My blood boiled as I watched Sadie give Jared so much attitude. She had been messing with me for a week, and she didn’t feel an ounce bad about it. It was difficult to keep my mouth shut, but this was Jared’s show, now. He was the master disciplinarian. If anyone could bring about remorse, he could.

“Ow! Uncle Jared! Let me go. I didn’t even get a chance to explain.” Her feet kicked behind her, but the way he had her pinned made it impossible for her to do anything more.

“You had plenty of chances. If memory serves me right, you wanted to leave and let Erika pay for your little prank. So, when exactly were you planning to explain?”

He didn’t give her any time to speak before he started laying down smacks that echoed through the room. There was no warm-up, and he went straight for her sit spots. I covered my own butt with my hands, thinking that could have been me if Cali hadn’t stepped up. The entire room was silent save for the echo and squeals from Sadie. The girls did not move; I was sure some of them had stopped breathing completely. Cali’s entire body shook, and I could tell she was crying by the way she kept swiping her face with her hands.

I almost felt sorry for her. It wasn’t easy to tattle on a friend, let alone an entire group of them. Add to that the guilt Jared was heaping onto them with his lectures, and I know she was absolutely miserable. I didn’t want to interrupt the spanking, but I also didn’t want to disobey Jared. He wanted me to stay put.

“I’m sorry! I really am. Please stop,” Sadie begged. I was surprised when Jared actually did, until I looked down at her butt. With his focus not leaving her sit spots and upper thighs, she was already very red. She sniffled and tried to get up, but he didn’t allow it.

“Just because I am stopping doesn’t mean we are finished here. That was simply a taste. Now I expect you to drop your attitude and start explaining yourself.”

“Yes, Sir,” she whimpered. “I was just trying to help. You and Erika each have a crush on the other, but you never say it, and she’s always running from you, and I wanted her to not be able to avoid you, so I thought if she got in a little trouble, and you two stopped being dumb, you would finally make something happen.”

Jared smiled at me, shaking his head. “You know I really should spank you for trying to avoid me all the time, but we can talk about that later.” He winked and turned back to the naughty bottom on his lap. “Do you really think any of that is your business, little girl?”

“Well, you’re both my family, and I just love you and want you to be happy…”

“And we both appreciate that, but we are adults, and we can make our own decisions. And getting another sub in trouble is never okay, is it?”

“No, Sir.”

“Do you know what happens in my world if one subbie gets another in trouble?”

Her body stiffened, and she shook her head.

He patted her bottom. “Oh, little girl, this poor naughty little bottom is in for quite a punishment. And not only from me. Your Daddy has more plans.” Her whimper told the room that was bad news.

“Wait!” She wrenched her body up, pushing against his leg with her hands. “How does he know?”

“Silly little girl. How you underestimate our intelligence. You think we haven’t noticed? The elevator was your undoing. If you are going to lie about something, you need to at least cover your tracks.”

Her body sagged again. “This was a trap. That’s so unfair!”

“Yes, it is unfair. It’s so unfair that Erika has answered for all of those pranks. She has been spanked and grounded, among other things. Do you know what that means for you and the rest of Santa’s Little Helpers?”

“We are going to be spanked and grounded?” she guessed.

“Mmhmm. You will all take the same punishment Erika did. That means seven days in a row of spankings, starting now. Erika, would you be so kind as to provide me with the implement Master Derek punished you with?”

“Sir?” I questioned. The wooden paddle was harsh and only used for serious infractions, especially on the Littles.

“Do as I’ve asked, please.”

I turned toward the implement closet, but my steps faltered.

“Trust me, little squirrel.” His voice was low and kind. When we discussed this plan, he kept reminding me we had to trust one another. It was difficult for me, but everything was going exactly as he’d said it would, and I needed to continue.

I went to the closet. The initial sight excited me no matter how many times I opened the door. It was full of tools of pleasure and pain, and each implement sat in its own special place. I ran my fingers through the falls of my favorite flogger, imagining the tendrils striking my skin.

“Girls, front and center, please, all of you.” Jared’s voice pulled me out of my reverie. I took out the paddle, shut the door behind me, and went back to Jared’s side.

The girls assembled themselves in a straight line in front of us as I handed him the paddle. He weighed it in his hands and hissed. “That’s a heavy implement,” he remarked unnecessarily. “Because I’m in the Christmas spirit, I’m going to give you an option of punishments. You may choose to receive a spanking with this paddle, or you can be grounded for the remainder of the Christmas festivities, including the big party tonight. Questions?”

Each of them fidgeted, shaking their heads.

“Very well, then. If you choose being grounded, you may return to your time-out. If you choose a spanking, I want you lined up, palms flat against the wall and bottoms out.”