“Santa knows when you’ve been naughty or nice, and you are all over my naughty list.”

She swallowed hard. “I think someone’s calling me, too.”

I clicked my tongue. “You aren’t going anywhere. We have some important matters to discuss.”

The office door swung open, and Derek walked in carrying the missing Santa beard. “Angel asked me to bring this to you.”

“It could have waited.” I scowled.

Derek looked at his watch. “Not so much, old friend. We have final preparations to make for tonight.” He laughed. “Did you really wear the suit while you spanked them?”

“Santa doesn’t mess around. They got the picture, I think.”

He clapped me on the back as he handed me the beard. “I’m sure they did, old man. I’m sure they did.”

It wasn’t until after the party that I was finally able to steal some time alone with my little subbie. It was three in the morning. We were both exhausted but neither willing to call it a night. Watching her prance around in her elf costume all evening had almost done me in. I’d found myself fighting the urge to pull her into my lap on more than one occasion. Now we were alone in the office, which acted as a command center for the event, since the ranch was overflowing for the week of the legendary party. A pot of coffee brewed, and she flitted around me organizing the costumes and cleaning up.

“Wasn’t that just the funnest?” She twirled in a circle, and her skirt flared out revealing red-white-and-green striped shorts that matched her knee socks.

“It was a smash hit. Only one thing bothered me.”

She sobered quickly. “Bothered you? What happened?” She came to my side, and I took the opportunity to pull her into my lap.

“It’s what didn’t happen, little squirrel.”

She peeped in surprise. “What didn’t happen?”

“This.” Tipping her backward, I slammed my lips against hers. I was tired of waiting. Since the small taste I took in the elevator, I had craved the moment when it would happen again. It was about damn time. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me in tighter, encouraging me to deepen the kiss. I trailed one hand up her spine, grabbing hold of her soft, silky hair. With the other hand, I explored her thighs and ass, appreciating every curve, contour, and muscle. She smelled of peppermint, which was not surprising with how many mini candy canes she’d consumed. The mint tingled on my tongue, and she let out a long, low moan that vibrated straight to my cock, which hardened in response. I tightened my hold on her hair and forced myself to pull her away.

She stared in awe. “Why’d you stop?”

“Because I had to, honey. All I want to do in this moment is bend you over and plunge my cock into your sweet little pussy, but it’s way too soon for that, and we aren’t ready.”

“Ready? I’m beyond ready. It’s not like we are virgins,” she complained.

“I know, little squirrel, but we are just getting to know one another, and I can’t sully it by jumping into a sexual relationship.”

“You’re joking, right?” She gaped at me. “Jared, it’s 2018. People have casual sex. It’s a thing.”

I growled in response. “You know what else didn’t happen that I am bothered by?”

“I can tell you what I’m bothered by,” she grumbled.

That was all I needed. I flipped her onto her belly and laid down a volley of smacks. She kicked and fought at first, but then she melted. Her entire body sagged, and I smiled knowingly. It was time to up the ante. I wasn’t letting her up until she was good and red from the peak of her bottom to the tops of her thighs. She would fall asleep with the sting of my hand at the forefront of her mind. Starting at the crease of her knee, I skimmed my hand up to the top of her shorts and slowly pulled them down along with her panties, scraping my knuckles against her skin. She shuddered, and goose bumps covered her legs.

“You cold, little squirrel? Allow me to warm you up. You’ll be all nice and toasty by the time I’m finished with you.”

She whimpered and shifted in my lap.

“Whimpers feed my Dominant soul, little squirrel.”

I began to spank in earnest then, covering every inch of her backside with solid swats, transforming her beautiful bottom from light pink to a nice rosy red. I learned what swats made her moan and which made her squeal, as I played her body like a musical instrument. It was beautiful, and I could have continued all night, but I had one more thing to take care of before we headed to bed.