Page 6 of Eat Me

Sitting up straight, I snap my head to the direction I hear the screaming coming from. Loudly stomping footsteps rush past the room I’m in and then there’s a noise that sounds like a door slamming open.

“There is no need to scream and if you keep it up you won’t be able to.” The voice is dark and menacing, the girl then lets out another scream about letting her go.

“I DON’T HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT! LET ME GO HOME!! PLEASE!”Her words echo around the walls of my cell making my already hurting head pound more. There's a scoff and then someone laughing.

“Now now, little lady. You and the others are here for a reason. Behave or you won’t even get to meet anyone else.” The voice has a sharp edge to it. I can tell from here he’s not happy and doesn’t want to deal with her.

Biting my lip, I bring my knees closer to my chest as a sinking feeling in my stomach gets worse. The hairs on my arm stand on end as the girl releases a whimper and goes silent. I don’t hearanything for a minute and then the sound of the door slamming shut echoes around me.

He didn’t kill her, right? The thought is definitely there, but it sounds like we have a purpose here. Human trafficking maybe? Ideas of why I’m here start to formulate in my head again. The instant I finally hear crying, some tension leaves my body. That means he didn’t kill her…that’s a really good thing.

Hearing footsteps again brings the tension back full force. When they stop by my door for a moment, I look directly at it and the little peep holes. When the small eyeholes open, I narrow my eyes as they lock onto a set of blue eyes. Staying silent as whoever it is looks me over all I hear is, “hmm.”

“It seems they’re all awake now.” Blue eyes looks at me one more time before shutting the eyehole with a slam, making the metal echo in the room causing me to flinch. I can hear muffled talking for a few minutes and then the footsteps begin to walk away from me. I let go of a breath I didn’t know I was holding, letting my body slump in on itself.

I am trying to figure out what they could want us for. I heard one girl but the man said‘all’which means there are more than two, but how many were there? Are we going to survive the day? Are we going to be sold? My mind is a whirlwind of ideas and crazy scenarios that can or could happen to me…or for that matter anyone else who was taken.

My eyes glance around the room again, slowly this time. Trying to take in every nook and cranny…just to see if there is any possibility of getting out. I bite my lip as I don't see anything but the single door in front of me. I feel the dread of the situation seeping into me as I try to figure out a way to get out through the door, but it reminds me of prison doors. How can I get through that?

The frustration and fear are steadily building in me. I'm feeling completely helpless in the reality that there’s nothing Ican do right now. I have no choice but to sit here and wait. Wait to see what’s going to happen to me or to any of us, for that matter.

I keep closing my eyes trying to keep the tears at bay. I refuse to cry. I’m stronger than that. I have to hold myself together. I'm not weak….I'm not weak… I have to keep repeating that to myself over and over again.

I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting here, but my body is stiff. Hearing my door open with a loud bang, I jump slightly and look up. I can hear more doors opening and mentally counting how many doors I can hear. I’m stunned to hear five of them. Six including myself.

Two men walk into my cell, coming to a stop right in front of me. Slowly, I unfold myself from the curled-up position I’ve been in. I end up eyeing them over as much as they’re eyeing me over. What in the world?

“Aren’t you a strong one?” One mutters, causing my eyes to snap to him.

He's tall and well built. I can see his muscles under his dark green button-up shirt, the sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. He has a couple buttons open that expose a few necklaces around his neck. There’s a weird symbol on one of the necklaces I don’t recognize. I’ll file it in my brain for later.

He has dark hair, it’s longer in the front as it frames his face. Strong jaw with a face that's set in an indifferent look. What really stands out are his eyes. A deep and vibrant emerald green. He looks like he's in his twenties, possibly early thirties if anything. I don’t say a word as my eyes travel to the other man. He's older, maybe in his late Forties from the graying of his hair. His dark brown eyes seem to have seen years.

“Grandfather may be right about you.”

The younger man hums, his cold eyes looking me over. I still don't say a word, and I can see that not reacting to him is amusing by the glint in his eyes and twitch of his lip.

“Come now. Up you get. We can do this the nice way…” He trails off as I can hear the screaming and cursing from other girls down the hall. I take a deep breath, slowly stand up and slowly walk till I’m a few feet away from the man. My mind going to ideas of what I might be able to do. I want to survive, so working with them until I have a solid idea is my best bet.

I know I need to keep my emotions under control. Don’t lash out. Don’t break. Only give him a blank look. The man with green eyes grins, “Good girl.” He mutters, moving so his hands are able to start bringing my hands behind my back. I tense as I feel rope on my skin and my wrists being bound together.

I bite my lip to keep me from crying out at how tight he binds me. I am definitely not going to be getting those undone. I take another deep breath as I feel a hand on my shoulder. Turning my head to glance at the man behind me, he motions with his head for me to move forward.

“Walk. I’ll tell you when you can stop. Don’t get any bright ideas either.” The threat in his voice evident, but I choose to remain silent. I’m not going to allow him to get to me.

Letting him lead me out of the room gives me the opportunity to see that we’re in a long hallway, full of more rooms, like the one I was just in. I let him lead me out, I could see we were in a long hallway of rooms just like the one I was in. I count the doors as we walk to the end of the hall. He directs me to the left, and now I see other women.

I hear crying and muffled screams. I tense but don’t stop walking as I'm brought into another room. This room has one large table with about a dozen chairs. There are only a few fluorescent lights on the ceiling, but it's enough to make the room bright. The floors are black, and the walls are a light gray.The only other thing in the room is a pile of rope in the corner with a duffle bag.

I let my eyes sweep to the girls that are all sitting separated by one chair being empty between them. Some of the girls have their mouths covered, while a couple are just quietly sniffing with their heads hanging down.

I let the man seat me at the end of the table, still refusing to make a sound as a rope is used to tie me to the chair. He made sure my arms are going behind the chair to keep me comfortable. I frown at this, wondering why he wants me comfortable while he ties me tightly to the chair, my back is even flush against the wooden chair. I manage to hold back a flinch when he moves my hair out of my face and gives me a small smile. Sitting down in the empty chair next to me, I hear shifting and see the other men in the room looking at the one next to me, with a raised eyebrow.

“Now that they are all here, let's get things started.”

I glance at the older man who had been in the room with the other green eyed man, but quickly drop my head. As he sits at the head of the table he’s glancing around at us all. I make sure to keep my head down as I’d rather not look at anyone, yet.

I have a really bad feeling that this isn’t going to be like any scenario that I’ve managed to come up with in my head and that’s terrifying.