Chapter Two

“J’adore…it’s your favorite perfume. I know this because it mixes with your natural scent so well that it makes the beautiful aroma original.”

A server passed them slowly, and Jeremiah turned to retrieve a glass of bubbly.

“You prefer white over red wine, most likely because of the sweet and sour tang it leaves on your palate.”

He handed her the glass. “Pinot grigio,” he announced. She accepted the glass and took a sip, and her tongue chased the remnants left on her lips.

“How do you know this?”

“I’ve watched you lift the same champagne since the night began from three different servers, skipping over the red wine every time.”

“Very observant.”

“I usually am when there’s something—or, in this case, someone—I want.”

Her belly was shaken with butterflies, her pulse speeding as she took another indulging sip.

Why her body responded to him with such invigoration, Vanessa hadn’t figured out, but if she weren’t careful, she’d find the nearest closet and jump his bones. Besides, she was due a good lay.

“You also manage your finances with care, making sure your financial institution remains in the green as the stock in your company elevates every quarter.”

She took another sip and watched his full lips move as he continued.

“You don’t have any kids, but you have a love for Labrador retrievers.”

That statement gave her pause as the glass sat right at her lips on the edge of another sip.

“You said as much during one of our correspondences. You were what you considered late to work, even though it was five minutes before open time because of Kevin’s lack of interest in taking his morning poop.”

A smile spread across Vanessa’s lips, and laughter emerged from her mouth.

She recalled that email all too well and thought nothing of it when she’d returned his good-morning email just to give him a chuckle.

Jeremiah’s heart pumped at the gorgeous way her face ignited, coating him with fever, and tugging on his heart.

“I am interested to know how you came up with the name Kevin for your lab.”

Vanessa pursed her lips. “It was my ex’s name, so I thought it was apropos, him being a dog and all.”

“Which brings me to your love life.”

Her brows lifted as he went on.

“Kevin is the only man you’ve ever loved, but his irresponsibility to handle your heart with caution has made you swear off dating men.”

She shuddered inwardly, taken aback by his account. Suddenly, Vanessa felt the need to get out of there. The room, or at least the area around them, seem to suck the wind out of her.

“Don’t run,” he said, his voice a soft but dark murmur of chills that saturated her flesh.

Eyes widened, Vanessa lifted her head, indignant and making up her mind to run anyway.

“You should know. I’ve always been a believer that when my future arrives, she would walk into my life with such simplicity that it wouldn’t make sense for us to depart. You see…I, too, love dogs, drink white spirits, harbor a love for animals, take care of my financial obligations, but above all,” he held her eye. “Your heart is a gift I will cherish until my last breath, and even though you’re ready to run from me now, I would sign a contract, tonight, that said, in the event that I am unable to uphold my end of the bargain, you can take everything that belongs to me.”

Her mouth parted on a gasp.

“Even my pet fish, Milo.”