His eyes flickered black briefly, and he flashed his crooked smile at me before he closed the door.
Shepard waited until Cross faded in the distance to speak.
“It’s annoying to say this, but he’s right. Nothing has changed. Well, maybe a little. What we did last night will fuel my dreams and make it more difficult for me to give you any breathing room.”
I arched a brow at him, and he chuckled.
“Don’t worry. I know not to smother you with my attention. Just know that you’ll only need to look my way to get it.”
“Thanks for the warning.”
He continued to grin all the way to his place.
When we arrived, Vena and Anchor were already there. They stood side by side with an arm’s length of distance between them. As if that would stop Mrs. Hunter from seeing what was insanely obvious—that Anchor was head over heels for Vena.
“You ready to gain Vena as a member of your household?” I asked as Shepard parked.
“Her parents won’t object?” he asked.
“Doubtful,” I said just before opening my door.
I caught Anchor nervously smoothing his hands over his thighs. Vena did, too, and I could tell by the look she cast his way that she wanted to eat him up like a bowl of ice cream.
“This is yourhouse?” Mrs. Hunter asked, getting out of their car.
“My kind tends to live together,” Shepard said, opening the back door for Miles. “Safety in numbers.”
“Oh, I like that,” Mrs. Hunter said. She looked pointedly at Anchor then at Vena. “Are you going to introduce us?”
“Mom, Dad, this is Anchor. Anchor, these are my parents, Dana and Garner Hunter.”
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” Anchor said, holding out his hand.
Mrs. Hunter melted at the uncertain smile he gave her as her husband shook Anchor’s hand.
Vena gave me a look and shifted her gaze to Miles, who was standing amicably enough next to Shepard.
“I’ll give you the cliff-noted version,” I said. “Adriel isn’t dead. He ordered Miles to poison the prince and then escaped the mountain, but not before revealing himself. King Curran doesn’t hold Miles responsible and allowed Shepard to bring Miles here to keep an eye on him while we all help look for Adriel and the missing ring.”
Vena closed her eyes, and I recognized the impending explosion.
So did Mrs. Hunter.
“Anchor, why don’t you take Vena for a walk while we settle Miles in? Once she’s calm, let’s have a longer discussion about what happens next, okay?”
He nodded and took Vena’s hand to lead her to the back garden while Shepard led the rest of us inside.
Mrs. and Mr. Hunter thanked Shepard profusely when they saw the room Miles would have and the people who were assigned to watch over him twenty-four-seven. Once they knew he was settled, we went to the dining room where a late breakfast was waiting for us.
“I heard your stomach growling since we left the mountain,” Shepard said to me when I looked questioningly at him.
“Thank you.”
“I smell bacon,” Vena said, entering the dining room with Anchor. She looked calm, and I was sure that had to do with Anchor’s arm around her shoulders.
The six of us sat at a table, and I listened to Mrs. Hunter gently question Anchor.
How long had they been dating? What were his plans for the future? Did he like kids? What did his parents do for a living?