Page 53 of Death and Donuts

It was a little funny to watch Vena squirm until she shot me a “you better help me end this, or everyone will suffer” look.

“Thank you for breakfast, Shepard,” I said when everyone was finished eating. “And it was good to see you again, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter. Don’t worry about Miles. He’s in good hands.”

I stood to punctuate that it was the end of our visit. Vena bolted out of her seat less gracefully.

“Isn’t today your day off?” Mrs. Hunter asked, looking at both of us.

“From Blur, Mom, not from life in general.”

Mrs. Hunter gave Vena a dry look but waved her away.

“Go ahead and escape. I think we’ll stay for a while longer if that’s all right with you, Shepard.”

He agreed, and Vena and I retreated with Anchor, who drove us home.

I was grateful it wasn’t Shepard. I wasn’t yet ready to tell Vena what had happened with him, even though I knew I wouldn’t be able to hide it forever.


As soon asI unlocked the house, Vena bolted inside. She had stewed in silence all the way home, but now, questions exploded from her.

“How is Master still alive? Shepard’s hand wasin his chest, Everly. There was blood. A lot of blood. He was a lifeless carcass. How can he go from carcass to poisoning people?”

“I don’t know. Even Cross didn’t have the answer to that,” I said.

“We need the answer to end this. We need to figure out how he’s still alive so we can figure out how to kill him for good.” She retrieved her laptop and stationed herself in the living room. “It shouldn’t take me long to research. It’s not like cat-shifting vampires are common.”

I left Vena and Anchor in the living room and retreated to the kitchen for a little quiet time. With my notebook and apron, I searched my cupboards and refrigerator to see what I had on hand.

My phone vibrated.

Shepard: Can we attempt a lunch date again later this week?

I stared at the message, trying to settle my thoughts about Shepard and Cross. The whammy that Adriel laid on me had opened my eyes and theirs. The attraction I felt for both Cross and Shepard could no longer be hidden or denied.

Both had said they’d be okay with me seeing the other. Both had said they’d give me the time I needed. And they both said it was okay for me to live a little.

Why not take them up on their offer, then?

Perhaps by following my desires, I could learn a bit more about them and myself. It could also be a test to see if either of them could actually share my time and affection without trying to stake a claim. I could also try to determine if I liked one more than the other.

Decided, I replied.

Me: Yes, I would like that.

Shepard: Can’t wait.

Neither could I.

As soon as I found enough ingredients to make shortbread cookies, Cross texted.

Cross: Is it too soon to miss you?

I smiled at the message. For a vampire, he was cuddly and affectionate. Always taking opportunities to be in my bed when I woke up and kissing me whenever he had a chance.

Me: Maybe. But I don’t mind. Did you find out anything about Adriel?

Cross: Nothing yet. The dwarves are stirring up the city with their pursuit, so it might take me some time. But beyond missing you, I wanted to let you know the permits have been approved, the contractors have started, and everything you requested for the kitchen has been ordered and will be delivered in 5-7 business days.