“It’s not that, Penny. You’re the manager and making three times what the staff is making. You don’t need the damn money. They do.” He pulled his phone from his pocket, pressed the button for his dad, and then got up. His dad answered on the second ring.
“Hey,” Sail said. “I know we never get involved in the dynamics of business.”
“What’s wrong?” Jack asked.
“Full disclosure, Dad. Galvin and me . . . we’re a thing, and you know she’s here to make money for law school, so I find it a bit unsettling that Penny is taking customers while Galvin is in the back washing dishes.”
Sail inhaled deeply, quelling the surge of anger he felt toward his cousin. It was a bit irrational because he shouldn’t care, and if he wasn’t with Galvin, he might not. But the fact remained, Penny should be the one picking up the slack. Not the employees.
“I’m on my way down,” Jack said as he hung up.