Blair Greenwood paced the small motel room for the hundredth time like a caged tiger, trying to decide on his next move. His by then perfect plans had been suddenly turned upside down a few days earlier. Then, he was shocked to find out that the Warthons, the real leaders of the child trafficking ring, were back in the city after disappearing off the radar for about six months.
The news made Greenwood reconsider his plan of teaming up with Cortez who had the reputation of stabbing in the back all those who became an obstacle for him, one way or another, be they sworn enemies or trusted allies. The Warthons, on the other hand, even if they were as greedy for money and power as the Colombian drug lord, still had a semblance of honor, never attacking their former allies unless they were attacked first.
Besides, Greenwood believed their claims to the English throne and thought securing the friendship and gratitude of a King-to-be was much better than relying on the most likely empty promises of the Colombian. Of course, if he decided to turn his back to Cortez, Greenwood had to give up on his independence, accepting Nigel Warthon as his boss, but it was a small price compared to the huge reward waiting at the end of the road.
The man huffed in frustration, thinking about his most pressing problem at the moment: the lack of money. A couple of hundred dollars was everything he had in his pocket, and with the child trafficking ring almost destroyed and most of the prominent clients turning their back on him, the prospects weren’t very good.
Greenwood wanted to invite his former and, he hoped, future associates to dinner, to keep a minimum of appearances. He won’t repeat the mistake he made with Cortez who saw how desperate his situation really was. Taking the phone from the wobbly coffee table, the man started to search for an elegant, discreet but accessibly-priced restaurant.
When he finally found what was looking for, Greenwood made the reservation. A table for three in the furthest corner of the restaurant, away from indiscreet ears and preying eyes. For his current budget, the expense was huge, but compared to the benefits it would bring, the money he was going to spent on that fancy dinner was only a drop in a bucket.
However, several hours later, as he sat at the table, Greenwood started to have serious doubts about the success of that investment. The Warthons, well-known for their punctuality, hadn’t appeared, although it was way past the time Greenwood and Nigel Warthon agreed on earlier when they talked over the phone.
To chase away the not-so-optimistic thoughts that invaded his mind, he started to study the other people in the restaurant, intrigued especially by a group of three men, who ate in silence two tables away. From time to time, their hands lightly touched, making them blush, eyes shining brighter.
One of them, dressed in a light-blue suit and white, buttoned-down shirt, that conferred him a younger, vulnerable appearance, looked very familiar, but Greenwood couldn’t remember exactly where he met him. Frowning, the man tried hard to put a name to that face when a discreet cough turned his attention to his own table.
“Please excuse us for making you wait. It was entirely my fault as I forgot how hellish the traffic in this city can be. Nice to see you again, Mister Greenwood.” Nigel Warthon extended a hand, a polite but cold smile on his lips.
“Likewise, Your Grace. I hope you and your illustrious father are in good health. To be honest, I was a little worried when the two of you disappeared without a trace. I imagined the worst possible scenarios. Seeing that both of you are alive is a huge relief to me.” The concern in Greenwood’s voice was real because his future literally depended on the Warthons’ wellbeing.
“Thank you for thinking about us all this time. You are one of the few true friends we have.” Nigel’s voice was a little softer, but the coldness didn’t leave his eyes. “We heard you are facing a quite serious financial crisis, if you need an urgent loan...”
“Thank you very much for the generous offer, it is much appreciated. However, the situation is only temporary, as in a matter of weeks I’m going to take possession of my late husband’s fortune. There is a little obstacle I have to eliminate first, a brat claiming to be his bastard son, but it will be taken care of very soon.”
Greenwood’s satisfied smile awakened Nigel’s curiosity. “May I ask how you are going to do this? I imagine the lawyers representing the Trevellyan family’s interests won’t let you get to him very easily.”
“For some obscure reasons, the little bastard is here, in the city, where those goddamn watchdogs have no power. Someone who has almost the same problem approached me with an infallible plan. Poor fool is so obsessed with getting control over his brother’s legit companies and doesn’t have the slightest idea that he’ll serve as the perfect escape goat.” Greenwood let out a silent laugh that sent shivers down Nigel’s spine.
“What do we have to gain from this scheme? I’ve listened to you with the greatest attention, but I couldn’t figure out.”
“The absolute supremacy over the drug market, once you eliminate Fernando Cortez. The one who approached me to take care of his problem is Seamus MacAtee’s brother, Flint, who wants their other brother, Tobias, out of his way. Apparently, the big, bad drug lord stepped into the light and wants to repent for his sins by going to prison. With Cortez already biting the dust...” Greenwood let the sentence unfinished, waiting for Nigel to react, but the other man was busy staring at the group of three.
“Well, it looks like even the purest saints have their moments of weakness. Who would have thought? The great Ardan MacNamara, so devoted to his husband, enjoying the company of not one but two men, two tables away.”
Nigel’s words made Greenwood turn his head in the direction the other man discreetly indicated, only to let out a gasp of shock and horror. There, at only few feet away, showered with attention by his companions was his pathetic excuse of a husband, very alive and kicking.
Warthon is right, Greenwood thought, terrified and happy at the same time, the wimp is the spitting image of that MacNamara bastard. What a perfect occasion to get rid of them both!
“Thanks for all the tips, son! The restaurant dating was just perfect, and all three of us enjoyed the couple of hours we spent in that restaurant. It was so... I don’t know, for me, who is so very new to this dating game, everything was special.” Fergus let out a dreamy sigh, his gaze faraway.
“I’m so happy I could help you!” Nico left his spot on the couch, hugging his father who was sitting on an armchair in the spacious lounge of Fabian’s mansion. “To be honest, I already knew your date was a huge success. Dehaan told Dunbar everything about it who said the only time his brother’s eyes shone so bright was when he told him about his and Xavier’s first date.”
His son’s words and the smile on the kid’s face made Fergus’s heart jump with joy, filling his soul with happiness. “Well, then maybe it’s time to move to the next level, like you young people like to say. I need your help. And Dunbar’s. And Mister Hansen’s but I’m going to ask him personally. And... do you happen to know how to keep Xavier away from the apartment?” Fergus’s enthusiasm was visible, words flowing from his lips like a torrent.
“I don’t know about the last part. I don’t think I can help you with that. To be completely honest, I’m still kinda intimidated by him, although I have no reason to. Maybe because, from Dunbar’s stories, I already knew a lot about Dehaan long before we met in person. Speaking of, I’m very close friends with Dunbar, so it’ll be easy to convince him to help us. In fact, all I have to do is suggest for him to spend more time in his twin’s company.”
“Thank you, Nico!” It was Fergus’s turn to leave his seat and hug his son. “You just offered me the solution to our greatest problem: keeping Xavier out of the apartment while I create the romantic atmosphere for our candlelight dinner. How about the two of you spending some time together, getting to know each other better? If you want it, of course...” A shy smile played on Fergus’s lips as he waited for Nico’s answer.
“Sounds like a perfect plan, Dad!” The teen enthusiastically nodded, his smile growing wider. “I can ask Xavier to help a little around The Base. Volunteers are always welcome, especially those who love little kids as much as he does. Well, at least according to what Dunbar told me. We can talk and find out more about each other, and I think Jeroen and Tobias would love to know him better, too.”
“We have a deal, then. I’ll talk to Xavier this evening. Knowing him like I do, he will be on cloud nine. You know, son, thinking about it, the two of you are very much alike. Most likely, he’s also intimidated by you and doesn’t dare to approach you. Once my boyfriends are out of my hair, I can move to the next phase of the plan.”
“Oh, my, the two of you sound like two very dangerous conspirators, and I would like very much to know what are you plotting behind everyone’s back.” Fabian stepped into the lounge, his sapphire-blue eyes shining brightly at the sight of the father and son enjoying each other’s company. “Okay, who starts first?”
“Dad plans a surprise candlelight dinner for Dehaan and Xavier, and he needs to be alone to create the proper atmosphere. We just figured out how to get them out of the apartment and started to talk about the second part of the plan, when you came in, right on time for us to ask you a very big favor.” Nico grinned cutely, melting Fabian’s heart on the spot.