What in the hell have I been dragged into?
Taking a deep breath, I try to get myself under control and keep my emotions in check. If we were being tested….I have to make sure I stay in control. Being over emotional will make things harder on me. I don’t know if we will be killed if we weren't chosen or pass their tests.
Leaning on the wall, I’m trying to figure out what in the hell I’m going to do. It seems like Viktor has been the one to choose me…and have high expectations….picking me out for Elijah and his brothers? Viktor’s so sure of me. What did I say those nights he’d come into the bar for a drink? Viktor has been coming into the bar for so long that there’s no way I can remember all the conversations. Over the months I’ve given small bits ofinformation about myself, but nothing out of the blue for a bartender.
A loud clanking sound pulls me back to now. Getting lost in my own thoughts isn’t the best of ideas right now. When I direct my attention towards the door its when I realize that it’s not only open, but another man is looking me over. Blinking a few times to help my eyes focus, this new man still hasn’t taken his eyes off me.
If he’s going to inspect me I’m going to take the time to do the same. It’s not like I have anything else to do at the moment. He’s in his twenties, or close to it and a little shorter than Elijah, but he has blonde hair that’s a little curly. His hair isn’t as long as Elijah’s, but long enough one could run their fingers through it easily. He has higher cheekbones and a sharper jawline, with a playful smirk on his lips. He has the same green eyes as Elijah, but his show more emotion. They seem to have a spark of mischief in them as he walks into the room, shutting the door behind him.
“Hello, sweetheart.”
Sweetheart? He’s got to be kidding. Narrowing my eyes at him, I make sure not to move an inch as he starts to walk towards me. It’s not till he bends down that I smell the food and notice the paper plate. As he sets the food and a bottle of water next to me the smell hits me and it smells amazing. Glancing at the paper plate it has cooked mixed vegetables with a slice of buttered bread and what looks like a piece of baked chicken breast. The noise my stomach makes totally gives away how hungry I am.
“I volunteered to deliver your food. Sorry there isn’t any silverware...it’s precaution, I’m sure you understand.” He’s sure I understand? Like I’ve been in this situation before? I’m not sure if he’s smiling at me, but it doesn’t match up to his words.
“My name is Owen. I’ll be back with my other brothers later to get to know you better before the first test tomorrow.” He looksme over once again before taking a step back and making his way to the door, his eyes taking on a small gleam. I don’t understand it, but I think not reacting has made a good impression on them.
Too bad I didn’t know that.Too bad indeed.
Chapter Seven
Ikeep looking at the food, debating on if I should eat it or not. They could have put something in it for all I know. Though, if we are going to be tested it would be better to have all the energy I can get. I glance at it once more before taking a deep breath, grabbing the plate and crossing my legs so I can set the plate there and pick at the food.
I can feel the warmth of the food through the paper plate and bit my lip as I'm really about to eat food given to me after being kidnapped. I know I need the energy though. Elijah and Owen have said they would be back. They either want me coherent or the food could be drugged. I have a choice to make.
I could eat and if it’s drugged it’ll make me weak to fight if I need to….or it could be fine and I would have the energy for whatever they’ll be putting all of us through tomorrow. There is also a chance if I waste food the kidnappers could be mad too.
Looking at the food one more time I tear a piece of chicken off and eat it. It tastes good, but that doesn’t mean nothing. I want to make sure I have energy, so I hope my instincts about it not being poisoned or drugged is right. My stomach begins to thank me as I eat. Grabbing the water bottle after I’ve finished the food, I make sure to drink it all. Not knowing if they’d take the water bottle, means finish it. Better safe than sorry.
Not being given a napkin, my only option is to use my pants. Getting off the bed I set the trash a few feet away from me. Walking back to the bed, I sit down, attempt to get comfortable and close my eyes, willing my body to relax. I'm mentally exhausted and just closing my eyes and relaxing can help me right now. I know I’m going to have a hard time sleeping, if that even happens. My mind doesn’t want to shut off and with the situation I'm in, sleeping in a place like this when I don’t know the outcome of my survival…yeah, not really going to happen.
Taking another deep breath I shakily let it back out. I'm trying not to let my brain wander too much because if it does, it’ll spiral out of control. I don’t need to work myself into a panic attack.
I knew that I would be getting visitors later, or at least that’s what I was told. I can’t break down until they're gone for the night. I can have a small cry then, so for now I need to keep it together. I keep this mantra up as I try to not let my mind wander about what tests they’re going to put us through.
I haven’t heard much from the other girls, other than the occasional sniffle and crying here and there, but then everything went quiet. I’m assuming they fell asleep or are done crying for now. I don’t blame them for breaking down, I want to do the same. Again, being lost in thought, a sudden noise causes me to look in the direction of the door so fast, my neck pops. I hear footsteps and slide my back fully against the wall. My eyes staying locked on the door, I now hear multiple footsteps coming closer.
I watch as the door opens and I watch as Elijah and Owen enter my room. Behind them are two others I had seen briefly in the room that we were all sat in for introductions. Keeping my eyes on them I watch as each of them enter. My insides are shaking, but I’m managing to physically look calm, or at least I hope so.
“Hello Darling’...” I glance at Elijah not moving a muscle or giving him any reaction to the nickname he's been calling me. Keeping as still as possible I see and hear Owen give a chuckle. I see the other two moving closer, eyes zoned in on me.
“Hello.” I say back, having a feeling if I don’t play nice I may regret it. The air in the room is already thick with tension and I don’t want to chance pissing someone off this early. I really want to survive. They said I was picked special…but as he already said, I still have the same tests and survive, so I’m staying on my toes every second when around anyone here.
“Why don’t you two introduce yourself.” Elijah says gesturing to the two new guys as the door shuts with a bang behind them. I'm staying exactly where I am, not wanting to move yet. It’s not like there’s anywhere to go. The four extra people take up any extra room there has been.
“Name’s Marcus.” He is about Owen’s height, only an inch or so difference. He has long dark ebony hair, it's pulled into a loose ponytail at the nape of his neck, he has loose hair framing his face on each side. His eyes are bright blue, they match my own. The light color of his shirt allows me to see his tattoo as it travels up to the side of his neck. His hands have a few scars on them that are brought out more by the rings adorning them.
“Jasper.” His voice takes me by surprise as it’s deep, way deeper than I expected with a pretty face like that. His hair is two toned, on the top it’s black which fades into a dark auburn red. He’s wearing a dress shirt as well. His shirt has a few buttons open letting me see tattoos and a few necklaces with stonesand symbols of some kind. His blue eyes are the same shade as Marcus’s.
“Now that we all know who everyone is, do you have any questions,Victoria.”Owen speaking my name forces me to suppress a shiver at his tone. Glancing at each of them, I can see them watching me for any movement. They’re watching me like hawks perched on a window sill. That’s not awkward or worrying at all.
“Will you answer my questions if I ask them?” I didn’t mean for the question to have as much bite as it did. I can see Elijah narrowing his eyes at me.
“Tone, Darlin…” Elijah speaks up, voice sharp as he looks down at me. I click my jaw shut at this, taking a deep breath in. I count to three before I try again with a nicer voice this time, even if it probably sounds a bit forced. They can take it or not let me talk at all.
“You said I was picked for you…so what makes me different then the other girls?” I ask, trying to see how much information I can get out of them. I want to see if they let any information on what kind of tests I’ll be put through.