“It’s to my brother’s wedding.”
I frown. “Kaleb is getting married?” I ask, I always liked his brother. He’s nothing like Kris, which is probably why we got along so well.
“Yeah, and I need a date. You’d be doing me a solid, and in return I’ll do you a solid and take my clothes off.”
I chose that exact moment to lift my coffee to my lips, and nearly choked on his words.
“You really should get your mind out of the gutter, Kam. Strictly professional undressing is what I meant. On the stage.”
I nod.
“Where you asked me to strip.”
I nod again.
I think the idea over. It’s a terrible idea, truly. And I’m not sure if I have it in me to follow through with it, and even if I did… nothing says Kris would survive a weekend with me.
We’d kill each other before his brother made it to the altar.
But, my job is kind of riding on this, and I need this event to go well. Especially, so I can shove it in Rebecca’s face and prove that Cora and I are more than capable of handling this.
I can’t believe I’m about to do this.
Do you ever have moments where you know you’re giving into something, and it’s going to be complete and utter hell? But you feel yourself giving in regardless of what the outcome may be?
That’s exactly how I feel right now.
I can taste the regret before the words are even out of my mouth.
“Fine,” I say through gritted teeth.
Kris just smiles at me through the phone before winking once more and ending the call.
No “sounds good” or even a “nice talking to ya, Kam.”
I grunt in frustration just as Cora pops her head in the door.
“I take it he said yes?”
I throw a pen at her head.
I smile to myself as I stare at the phone.
I’m not sure why I hung up so quickly. Part of me was probably afraid she’d change her mind, and my entire plan would be blown.
It’s not that I necessarily need a date to my brother’s wedding, but the opportunity revealed itself, and I do not pass on a good opportunity. You know?
Besides, the way I see it, we’re helping each other out. It’s a pretty fair trade.
Actually, she probably has the upper hand here, considering she gets to get dressed up for her end of the bargain, whereas I’ll be undressing for mine.
Tomato Tomatoe.
Either way, I’m just glad I’ll have someone to be a buffer between me and my family. At least this way, I know they won’t bring up shit about the past or try to pressure me into their future plans. They won’t want to look desperate in front of Kameron.