“Now you really piqued my interest. What would this very big favor be?”
“Um, we need you to convince Mister Hansen give us a helping hand with the cooking because dad is a desperate case, and you can’t have a candlelight dinner without some great food, right?”
For a short while, Fergus took part to the conversation, but then he let Nico and Fabian decide on the menu for the candlelight dinner, smiling inwardly. The two men in his life were about to have a huge surprise, and he couldn’t wait to see the expression on their faces when he made the proposition.
After going on a date with Dehaan and Xavier for the first time, a few days earlier, Fergus had spent a lot of time thinking about his sentimental life and analysed his feelings. At the end of a long internal debate, he was ready to do some radical changes, to start living for real in the company of the two men who showered him with love, in and out of the bed.
And then, with the decision already crystallized in his mind, Fergus saw it in the window of a jewelry store famous for its select clientele. The rings in the three-pieces set had all the qualities he appreciated: simple, yet elegant with a sophisticated, but discreet design. The rings were the sign sent by the Fates, one Fergus didn’t ignore.
Although engaged in a very lively conversation with Nico, from time to time, Fabian examined the boy’s father from the corner of his eye, pleasantly impressed with what he saw. Finally, the poor, mistreated soul was ready to come out of his shell like a butterfly coming out of the chrysalis, spreading its magnificent wings and flying into the crystal-blue sky.
A gentle smile appeared on Fabian’s face at the thought, his eyes shining with unshed tears. I will do everything in my powers to keep you out of the harm’s way, he thought, even if I would have to kill the bastards threatening your happiness with my own two hands.
“Are you sure about that? Absolutely, positively sure?” Nigel Warthon listened to the person on the other end of the line, a deep frown creasing his forehead. “Thank you very much for the information, it’s a real help. You’ll get your check tomorrow. I’ll add a substantial bonus to it.”
“Are you out of your mind? Our income is running lower by the day, and you throw money away like this when we should save every penny for...” George Warthon’s disapproving comment was cut short by an impatient gesture of his son’s hand.
“Every cent I spent is a highly profitable investment, and this case was no exception. The man I’ve just talked to confirmed me that Fergus Trevellyan and Ardan MacNamara are brothers. Identical twins, to be more specific.” Nigel paused, a satisfied smile on his lips.
“This is pure gold!” George rubbed his hands together with great enthusiasm. “But how can that man be sure? How did he find out? Everything has to be checked twice before...” Seeing the concentrated expression on his son’s face as he stared at the laptop’s screen, the man stopped abruptly.
“Sorry for not paying attention to you, Father, but the man from earlier just emailed me the results of the DNA tests confirming his affirmation. Please, take a look yourself.” Nigel took the laptop from the desk, heading to the armchair his father sat on.
“Indeed, the man’s affirmation is backed by solid proof. I know these labs. They are among the most reputable in the world. What I don’t understand is Fabian’s Bloom role in all this charade, why the DNA tests were paid for by him. This man continues to be an endless source of surprises for me with his complicated mind and unpredictable actions. Such a waste of intelligence and resources...” George let out a heavy sigh, shaking his head.
“It’s better this way. The intelligent ones are harder to eliminate. Besides, thanks to the Trevellyan money, we’ll be able to start a crusade against the Stark and Bloom clans to weaken their influence on the political scene. With them holding so much power, we would never be able to find supporters for our great cause.” Nigel had a look his father knew too well, the telltale sign he’d concocted a good plan.
“I suppose you’ve thought about how to get our hands on Fergus Trevellyan’s billions, and I’m sure it’s a flawless plan. Would you care to share it with this old father of yours?” George’s voice was humble, but his son also detected a tinge of irritation in it.
Bit by bit, like the pieces of a puzzle, Nigel revealed the details of his strategy, putting them together. Because a divorce would have been long and expensive, he decided to get rid of Greenwood once Fenando Cortez was out of the picture. The man’s greed was a continuous source of problems for them, turning him into a liability.
However, being the aristocrat he was, Nigel didn’t like to do the dirty work by himself, so he chose to wait until after the attack on that goddamn fortress known as The Base. He planned to give Seamus MacAtee an anonymous call, pointing to Greenwood as the one responsible by the whole tragedy. Then, Nigel was going to twist Fergus Trevellyan’s hand into writing everything in his name.
At that point, an evil smile contorted the man’s face as he started to tell his father how he planned to get rid of the problem the Verhoeven twins, Dehaan and Dunbar, who survived the murder attempt in jail, represented. Nigel recognized the latter that fateful evening at the restaurant, he was the spitting image of his late grandfather. Based on his own observations, the relationship between Fergus and Dehaan was very close, and Nigel was going to use that in his own advantage.
Once he had Fergus in his power, Nigel intended to get in touch with Dehaan, asking him to hand over the compromising evidence his brother Dunbar had on him, in exchange for his lover’s freedom. This way, the twins would be neutralized, then eliminated for good. As for that biker Fergus and Dehaan were with, Nigel was going to find a way to get rid of him, too.
Listening to his son, George Warthon smiled, pleasantly impressed by the confidence in the younger man’s voice and attitude. The boy will make a great King, he thought, already thrilled at the idea. Maybe it was time for him to step down for good, and leave Nigel in charge of all their businesses, so his son could get used to dealing with great responsibilities.
“The drug business... who do you intend to put in charge of it? Do you have someone in mind who will be loyal to us and is also familiar with this type of business? Drug dealing, especially at the scale Cortez and MacAtee operate, is a great source of income, but unfortunately is not our specialization.” George Warthon raised his head, waiting for his son’s answer.
“Of course, I have. Flint MacAtee. I don’t think he was very thrilled at the idea of becoming Greenwood’s associate, but he had no choice because he isn’t strong enough and doesn’t have the power to decide by himself. Having us as partners, on the other hand, would be a completely different story, as we’ll offer him independence in running the business as he sees fit.”
“That is, until he disappoints us and has to be taken out of the picture, too, like what happened with Alexander Kane. If only he hadn’t become obsessed with that little Ardan whore, who was the death of him, in the most literal sense of the word.”
“It won’t happen with Flint. That young man uses his brain to think, not another part of his body. He is greedy, but, unlike Greenwood who simply wants to accumulate wealth and power, the young MacAtee has a clear idea on how to use them.”
“This makes me want to know him. When we finally get back what was taken from my father because of an old man’s whim, we’ll need someone to take care of business. It will be beyond the King of England’s dignity.”
“Yes, Father, you are so wise. Soon, all our enemies will be six feet under, all their stupid dreams and aspirations turned to dust.”That will be the happiest day of my life,Nigel thought, a cruel, satisfied smile appearing on his lips.
“You can remove your blindfolds now. Oh, wait a few more seconds, please!” Fergus gestured to Dunbar and Nico, who were guiding Dehaan and Xavier to help the men take a seat at the table set for three. “That’s better, thank you.”
“Well, we’re happy to be of help. It’s time for us to leave since you don’t need us anymore. Come on, kiddo, let’s move our sweet asses—like your adorable uncle Alasdair likes to say—and let the distinguished gentlemen here enjoy the tasty food in each other’s company.” Dunbar ushered Nico, who grinned and gave his father the thumbs up, then closed the door behind them.