Page 51 of Death and Donuts

Curran nodded, looking weary. “I don’t fault Miles for what happened. Both of our sons were victims of a heinous act. This was the vampire’s fault.”

Mrs. Hunter agreed. “We didn’t know a vampire could turn into a cat.”

“Nor I,” Curran agreed. “If I had, our mountain would have been more secure, and this tragic event might not have happened. So, let us part as friends and allies. Together, we can avenge my son.”

When Tryn and another guard appeared, holding an angry Miles, Cross approached them and looked Miles in the eyes. “You will leave this mountain with Shepard. You will stay with him in his house and follow his orders. Do you understand?”


Both Curran and the Hunters flinched slightly at Miles’ easy agreement to a vampire’s order.

We left quickly after that and made the long journey down the main staircases.

“We’ll follow you back to your house,” Mrs. Hunter said to Shepard once we reached the parking lot. “We’d like to see where he’ll be staying until…” Her eyes welled with tears.

“You are welcome to stay, too, for as long as you need,” Shepard said.

After I climbed into Shepard’s SUV, I messaged Vena.

Me: Your parents are coming too.

Vena: What? Why?

Me: Too much to explain over text. We’ll talk soon.

Vena: You know I hate waiting.

Me: Play with Anchor for an hour.

Vena: He’s been keeping his clam jammer tucked away. I’ll see what I can do.


Reluctantly, I set my phone down and faced the current situation. I was sitting in the front seat with Shepard, who’d yet to say anything to me. Not that I’d said anything to him, either. In the back seat, Cross and Miles remained quiet, too. The next hour would be awkward as hell if we stayed like this.

Shepard seemed to have the same thought. He cleared his throat as he turned off the mountain road and said, “I apologize for last night, Everly. I didn’t realize you weren’t yourself.”

Heat exploded on my face. “It’s okay. I’d rather pretend it–”

“It happened, and Everly was herself,” Cross said from behind me, robbing me of my chance to deflect. “Adriel didn’t thrall her; he simply compelled her to reveal a part of herself that she’s kept hidden from us. Compelling can’t force someone to go against their nature; only thralling does that. And Adriel never had a chance to bite her, thanks to your intervention.”

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, wishing I was anywhere else but there. While I appreciated that Cross wasn’t judging me for what happened, I wasn’t sure Shepard felt the same regarding my behavior.

Shepard surprised me by reaching over and covering my hand with his. “As long as last night is something you wanted, there’s no need for you to feel embarrassed or ashamed, Everly.” He gave my hand a squeeze and then released me.

Disbelief sent my thoughts whirling out of control. What the hell did he mean by that? Was he saying he was okay with sharing me? Or that he was okay if I wanted to be with them both separately?

Unsure what to think, I turned my head toward the window and pressed my cheek against the glass, trying to cool the risingheat there. No longer caring if it was awkward or not, I embraced the silence and watched the scenery until Shepard pulled over in downtown D.C.

Cross got out but surprised me by opening my door and kissing my forehead.

“The only thing that has changed is your acceptance of your interest in us. Stop overthinking things and just live, Everly. One day, one moment, at a time. All right?”

I nodded, grateful for his understanding even as I mentally balked at what he was suggesting. He didn’t give me a chance to cling to the limbo I’d been holding back for weeks though. He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine.

When he pulled back, his fingers feathered along my jaw, encouraging me.

Giving in, I kissed his cheek in gratitude.