Page 11 of Playful Kris

Hell, I’m not even sure if they know who Kameron is. Kaleb does, we’d all hung out a few times in the short stint of the relationship we had.

If that’s even what you want to call it.

I grunt, then shake my head. She really did deserve someone far better than me.

I’m well aware of my commitment issues, and I know I did so much wrong in our relationship just to keep it from going any further than it did.

But, Kameron. She just has it all. She’s the total package, the one you bring home to meet your family, plan your life with…

And I’m not that guy.

Not even remotely.

Damn. The second she answered the phone, she nearly took my breath away. I’ve seen her since I graduated, but from afar and in passing. She never really looked my direction much, and she steered clear of any and all things baseball after our split. But I always saw her, I couldn’t help it.

What I wasn’t expecting was her to be even more gorgeous than I remember. Long auburn hair, pulled back into a ponytail that hung down around her shoulder. She had minimal makeup, that was always one thing I loved about her. She didn’t feel the need to coat her entire face in that shit to hide her imperfections, like the tiny scar just in front of her ear.

Kameron is one of the real ones, and I’m not shocked in the least that she’d get a job working and organizing things for the community.

I just didn’t expect her to need me.

But damn if I’m not thankful she does.

Smiling to myself, I pull up my brother’s contact to send him a text.


Good news. Got a date for the wedding.

I hit send and lean back on my couch. My Doberman slowly rises from his spot in the corner, on a dog bed that I have no doubt is more comfortable than the mattress I sleep on every night, and stretches out before he jumps up next to me on the couch. He does a few short circles before he collapses, his head landing on my lap.

I chuckle, running a hand over his soft fur and watch as he slowly drifts back to sleep.

My phone vibrates against my leg, letting me know my brother has responded.


That’s great, who?

I smile as I type out my message, knowing it’s going to shock the shit out of him just as much as it does me.




Wait. The Kameron? The Kameron that said she never wanted to see you again after you got wasted at the baseball house and was stripping in a room full of girls that weren’t your girlfriend? That Kameron?


Oh, fuck off. It wasn’t like that. And yes, that’s the Kameron I’m referring to.


How much did you have to pay her to agree?
