One by one, each girl chose her own fate, death by paddle.

I stepped forward and grabbed his wrist. “Master Jared, please be gentle. They are Littles, and they… I think they’ve learned their lesson already,” I whispered, but there was no way the girls didn’t hear.

Jared turned toward me as a menacing smile spread across his face. He looked down at my hand that was currently wrapped around his. I let go as if I had been burned. It felt like it, at least. His stare bored straight through to my soul. “Little squirrel, may I remind you of the emotional torture these little miscreants have caused you this week?”

“I know, but—”

“Would you like to be the one to administer the spankings?” he asked, offering me the paddle.

My mouth went dry, and I lost the ability to speak. All I could do was shake my head. No way in hell was I going to spank another girl.

“Okay, then, would you like to trust me?”

I nodded.

“Good. Then you and I can discuss this privately, later.”


The look on her face after my promise was priceless. It was the reaction every Dom hopes to get when the threat of punishment is laid down. Her eyes widened, pupils dilated, and her mouth dropped open into an O. I bet that other parts of her anatomy were also responding, but I could not focus on that now. I had eight naughty bottoms to chastise, but later…

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and turned back to the girls. “We all know why you are here, but I would also like to know who was involved in what prank.” I walked down the line, flipping up their school skirts, yanking their panties up between their cheeks, and tucking the skirts into their waistbands. It really was a lovely sight, eight mostly bare bottoms framed by the tucked-in skirts and knee socks. I took a moment to admire the way each one quivered. I tapped the paddle against my thigh, testing it to make sure I had a good handle on what kind of force to use. I didn’t know these girls well and could not take a chance of actually injuring them.

“You are all officially on Santa’s naughty list, but after you take your punishments like the good little girls I know you are, the slate will be cleared, and we can all carry on with an amazing Christmas celebration. Everyone understand?”

A chorus of shaky “Yes, Sirs” gave me the green light to finish the punishment. Starting with Sadie, I pulled back my arm and swatted her right cheek harder than any of the other girls would receive. She squealed, flung her head backward, and bounced on her tiptoes. Without waiting, I laid a swat on her left cheek and moved down the line from there. Each one of them had their own “owie dance,” and it was immensely satisfying.

At the end of the line, I stood and watched as they squirmed silently. It’s good to be the Dom. I mused. Glancing over at Erika, I saw the awe in her eyes and wondered if she was finally beginning to trust me.

“Okay, girls, this time after your first swat, I want you to apologize to Erika for what you participated in. Make it believable because if she decides not to forgive you, you will have to try again next round.”

One swat after another, the girls confessed their sins, and Erika forgave them. Her kindness toward them was admirable. She had been through hell, and she took all of this in stride, worried more about the other little subbies than herself.

“You were all forgiven by Erika, and now you are all forgiven by me, but for the next six days you must each report here to Master Derek for four more swats. Don’t make him come find you. That will not end well. Now, which of Santa’s naughty little helpers has a hug for me?”

I braced myself as eight sniffling little girls bombarded me, making sure I gave each one of them her own hug and reminded them they were good girls. After me, they went to Erika, and I watched as she embraced each of them, telling them again she forgave them and she loved them. Seeing her submissive heart shine through made me fall harder for her. This girl needed to be mine.

Sadie was the last one to leave. “Did it work?” she asked, with more cheek than she should have had left.

“What?” Erika gasped, gaping at her with disbelief.

I merely shook my head. “Go report to your Daddy, little girl. He would like to speak to you, and you need to tell him your punishment from me did not come close to curing you of your nosiness.”


“Go. Or would you like to chat with me and the paddle some more? Maybe a cane would do the trick.”

“I think I hear someone calling me,” she announced as she sprinted from the room.

Erika giggled. “Guess she got the picture.”

“Guess so. Now, what about my last naughty little elf?”

She looked around the room. “They’re all gone.”

“I’m talking about you, little squirrel.”

“Me? I’m not naughty.”