Page 62 of Sail Away with Me

Sail pocketed his phone and went back into the diner, ready to face the wrath of his cousin. He didn’t care if she was going to pissed at him. Penny was in the wrong, and she knew it. She likely didn’t expect to get caught.

He opened the door to the diner harder than he needed and had to catch the glass door before it slammed into something. Sail strode back to his stool, sat, and reached for his Coke, then thought better of it. His cousin had played nasty truck on him when he was younger and wouldn’t put it past her to do something now.

Galvin came out from the back just as Sail stood. “Hey.”

“Hi.” She smiled. “Do you need a refill?”

Sail handed her the tall red, plastic cup. “I had to leave it alone.” He grimaced.

Galvin took it from him, dumped the contents into the sink and then set the empty cup in the gray bin. She took a fresh cup from the shelf, filled it with ice, and then held it under the nozzle for Coke.

“Did you order food?”

Sail shook his head.

“Everything okay?” she asked as she set his Coke in front of him. “Training go well?”

He reached for her hand, linking his fingers between hers briefly. He would respect the no PDA while inside the diner, but he still wanted her to know he cared.

“Everything’s great and training went really well. Tomorrow morning I’m going to race Crew. I guess he’s better than I was at his age.”

Galvin rested her hip against the counter. “If one wanted to watch, where would they go?”

His smile stretched across his lips. “The easiest would be to go out on one of the boats, but since you haven’t done thatyet . . .” Sail leaned close. “I really want to be the first one to take you out on the water.” He winked and sat back on the stool. “I could show you where you’ll be able to watch.”

“I’d like that.”

“Which part?”

“All of it.”

Sail fist pumped in the air. “As soon as the competition is over, we’re going sailing.”

She nodded and then looked at the door when it opened. Sail knew it was his father by the way Galvin righted herself and moved away from the counter. He shook his head. The fear she had when his father was even mentioned drove Sail batty.

Jack passed by Sail, patted him on the shoulder and went right to Galvin. “How are you?”

“I’m good,” she told him, although the confident woman Sail had the pleasure of being with seemed to shrink inside herself.

“Did Sail invite you over tonight?”

Galvin looked at Sail, with sheer terror in her eyes. He shook his head. “Haven’t had a chance to mention tonight.”

Jack laughed, as if he was completely unaware of how scared Galvin was of him. “I dug out some old photos of your dad and me. I can’t wait to show you. See you later.” He sidestepped and went into the back and barked out, “Penny, my office.”

Sail smirked and took a drink of his Coke.

“What the hell?” she asked through gritted teeth.

“Sorry, I didn’t have time to mention it,” he said in defense. “Dad wants us to come over and hang out. Super informal. Caroline will be there.”

“And dinner on Sunday?”

Sail nodded and reached for her hand. “If you come over, I’ll show you my bedroom.”

Galvin rolled her eyes. “I’m not going into your bedroom.”

“Why not?” he winked. “You’d be the first girl I ever allowed in there besides family.”