Page 7 of Eat Me

Chapter Six


There were five other girls, we all have different looks and are different ages. When I look around I try not to raise my head while taking everyone in. In between each of us was a man. There are some people behind us as well, lined up against the wall. I can hear them behind me. I had been right. This is something different.

“Now let's get to know one another…and tell you why you six have been chosen.” The older man says, causing my brain to pause at his wording.‘Chosen.’It’s a weird way to say why they kidnapped us, but it’s obviously not random.


I don’t know if chosen is the word I’d choose to describe what’s happening. I’m not sure how they chose us either. My mind keeps flashing to Viktor who I’ve been talking to for months and I remember seeing him right before I fell unconscious. I don’tknow why or what I’ve done, but I know it started because of him. All I know right now, is I want answers.

“You all have been chosen as candidates for becoming the wife to some of our family members. There are two sets of brothers who are looking for someone…so I do hope you impress them. It is them picking you and how you six react in our tests.” The older man tells us, eyes glancing over the six of us. I tense at his words.


Why go through this trouble for that…and he said sets of brothers, right? Married to more than one person? How would that work out? My mind's going through things quickly, trying to process everything while I kept my head down. I don’t want to draw attention to myself yet.

“Amy Taverns…” I see a girl with platinum blond hair, and blue eyes snap up. Her mouth is gagged and there are tear tracks down her cheeks. Small whimpers escape her. She’s wearing what looks like a clubbing outfit. She’s in a tight mini halter dress, jewelry and make up that I’m surprised to see still on her face with all the crying she’s doing.

“Jenniffer Powell.” She has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Her hair is in a loose bun, with hair falling out in places, most likely from fighting. She doesn't have a gag in her mouth, but she has tears in her eyes as well, with small sniffles coming from her.

“Cami Paxton.” She has black hair that's just past her shoulders, with bangs and a pair of dark green glasses on her face that try to hide her brown eyes. She doesn't have a gag in either, but she has a lost look on her face and her lip looks cut open.

“Amber Smith.” She has a nasty glare on her face. Her blue eyes are burning into everyone as the gag is in her mouth. She has long bubblegum pink hair that makes her really stand out compared to the other girls.

“Lynn Rivers.” She also has a gag in as well, but she’s still crying and the gag is muffling the hiccups she has. Her hazel eyes fill with tears and then they escape her eyes by running down her cheeks. Her hair is a dirty blonde, tangled mess.

“And our last one, Victoria Heaven.” I snap my eyes to the old man. Keeping my face blank as I see everyone in the room looking at me. I don’t make a sound, but let my eyes fall back to the table in front of me. I don’t like that I have so much of their attention. Why?

“You six were picked over the last year by members of our family. They got to know you some and thought you had potential to be part of our family.” The older man says with a small smirk coming to his face as he looks around.

“So far there are only two of you that I can see this potential in…but we shall see how you all do.” I can hear the amusement in his voice as he speaks. I don’t understand, and I don’t have a good feeling about this. The sinking feeling in my stomach intensifies as I can hear soft laughter coming from around the room.

“The first test is going to happen tomorrow, so for now you will be taken back to your rooms and food will be sent to you.” He pauses looking around and gives a big grin as he continues to speak, “The two sets of brothers will come and meet you all. Try to make a good impression girls.” He then stands leaving us alone for the ones in the room to take care of us. I hear crying from the girls again. Holding in a sigh as I glance around the room, my eyes connect with the green eyed man that's sitting next to me. His eyes are on me the whole time, he grins as he leans back into the chair more, arms crossed over his chest.

Narrowed eyes and silence are my friends right now. It may not be an option later, but for now I have nothing to say. Crying damn sure won’t help me right now. I may be in shock but If Isurvived my childhood…I can survive this. I’ve got to. I will find a way to escape if it’s the last thing I do.

“Let’s go, darling.” I hear the man next to me say as he stands up. He moves behind me, taking the ropes off and pulling me up alot more gently than I expected. I let him lead me back to the room in silence. Once we were in the room, he gently takes the ropes off my wrists. A sigh of relief escapes me as I rub my wrists where the rope had been. I haven’t been tied up for long but he did tie me up tightly.

“My name is Elijah.” He gives me a long look, as he takes me in. I stay in my spot, not moving as I let him appraise me. I don’t know what he's looking for, but he releases a hum. He must see something he likes as he gives me another smirk.

“I will be seeing you later….don’t expect my cousins to come meet you though. You were picked out specifically for my brothers and myself. Our grandfather was very specific about that.” Elijah chuckles seeing the puzzled look on my face. He moves forward so he's leaning down to my level.

“...and so far I'm glad he did. You are very interesting, darling.” I stiffen at the pet name again. I don’t like this one bit. The face of Viktor flashes in my mind. His last stop when I was at work flashing through my head. Him asking if I was still single. I bite my lip as I take a few steps back.

“Though you’re going to have to do the tests and survive the other girls too…..if you can’t survive….well….” He trails off as he doesn’t want to go into detail, though I have a feeling I know what he means. I would no longer be of use.

“Though, from what I have heard about you there isn’t going to be a problem.” He flashes another grin at me, it was more sharp and sent shivers down my spine as his eyes seem to gleam in the low lighting of the room.

“I have a feeling you don’t have anything to worry about….I know my brothers trust our grandfather's words.” Giving me yet another, what, physical inspection, his unnerving grin widens.

“You all are expected to share a wife?” I ask softly trying to figure out why they would do something like this.

“That’s right. It is a family tradition.” Elijah tells me as he crosses his arms, as if expecting me to say something bad about it. I know people who have had relationships like this before. It isn’t something unheard of….but it also isn't the most common thing either.

“And you all agree on the same person?” I tried to see if I could fish for any information. Elijah seems to know this and gives a light laugh as he leans down so he can speak softly to me, as if telling me a secret.

“Don’t worry, they are going to‘love’you.” Elijah once again stands up straight, and gives me one last look before leaving. He lets the door close with a loud clang, letting it echo in the room. I let my body fall to the ground. Tremors going through me as I try to keep myself from crying.