The text bubbles appear. Then they disappear. Then appear again.
And then there’s nothing once more.
My phone rings, making me jump since I wasn’t expecting it.
I blow out a sigh of annoyance that Kris feels the need to discuss this over the phone. And not just a phone call, he wants to fucking facetime.
And I know, it would be rude if I ignored his call and continued texting. That would also risk the ability for the event to go on as easily as planned right now, so I hit the answer button despite everything in me telling me this is a bad idea.
No, no. Screaming that this is a bad idea.
His face appears, and I have to really focus on not looking at him. It’s really not fair that someone can be as handsome as he is.
His dark hair looks like he’s run his hands through it a few times, his skin is still a gorgeous golden color from what I’m sure is spending time on the baseball field.
Yes, I know what he’s been up to. I just graduated and he’s been working at the college for a bit now, so I know he’s at the fields a lot.
“You look gorgeous.” he says, smiling at me through the phone.
I try really freaking hard to not let that compliment make me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Remember what a man whore he is, Kam. Remember how he can’t take any relationship serious, Kam.
Freaking remember the tears.
“Thanks.” I fake smile at him. “Now, about the event. What do you think? Would you be interested?”
His smile is slow, and it should be the first point that something is about to bite me right in the ass. His eyes twinkle with mischief and that should have been the moment I realized I was about to step in the biggest pile of shit.
A pile of shit that is Kris Hart.
“Well, I would obviously need more information. How many dancers you would need? Am I creating the choreography? And of course, I’d need something in return.” He winks at me, and I’m reminded how easily he can be slime.
“Unfortunately, this event is for charity so I wouldn’t be able to pay you much at all.”
“That’s not what I was referring to.” He continues to smile at me as I squirm through the screen.
“I’m not sleeping with you either, Kris.” I roll my eyes directly to his face this time, making sure he can see me do it.
“Ah, sassy. I miss that, but that too, was not what I was referring to. Glad to know where your mind goes though.” Another wink.
If I could shove a finger into that eyeball, I might would do it.
Kidding, I’m not a violent person at all.
Only with Kris, apparently.
“Then what were you referring to, Kris?” I ask, waiting for him to just get to the point and stop playing games.
God, it reminds me how unlikely the two of us are together. How we ended up together is beyond me, truly.
“It’s simple, really.”
Nothing is ever simple with him.
“I need a date.”
I pull back as if he’s reached through the phone and slapped me across the face. He can’t be serious.