Dune cast a look toward their father and then back at Sail. “Remind me to buy the Sea Shanty when I get rich.”
Sail laughed. “Why?”
“Because that damn place makes Caroline happy, and I don’t like it.”
“Speaking of, you said you were opening the night club next weekend?”
Dune nodded. “Celebratory party after you win.”
Sail’s adoration for his brother soared. Dune had exactly the confidence Sail needed. Jack put his hand on Sail’s shoulder.
“The entry list comes later today. As does the bracket,” Jack said. “Crew is going to come out tomorrow with us.”
“Yeah, he told me,” Sail said.
“Tonight, we’ll sit down and research your potential competitors. This will give us a good idea of how to prepare on Saturday for practice.”
“Um . . . okay.” He hadn’t made plans with Galvin but planned to.
“Bring Galvin over,” Jack said, as if reading his son’s mind. “I have pictures from college of her dad that I want to show her. Maybe tell her some stories about her old man.” Jack laughed as he walked back to the dinghy.
“She’ll be fine,” Dune said.
“Galvin . . . with Mom. Things will be fine, and Caroline will be there.”
“She’s . . . last night was interesting.”
Dune laughed. “She used to be stuck up, stuffy. I love her madly, but the Caroline you saw last night is the fun Caroline. See her on Monday morning, in her suit and heels and you’ll be like who is this person.”
“So, that was her letting loose?”
“As much as she can all things considered.” Dune picked up a pile of ropes and threw them over his shoulder.
“Are you excited about the baby?” Sail asked, wondering if his brother’s comment had a hidden meaning.
“I’m excited,” Dune said. “This early in our relationship wasn’t ideal, but it doesn’t change how I feel about her. Or how I feel about the baby. Things are just fast tracked.”
“Is there a wedding date?”
“We’re going to wait until after the baby.”
“Because she wants to drink pina coladas at her wedding,” Sail said, laughing.
Dune keeled over with laughter. “You’re not wrong.”
“Let’s go boys,” Jack barked.
Tidal walked toward them and yawned. “You owe me,” he said to Sail.
“I know I do,” he said. “I appreciate you helping me.”
Tidal nodded. “Anything to see the Carter name at the top of the list. If it’s not going to be you, it’ll be Crew. Might as well send the message now.”
“I know I haven’t seen him race in a year. Is he really that good?”
Jack nodded. “If he could enter, it would be you chasing him down.”