“Are you sure? Because…”

“To be pregnant, you must have sex, and since I’m beginning to forget what a dick looks like, I’d say no.”

Drea’s mouth fell open, and a laugh burst from her mouth.

Vanessa rolled her eyes and smirked. “Sorry. That was too much information, I know.”

Drea waved her off. “I like that you loosened up there. If you could do that more often, then I’d invite you over for girls’ night in.”

Vanessa cocked her head to the side. “Girls’ night in?”

“Yeah. Every other weekend a few of my friends get together to stay in, do our hair, drink wine, talk about men with good or bad intentions…” Drea wiggled her brows, “…watch movies, or sit out on the balcony and just let loose on whatever’s bothering us. Sometimes we have good news, and on those occasions, we set a date to go out and celebrate.” Drea shrugged. “It’s nice, and it’s a different take on girls’ night out.”

“Sounds like something I could get into.”


“Sure. How did you guys come about doing girls’ night in instead of out?”

“I’m forty-two-years old. Girls’ night out is fun occasionally, but the consistency to dress up, foundation, heels, the right look, to go out and relax changed for me. To unwind with friends and really take care of one another through the simple things we need but usually take for granted, like washing hair—scalp therapy is incredible, by the way—or drinking without the responsibility of who’s driving, it’s…a different kind of relaxation.

Vanessa was relaxed just thinking about it. She nodded.

“Would you like to join us for our next one next weekend?”

“Am I invited?”

Drea smirked. “Yes, but only if you come with a tranquil attitude. Remember, it’s for us to let our hair down, not to be all uptight like you usually are.”

Vanessa gasped. “I am not uptight.”

“The lies.”

Vanessa gasped again and planted her hands on her hips. Drea mimicked her.

“Am not.”

“Are too.”

“Really, this is what we’re doing?”

“Until you admit it.”

Vanessa’s open mouth hung in mid-air, but she didn’t offer a rebuttal.

“Go on,” Drea urged. “Admit it. You know you want to.”

“How do you know what I want?”

“Whenever you’re going through something at home, when you come into work, it’s written all over your face. Time and time again, I’ve tried to squeeze it out of you without being the nosy employee because I know the therapeutic effects that releasing stress can do. But no, you act as if you’re going to divulge, then quickly pull back. I figured once you were ready, you would tell me.”

“Why is it everyone can read me like a book these days?”

“Who’s everyone? I’m just talking about me.”

Vanessa went to respond, then pulled back. Drea tsked.

“See what I mean.” She turned to exit the restroom, her hand pushing at the door, causing it to swing open.