A smile rose in her eyes, and her heart fluttered.

Mr. Davenport was worth three-hundred and forty-eight million dollars. And that’s just what she’d learned from researching him after his initial inquiry about being a sponsor for her institution.

He had a number of investments that could easily take his funds over a half a billion dollars. So, he was either full of shit, or he was willing to bet his entire life’s fortune on their happily-ever-after.

Vanessa was momentarily speechless, taking in the sharp intensity of his gaze, syrup complexion, broad nose, and full lips.

Her body vibrated, and suddenly she’d wanted to be devoured by his mouth, his touch, the strength of the rod she knew he kept stashed away to bring a woman to her knees.

Vanessa reminded herself not to bite her lips. She blinked, then responded.

“Just like that? Shouldn’t we at least go on a date, get to know one another? What if you’re wrong, and in the end, I’m someone you wish you never met—or vice versa?”

An indent at the edge of his mouth formed a smile on his lips.


She quivered and didn’t try to hide the shake as it slipped through her body before she had a chance to stop it.

“I’ve prided myself in making investments that have catapulted my career, garnering me the title of ‘Most Successful Investor of the Decade.’ In my personal life, I’ve safeguarded my mind, only allowing myself to be led by my heart and spirit when necessary. It would be possible if I were a man who said things just to be charming. But I am not, and somehow I think you are not a woman who accepts bullshit.”

He paused.

“I’ll tell you what—if it’s in your interest to date before you decide to become my wife, then I’m most certainly along for the ride. But you should know, it means you and I are exclusive. No dating other people while we get to know one another to your liking.”

Jeremiah pulled a pen from inside his suit pocket and handed it to her. “I can have the contract written up in twenty minutes. Meet me on the first-floor balcony if you’re with me. If I don’t see you before the night ends, then I’ll know you’ve decided to send me home to lick my wounds.

A tiny smile pulled at her lips, and she nodded, watching as his elongated strides strolled away.

* * *

How in the hell did I end up back inside this bathroom?

Vanessa sank her back against the stall wall, her heart racing as she contemplated Jeremiah’s proposal.

Wait. Why are you contemplating this again?

The door to the ladies’ room swung open, and the echo of high heels could be heard against the tile.

“Vanessa? Are you in here?”

Vanessa let go of a breath. Why she had been holding it was beyond her. Clearing her throat, Vanessa flushed the toilet, then opened the stall door and headed for the sink.

“There you are. Mrs. Capone, head of the Morgan Institute, has arrived. You are the first person she wants to meet.” Drea frowned slightly, taking in Vanessa’s flushed face. “Is…everything okay?”

Vanessa pulled a paper towel from the dispenser.

“Everything’s fine.”

Drea’s frown deepened. “Have you been in here this whole time?”

Vanessa didn’t respond right away, which prompted another question from her curious employee. “You look a little flushed. Are you pregnant?”

Vanessa reared her head, eyes popping, as she stepped into a leaning hip.

Drea raised her hands in surrender. “I’m just asking, you look a little…” she thought a moment. “Unsettled. But, it’s none of my business.” Drea paused and waited, “Is it?”

“I’m not pregnant.”