I can see Corbin, out of the corner of my eye, staring directly at me. He can’t hide the smirk tugging at the edge of his lips anymore. “And what have I asked of you? Oh, wait. Get down on your knees. You need to make it more convincing.”
Grandmother’s eyes plead with me not to give in, but I find myself falling to my knees before I can stop myself.
All to save her.
When I don’t say anything, Corbin growls low in his throat, which jerks my attention to him, but only briefly.
“What did I ask of you, Lillian Rose?” He speaks in a low and stern tone as he tries to emphasize his alpha command.
But it’s pitiful and still doesn’t affect me. Of course, I can’t say that it doesn’t. Not if I want her to live.
“To be your mate,” I whisper.
Corbin shakes his head and crosses his arms over his chest as Asella puts the knife closer to grandmother’s throat. “Say it louder for all to hear you because those way back there, at their homes, can’t hear you.”
“I am to mate with you under the next full moon in a week,” I say, much louder than the first time.
“Good girl. What else will you do?”
I lick my lips as my entire mouth goes dry as paper. This part I don’t want to say.
“Stand up,” he says with a growl.
Rising slowly, I get to my feet. I close my eyes and let more tears fall as he leans in and whispers in my ear, "Tell them what you will do for me once mated."
It makes me sick to even think about, but I finally manage to get the words out. “I will give you alpha heirs.”
He leans away from me, completely satisfied. Then he circles me and smacks my bare backside before coming to face me again.
“Did everyone hear that?” He asks with a proud smile. “She has declared she will be mine in one week. No one may challenge it since we have both said it.”
My heart sinks to my stomach as I realize there is no way out of it. He’s right. As long as the claim is made by both parties, it can’t be challenged. Not only has his actions been to humiliate me, but it’s making sure that our claim will not be challenged by anyone.
The beast.
Something tells me that my destiny is something they never want me to know about and it has something to do with the growing bond with the beast, but how can I find out what it is when I’m stuck with Corbin? Why would they not want me to explore it?
I suck in a breath as the wheels turn, but I don’t understand any of it.
Sadly, none of it matters now because I'm his, unless he dies miraculously before the full moon.
Asella slowly stands and backs away from grandmother, catching my attention. She tucks the knife in a small satchel attached to her belt.
Some of grandmother’s wounds are healing, allowing her to sit up, but only slightly. She’s very weak from all the blood loss.
"Go home, Grandmother, and I'll be there to care for you."
She rises to her feet and wobbles some before walking toward the path to the cottage. Her clothes are nearby, abandoned.
“You didn’t ask your mate’s permission,” Corbin says with a growl.
I look at his chin, trying to avoid looking into his eyes. "May I go care for her wounds, mate?"
The words are like sandpaper on my tongue. I hate the feel and sound of it.
"Much better. Yes, you may. After that, I want you to get cleaned up. I will see you for dinner.”
An involuntary shudder works its way down my spine before I turn to walk away. With each step, I feel my legs growing heavier. I snatch up her clothes and cane before making it to the path home.