“Oh, wow! This is...” Dehaan gasped in awe at the sight of the table, decorated with a small bouquet of roses in a tall, white, discreet vase. “I’m at loss for words. It’s just wonderful, thank you so much.”

“The two of you spoil me. I’m the luckiest man alive.” Xavier looked into Fergus’s turquoise eyes, a mix of gratitude and adoration on his face, and the older man knew that by the “two of you,” his biker lover meant he and Everly.

“It’s the least we can do for all the love you and Dehaan showed both of us during these last couple of months. Now, let’s enjoy the tasty food Mister Hansen put a great deal of time, effort and love into cooking.” A warm, affectionate smile played on Fergus’s lips, his turquoise eyes shining brightly.

“That was absolutely delicious.” Half an hour later, Dehaan let out a soft moan of appreciation, rubbing his belly. “Dunbar told me about Mister Hansen’s cooking skills, but my brother tends to exaggerate sometimes. However, in this case, it was quite the opposite. The man can cook for an emperor. Mister Bloom is very lucky to have such a treasure of a husband.”

“The love between them is strong and beautiful; they have stars in their eyes when they look at each other. I used to envy them for that kind of connection, just how I envied Ardan and Alasdair, but not anymore. I found my soulmates, too.” Fergus’s eyes became almost incandescent as he spoke in a faraway, dreamy voice.

“For a long time, I saw myself as unworthy of love, although I had deep feelings for Xavier. But he didn’t give up on me, and then you also appeared in my life, giving it a new purpose and direction. For the first time in my life, I feel I’m finally home.” Dehaan looked between the two men who conquered his heart, a sweet, melancholic smile on his seductive lips.

“You and Xavier are the missing parts of my soul, the ones who make me feel complete, important, treasured, valued, my wishes and dreams come true. I want you to accept this humble gift like a sign of appreciation and a symbol of the bond we share. May our love be as durable as the gold and shine as brightly as the diamonds.”

With shaky hands, Fergus pulled the three small jewelry boxes from the pocket of his dress pants and put them on the table, opening them. Eyes filled with happy tears, he opened two boxes, and, getting the rings out, put them on Dehaan’s and Xavier’s fingers, both men deeply moved by their lover’s gesture.

Each of them took one of Fergus’s hands to their lips, covering it in butterfly kisses, then, using their thumbs, caressed the man’s delicate knuckles and his long, slim fingers. With serene smiles on their faces, Dehaan and Xavier took the hands of the man they loved between their own, making a silent promise to treasure and protect him for the years to come.

The three men stayed like that for a good while, the silence so deep that they could hear each other’s hearts beating in sync, on the rhythm of love. Carefully placing Fergus’s hands on the table, Xavier and Dehaan took the third ring out of its box, putting it on their lover’s finger. It was Fergus’s turn to be moved by the two men’s gesture, a lone tear rolling down his cheek.

After spending a few more moments enjoying the calm, warm atmosphere, perfect for a romantic moment like the one they just experienced, the three men cleaned the table, washed the dishes and put the leftovers in the fridge, leaving everything in order. Then, just like the first time the three of them made love, Dehaan and Xavier took Fergus by the hand, guiding him into the master bedroom where they started to undress him.

The older man reciprocated, and soon all three of them stood in the middle of the room, facing each other, naked as the day they were born. Under their lovers’ reassuring, warm, affectionate gaze, Dehaan didn’t feel used and dirty, and Fergus wasn’t afraid of venomous comments affecting his self-esteem.

Accompanied by his soulmates, Xavier stepped into the bathroom, then into the shower, the other two men joining him. They washed, kissed, touched and worshipped one another’s bodies, lathering their loved ones’ sculptural torsos, muscular arms and strong backs, hands sliding up and down, mapping one another’s bodies, discovering new areas to explore.

Thoroughly dried, Fergus, Dehaan and Xavier stepped back into the bedroom, climbed on the bed and slid under the covers, the older one in the middle, his lovers looking at him with adoration. They started to lightly kiss his chest, especially the area around the dusky-pink nipples, making them perky and hard. From time to time, sweet words of praise poured from Dehaan’s and Xavier’s lips, making Fergus’s heart soar.

That time, it was different because the praises were directed to his son, Nico, who managed to leave a very pleasant impression on both younger men. Unlike Dehaan, who knew the kid from his brother Dunbar’s stories and even spent some time in his company, Xavier had just discovered him.

However, the few hours the two of them spent together earlier that day were enough for the biker to form an image of Nico. He was fascinated by the boy’s great maturity, generosity and permanent availability to help those in need. At the same time, Xavier was pleased to discover that the blond boy also enjoyed hanging around with kids his age, laughing at their silly jokes and doing all the things any seventeen-year-old boy would do.

Xavier’s and Dehaan’s words were sweet music to Fergus’s ears, making his heart swell with paternal pride and love for the two men who extended their affection over his son. And then, the realization hit him: Xavier, Dehaan, he, Everly and Nico were a family. An atypical one, maybe, but the most important thing was that they loved, respected and valued each other.


“Good morning, kid!” Fabian hugged Ardan, his sapphire-blue eyes shining with paternal affection. “What’s wrong? You look tired. Didn’t you sleep well? Do you have something on your mind or heart? You know I’m always here if you need to lift a weight from your shoulders.” Gently caressing Ardan’s temple, the man examined him with worried eyes.

“I didn’t sleep very well, indeed, but I guess this is part of being a father. The toddlers were a little agitated and feverish, and the two of us spent almost all night wide awake, calming them down and keeping the fever under control. Around four o’clock, they finally fell asleep, and we went to bed for a couple of hours, too.” Ardan let out a yawn, stretching his hands above his head.

“I know you can’t stop worrying for them. I’ve been there too, when Martin-Cornelius was little. Sometimes, Adele was too tired to watch over him when he was sick, so I, who was less busy during the day, spent the night at his bedside. A tip from the not-so-perfect father I am: your and Alasdair’s voice make them feel safe, especially if you read their favorite bedtime stories.” Fabian’s smile was melancholic, his voice soft and tender.

“Thank you for the words of wisdom. The truth is, the whole thing took us by surprise, and I guess, we were also agitated, and the little ones sensed us. Usually, we call Peyton or Ezra, our main sources of advice on parenthood, but it was already very late, and we didn’t want to wake them up. Luckily, the meeting with Mister Rogers and Seamus MacAtee is scheduled for two hours from now, and I have enough time to refresh myself.” Letting out another yawn, Ardan went in the small adjoining bathroom, splashing cold water on his face.

“Good morning, everyone!” Brennan stepped into the office and hugged his older brother, then gave Fabian a warm, energetic handshake. “It looks like Elijah and I aren’t the only ones who don’t get enough sleep these days. What happened?” The young man eyed Ardan with a mix of worry and curiosity.

“Paisley and Axel were agitated and had a fever, but they’re fine now, or at least we hope so. Alasdair didn’t go to work today, and as soon as the meeting is over, I’m heading straight home, too.”

“Oh, poor pumpkins! Uncle Brennan is going to stop by later today to give lots and lots of kisses to his favorite ginger babies. Oh, and speaking of the meeting: Seamus MacAtee’s right hand, Flannagan, is here to see Mister Bloom. Judging by his voice, the man has something very important to tell you.” Brennan turned to Fabian, lightly frowning. “Strange thing though: when I told him you were with Ardan, the man smiled and said he could wait for however long it would take.”

“Well, I better go and see what he wants if you don’t need me here anymore, that is.” Fabian turned to Ardan, who nodded in approval. “Besides, it’s not polite to make your guests wait for you for too long. See you later, kids.”

The man stepped out of the room, closed the door behind him and headed to the smaller office where Flannagan waited for him, wondering what the surprise visitor wanted to see him for. Slowly opening the door, Fabian let himself into the room, but the other man didn’t notice, staring at the thick, brown envelope he was holding with both hands.

The visitor’s lack of reaction allowed Ardan’s advisor to examine him, trying to figure out his intentions. Flannagan had definitely been a very handsome man once, many vestiges of his beauty still persisting. However, they were shadowed by a paleness most likely caused by a health problem, a severe one, even, Fabian suspected.

After a few minutes, Flannagan finally acknowledged the other man’s presence, extending a shaky hand over the desk. Fabian took it and squeezed it softly, shook to the core by its coldness and lifelessness. The man in front of him was dying, and only sheer determination and an iron will kept him alive.And the business he has to finish,Fabian thought.

“It’s an honor to finally meet you in person, Fabian Bloom, and believe me, these are not empty words. You were and still are a legend among special ops troops, the perfect combination of intelligence and physical strength. When I heard you became young Ardan’s advisor, my heart jumped with joy. I can die in peace now.” Flannagan closed his eyes, letting out a heavy sigh.